Tremco, Inc. Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing

Hydrostatic and Gas Vapor Barrier Waterproofing Guide Specification

Specifier: This guide specification section specifies Tremco Paraseal® GM/LG 60 mil dual waterproofing system for hydrostatic and gas vapor barrier conditions. The system consists of 60 mils of HDPE, a layer of expandable granular bentonite, and a protective layer of spun polypropylene. The HDPE layer extends beyond the bentonite component on three edges to create a clean surface for heat-welded seams.

Paraseal GM/LG – 60 mil is designed for use in post-installation submerged conditions, on blindside cast-in-place shotcrete walls, and under slabs, where hydrostatic water head and/or gas vapor conditions exist. It may also be used on backfilled walls.

Paraseal GM/LG – 60 mil meets SCAQMD and CARB requirements for low VOC products, and is GreenGuard certified.

This section is easily edited using several common commercial specification software tools.

We recommend you consult with your Tremco construction technical representative, who can be contacted through: Tremco, Inc., Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing Division, BeachwoodOH;(866)321-6357;email:;

Tremco products appear in the following CSI MasterFormat guide specifications available from Tremco:

• Section 070191 Joint Sealant Rehabilitation and Replacement

• Section 071413.01 Hot Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Deck (TREMproof 6100)

• Section 071413.02 Hot Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Vegetated Roof (TREMproof 6100)

• Section 071416.01 Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Vertical and Deck (TREMproof 250GC)

• Section 071416.02 Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Vertical (TREMproof 250GC)

• Section 071416.03 Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Deck (TREMproof 250GC)

• Section 071416.04 Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing, Vegetative Roof (TREMproof 250GC)

• Section 071716.01 Bentonite Waterproofing (Paraseal)

• Section 071716.02 Bentonite Waterproofing (Paraseal GM/LG 60 mil)

• Section 071800.01 Traffic Coatings, Vehicular

• Section 071800.02 Traffic Coatings, Pedestrian

• Section 071800.03 Traffic Coatings, Mechanical Rooms

• Section 072713 Modified Bituminous Sheet Air Barriers, Vapor-Retarding (ExoAir 110)

• Section 072723 Board Product Air Barriers, Vapor Permeable (SECUREROCK ExoAir 430)

• Section 072726.01 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers, Vapor-Retarding (ExoAir 120)

• Section 072726.02 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers, Vapor Permeable (ExoAir 220)

• Section 072726.03 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers, Vapor Permeable (ExoAir 230)

• Section 079200 Joint Sealants

• Section 088500 Glazing Sealants

• Section 321373 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants

This document includes Specifier notes in hidden text. To view hidden text,

Paraseal®, TREMproof®, ExoAir®, Spectrem®, Tremflex®, Dymeric®, and Proglaze® are registered trademarks of Tremco, Inc.

SECUREROCK® is a registered trademark of United States Gypsum Company.

GREENGUARD® is a registered trademark of UL LLC.
This document is Copyright© 2014 by Tremco, Inc.




  1. Section Includes:
  2. Bentonite composite sheet waterproofing.


Specifier: If retaining this optional Related Requirements Article, edit to include only those sections included in project manual.

  1. Section031000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for forms, waterstops, and concrete placement.
  2. Division07 waterproofing and air barrier Sections for flexible flashing that may be part of adjoining waterproofing and air barrier work.
  3. Section 072000 "Thermal Insulation" for foundation insulation.
  4. Section312000 "Earth Moving" for excavating and backfilling[, including requirements for preparation of substrates to receive bentonite waterproofing].
  5. Section315000 "Excavation Support and Protection" for permanent below-grade support systems that require blind-side waterproofing[, including requirements for preparation of substrates to receive bentonite waterproofing].
  6. Section334600 "Subdrainage" for drainage pipe and conduits, drainage panels, and filter fabrics.


Specifier: If retaining this optional References Article, edit to include only those references cited in the edited section.

  1. References, General: Versions of the following standards current as of the date of issue of the project apply to the Work of this Section.
  2. ASTMInternational (ASTM):
  3. ASTMC920-Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants
  4. ASTMD412–Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension
  5. ASTMD5385-Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of Waterproofing Membranes
  6. ASTME154-Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover
  7. ASTME96/E 96M-Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
  8. UL Environment Greenguard Certification:

1.  Greenguard Certification Product Guide

  1. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

1.  40 CFR 59, Subpart D-National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings


  1. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project Site.
  2. Review requirements for waterproofing products and installation, including surface preparation, substrate conditions, project and manufacturer's details, installation procedures, mockups, testing and inspection requirements, protection and repairs, and coordination and sequencing of waterproofing work with work of other Sections.


