Summary of Documentation Referred to in Social Inclusion Schedules as at 18thDecember, 2017.

Name of Document / Web Link
Documentation referred to under the Generic heading are available on a separate document list
All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2010 (Our Geels) – Summary of Findings /
Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations 2006 /
Child Care Acts 1991 – 2013 / Child Care Act, 1991 -
Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2007 -
Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2011 -
Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2013 -
Interim Guide for the Development of Child Protection Policy, Procedure & Practice (Tusla March 2015) /
Children First – National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 /
Children’s Act 2001 /
Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (Amendment) Act 2005 /
Connecting for Life: Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-2020 /
Criminal Justice Act 2006 /
Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences Against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act, 2012 /
Domestic Violence Act 1996 - 2002 / Domestic Violence Act, 1996 -
Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act, 2002 -
Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 /
HSE National Intercultural Health Strategy 2007-2012 /
Incident Management including Serious Incidents and Safeguarding Concerns / Incident Management
The Agency Senior Accountable Officer is required to ensure that all incidents relating to patient care and safety; staff safety; accidents, loss or damage to property; incidents involving vehicles are appropriately recorded on the State Claims Agency NIMS system, where the Agency has access, or to the CHO Patient and Safety Officer listed under Schedule 1 where they do not.
Serious Incidents
The Agency Senior Accountable Officer is also required to immediately notify any Serious Incidents inclusive of ‘Serious Reportable Events’ to the relevant HSE Key Contact and to the CHO Quality and Safety Officer listed under Schedule 1.
A list of Serious Reportable Events is available on the NIMLT page of the Quality Assurance and Verification Division (QAVD) website:
Safeguarding Concerns
Issues, concerns or allegations of abuse that are Serious Incidents should be notified as above.
Issues, concerns or allegations of abuse that are incidents should be recorded on NIMS.
The Agency Senior Accountable Officer, in the context of the management of an incident, is the person who has ultimate accountability and responsibility for the services within the area where the incident occurred.
Irish Sports Council – Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport 2006 /
Mental Health Acts 2001 – 2008 / Mental Health Act, 2001 -
Mental Health Act, 2008 -
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Acts 2015 - 2017 / Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2015 -
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2016 -
Misuse of Drugs (Supervised Injecting Facilities) Act, 2017 -
National Children’s Strategy – Our Children Their Lives /
National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework 2010 /
National Policy and Procedure for Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse December 2014 /
National Protocols and Common Assessment Guidelines 2011 /
National Standards for Children’s Residential Centres 2001 /
National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA) July 2012 /
National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare (HIQA) June 2012 /
National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual & Gender Based Violence 2010-2014 /
National Substance Misuse Strategy – Steering Group Report Feb 2012 (DOH) /
Ombudsman for Children Act 2002 /
Opioid Treatment Protocol (HSE 2010) /
Our Duty to Care – The Principles of Good Practice for the Protection of Children and Young People 2002 /
Policy on Protecting HSE Staff from Second Hand Smoke in Domestic Settings (Nov 2014) /
Policy on Domestic, Sexual & Gender Based Violence (HSE 2010) /
Protection of Children (Hague Convention) Act 2000 /
Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 /
Quality in Alcohol and Drugs Services (QuADS) /
Quality Standards in Substance Use Education 2013 (DEWF) /
Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: A Health-Led Response to Drug and Alcohol use in Ireland 2017 – 2025 /
S.I. No 510 of 2005 – Medicinal Products, (Prescription & Control of Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 /
The Agenda for Children’s Services: A Policy Handbook /
Traveller Health Strategy 2002 - 2005 /
The Way Home: A Strategy to Address Adult Homelessness in Ireland 2008-2013 /
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990 /
UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 1993 /
Youth Homelessness Strategy 2001 /