On motion of Mr. Townsend, seconded by Mr. Roberts, the following resolution was offered:
A resolution authorizing the Parish of Jefferson to enter into an Agreement with ShotSpotter, Inc., granting permission for installation and maintenance of gun shot sensors on Parish owned utility poles at various locations and one Parish owned building and to provide for other matters. (Council Districts 1, 2 & 3)
WHEREAS, the Parish of Jeffersonentered into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Newell Normand in his capacity as Sheriff of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, authorized by Resolution No. 116407 dated March 16, 2011,to provide the Sheriff with funding for gun shot sensors to reduce crime in the Parish; and
WHEREAS, in connection with said Cooperative Endeavor Agreement, ShotSpotters, Inc., the company installing the sensors, has now identified locations on the West Bank of Jefferson Parish for the installationof the sensors; and
WHEREAS, the Parish, as owner of said locations, has no objection to granting permission to ShotSpotter, Inc.for installation and maintenance of the sensor equipment; and
WHEREAS,said Agreement granting permission to ShotSpotter, Inc. contains all of the required indemnifications and insurance requirements.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Jefferson Parish Council of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:
SECTION 1. That the Parish of Jefferson is hereby authorized to enter into anAgreementwith ShotSpotter, Inc. for permission to install and maintain sensors at the following Parish owned locations:
212 Apollo St. (utility pole)Council District 1
423 W. Butterfly Cir. (utility pole)Council District 1
2128 N. Butterfly Cir. (utility pole)Council District 1
322 Cherry Blossom Ln. (utility pole)Council District 1
Diplomat and Dupont (utility pole)Council District 1
501 Heritage Ave. (utility pole)Council District 1
1040 Beechwood Dr. (utility pole)Council District 2
Angus Dr. & Clydesbank Dr. (utility pole)Council District 2
Angus Dr. & Lochlomand Dr. (utility pole) Council District 2
1337 Redwood Dr. (utility pole)Council District 2
15130 Redwood Dr. (utility pole)Council District 2
1624 Ute Dr. (utility pole)Council District 2
1440 Westbank Expwy. (utility pole)Council District 3
1546 Gretna Blvd. (building)Council District 3
SECTION 2. That the Council Chairman or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, be and is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to give full force and effect to this Agreement.
The foregoing resolution having submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
The resolution is declared adopted on thisthe 12thday of October, 2011.