  1. Product Data: For each type of waterproofing product specified, including:
  2. Technical data indicating compliance with requirements.
  3. Substrate preparation instructions and recommendations.
  4. Shop Drawings: Show locations for waterproofing system components. Show details for each type of substrate, joints, corners, and edge conditions, including flashings, counterflashings, penetrations, transitions, and terminations.


  1. Material Certificates: For each type of bentonite waterproofing, from manufacturer.
  2. Qualification Data: For Installer, manufacturer[, and waterproofing Inspector].
  3. Certification of manufacturer's approval of Installer.

C.  Low-Emitting Product Certificate: For waterproofing products specified to meet volatile organic emissions standards, submit Greenguard Children and Schools Certification or comparable certification acceptable to Architect.

  1. Product Test Reports: Test data for waterproofing products and waterproofing system, by qualified testing agency, indicating proposed waterproofing meets performance requirements, when requested by Architect.
  2. Warranty: Sample of unexecuted manufacturer and installer special warranties.
  3. Field quality control reports.


  1. Installer Qualifications: A manufacturer-approved firm with minimum [three] years experience in installation of specified products in successful use on similar projects, employing workers trained by manufacturer, including a full-time on-site supervisor with a minimum of [three] years experience installing similar work, and able to communicate verbally with Contractor[, Architect,] and employees.
  2. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer [listed in this Section] with minimum five years experience in manufacture of waterproofing as one of its principal products.
  3. Manufacturer's product submitted has been in satisfactory operation on five similar installations for at least five years.

Specifier: Retain "Approval of Manufacturers and Comparable Products" Paragraph below to provide control over qualifying of substituted manufacturers.

  1. Approval of Manufacturers and Comparable Products: [Submit] [Prime Bidder must submit] the following in accordance with project substitution requirements, within time allowed for substitution review:
  2. Completed and signed Substitution Request form.
  3. Product data, including certified independent test data indicating compliance with requirements.
  4. Sample shop drawings from similar project.
  5. Project references: Minimum of five installations of similar system not less than five years old, with Owner and Architect contact information.
  6. Name and resume of proposed qualified Inspector.
  7. Sample warranty.

Specifier: Retain "Waterproofing Inspector Qualifications" Paragraph if Contractor is required to provide inspections under Part 3 Field Quality Control article.

  1. Waterproofing Inspector Qualifications: A technical representative of manufacturer not engaged in the sale of products and experienced in the installation and maintenance of the specified waterproofing system, qualified to perform observation and inspection specified in Field Quality Control Article, to determine Installer’s compliance with the requirements of this Project, and approved by the manufacturer to issue warranty certification. The Inspector shall be one of the following:
  2. An authorized full-time technical employee of the manufacturer.
  3. A independent party certified as an waterproofing inspector by the SWRI or other certifying organization acceptable to Architect, retained by the Contractor.
  4. Mockups: Provide waterproofing mockup application within mockups required in other sections, or if not specified, in an area of not less than 150 sq. ft. (14 sq. m) of surface where directed by Architect for each type of substrate condition. Include examples of surface preparation, crack and joint treatment, waterproofing application, and flashing, transition, and termination conditions, to set quality standards for execution.
  5. Include intersection of waterproofing with adjacent waterproofing and moisture control systems.


  1. Accept materials on site in manufacturer's unopened original packaging.
  2. Store products in weather protected environment, clear of ground and moisture, within temperature ranges recommended by waterproofing manufacturer.

Specifier: Retain first option in "Construction Waste" Paragraph below for LEED projects; retain second option for other projects.

  1. Construction Waste: Store and dispose of packaging materials and construction waste in accordance with requirements of Division 01 Section ["Construction Waste Management"] ["Temporary Facilities and Controls."]


  1. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit bentonite waterproofing to be installed according to manufacturers' written instructions and warranty requirements.
  2. Do not install waterproofing or weld seams during rain, mist or heavy fog. If rain, mist or snow is anticipated before the membrane is compacted below-grade, cover any exposed bentonite or seams with min. 6 mil polyethylene sheet.
  3. Placing bentonite clay products in panel or composite form on damp surfaces is allowed if approved in writing by manufacturer.


  1. Coordinate installation of waterproofing with completion of roofing and other work requiring interface with waterproofing.
  2. Schedule work so waterproofing applications may be inspected prior to concealment.
  3. Ensure waterproofing materials are cured before covering with other materials.


Specifier: Consult Tremco representative for available special project warranty terms and conditions.

