Data Collection Information and Procedures.
The site list received should have all coordinates (UTM NAD 83 Zone 15N) for the locations you are scheduled to visit. The schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will update the group as data come in and so that we can make weekly decisions on whether to continue the effort. The general feeling at the meeting seemed to be that we would continue as long as we are collecting beneficial information or until other obligations dictate reducing or halting participation.
Turbidity: If your unit does not measure turbidity, let me know and we will try to locate an instrument for you to use for the project. In the meantime, measure whichever parameters you can.
Depth: Please indicate with and asterisk in the row labeled “Bottom” if the instrument is not at or near the bottom of the water column. This will likely be the case in main river channels or in some areas of the GIWW, especially if the water is moving very fast.
Direction: If you have a compass, indicate the flow direction in compass bearing. If not, you can print a copy of the map and simply draw an arrow in the direction of water flow. We typically record flow at every water quality location, but if you have the map, you can indicate flow at any intersection or obvious change in flow direction.
Chlorophyl a: Only a few of the sites have been designated for water grabs. If you are collecting water quality at a site where chlorophyll-a is to be collected there will be a “y” in the CHLA column in the table. Water grabs (at least 300 ml in a sealed container) should be taken from the surface, kept on ice, and delivered to LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources as soon as possible. Call 578-4177 or 578-4071 to arrange delivery.
H2S: USGS will be the only group collecting H2S data, unless someone else has a burning desire or thinks it is necessary to collect more.
Data submission: You can get the data to either Bill Kelso or Glenn Constant by whichever means is fastest. If you have to come to LSU to deliver water grabs, then it may be easiest to copy the field sheets and leave them with someone at that time. Email is also fine if you plan to enter the data electronically. Scanning field sheets may result in files that are a little too large for email, but whatever works is fine.
Call or email if there are any questions
Glenn Constant
Water Quality Data Sheet
Atchafalaya Basin Post Hurricane Gustave Water Release Assessment
Site #: ______Date: ______Time: ______
Person recording data: ______
Sampling Depth / Depth (cm) / Temperature (C) / pH / DO(mg/l) / Specific conductance (mmhos/cm) / Turbidity (NTU’s)
Surface / -----
Flow direction: ______
Chlorophyll a sample Yes No
If yes:
Relinquished by: ______Date: ______Time: ______
Received by: ______
Sample processed by: ______
Chlorophyll a concentration: ______
Site #: ______Date: ______Time: ______
Person recording data: ______
Sampling Depth / Depth (cm) / Temperature (C) / pH / DO(mg/l) / Specific conductance (mmhos/cm) / Turbidity (NTU’s)
Surface / -----
Flow direction: ______
Chlorophyll a sample Yes No
If yes:
Relinquished by: ______Date: ______Time: ______
Received by: ______
Sample processed by: ______
Chlorophyll a concentration: ______