  1. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which waterproofing manufacturer agrees to furnish waterproofing material to repair or replace those materials installed according to manufacturer's written instructions that exhibit material defects or otherwise fail to perform as specified under normal use within warranty period specified.
  2. Access for Repair: Owner shall provide unimpeded access to the Project and the waterproofing system for purposes of testing, leak investigation, and repair, and shall reinstall removed cladding and overburden materials upon completion of repair.
  3. Cost Limitation: Manufacturer's obligation for repair or replacement shall be limited to the original installed cost of the work.
  4. Warranty Period: [__] years date of Substantial Completion.
  5. Special warranties specified in this article exclude deterioration or failure of waterproofing materials from the following:
  6. Movement of the structure caused by structural settlement or stresses on the waterproofing exceeding manufacturer's written specifications for elongation.
  7. Mechanical damage caused by outside agents.



Specifier: Retain option for substitutions below and edit if required for project.

  1. Basis-of-Design Products: Provide waterproofing products manufactured by Tremco, Inc., Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing Division, An RPM Company, Beachwood OH; (866)321-6357; email: ;, [or comparable products of other manufacturer approved by Architect in accordance with Instructions to Bidders and Division 01 General Requirements].
  2. Source Limitations: Provide waterproofing system materials and accessory products from single source from single manufacturer.


  1. General: Waterproofing system shall be capable of performing as a continuous watertight installation and as a moisture drainage plane transitioned to adjacent flashings and discharging water to the building exterior. Waterproofing shall accommodate normal substrate movement and seal expansion and control joints, construction material transitions, opening transitions, penetrations, and perimeter conditions without resultant moisture deterioration.
  2. Compatibility: Provide waterproofing system materials that are compatible with one another and with adjacent materials under conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by waterproofing manufacturer based on testing and field experience.


Tremco's Paraseal GM/LG gastight membrane is resistant to aliphatic gases when seams are heat-welded; no taping of seams are allowed in this application. Paraseal GM/LG includes a protective laminate layer of spun polypropylene for use in blindside, below-slab, and shotcrete applications.

  1. Composite HDPE/Bentonite Membrane with Protective Facing: Composite membrane consisting of granular bentonite laminated to a 60-mil (1.5 mm) thick HDPE geomembrane liner for a total weight of up to 1.0 lb/sq. ft. (4.88 kg/sq. m).
  2. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, [provide the following] [provide one of the following] [available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following]:
  3. Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing, an RPM company; Paraseal GM/LG - 60 mil.
  4. Comparable product approved by Architect prior to bid.
  5. Puncture Resistance: 400 lbf (1.78kN) according to ASTME154.
  6. Tensile Strength, Membrane: 4,000 psi (27.58 MPa) according to ASTMD412.
  7. Elongation, Percent: 700 percent according to ASTMD412.
  8. Resistance to Hydrostatic Head: 230 ft. (70.1 m) according to ASTMD5385.
  9. Vapor Permeance: 0.03 perms according to ASTME96.
  10. VOC Content: 0 g/L.


  1. Granular Bentonite: Sodium bentonite clay containing a minimum of 90 percent montmorillonite (hydrated aluminum silicate), with a minimum of 90 percent passing a No.20 (0.85-mm) sieve.
  2. Bentonite Mastic: Trowelable consistency, bentonite compound, specifically formulated for application at joints and penetrations.
  3. Termination Bar: Extruded-aluminum or formed-stainless-steel bars with upper flange to receive sealant.
  4. Plastic Protection Sheet: Polyethylene sheeting complying with ASTMD4397; thickness recommended by waterproofing manufacturer to suit application but at least 6 mils (0.15 mm) thick.
  5. Cement Grout Patching Material: Manufacturer's recommended grout mix compatible with substrate being patched.
  6. Masonry Fasteners: Case-hardened nails or hardened-steel, powder-actuated fasteners. Depending on manufacturer's written requirements, provide 1/2- or 1-inch- (13- or 25-mm-) diameter washers under fastener heads.
  7. Sealants: As recommended in writing by waterproofing manufacturer. Comply with requirements specified in Division07 Section "Joint Sealants."
  8. Waterstops: Flexible, reinforced, bentonite-laminate waterstop strips 1/2 by 1 inch (12 by 25 mm) with pressure-sensitive adhesive backing for sealing static cold joints in concrete.
  9. Joint Sealants: Termination Seals:
  10. Single Component, Nonsag, Urethane Joint Sealant: ASTMC920, TypeS, GradeNS, Class25, for UseNT: Tremco Incorporated; VulkemDymonic.



  1. Surface Condition: Before applying waterproofing materials, examine substrate and conditions to ensure substrates and conditions comply with manufacturer's written recommendations.
  2. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.