CCCD Meeting Agenda
March 15th, 2016
Called to order: _5:02______
Attendees:Sarah, Kelly, Mike, Steve, Scott, Kris, Bert, John S.
NRCS Update (Kelly)
The next batching date is Friday, March 18, 2016. The Soil Con. job will be announced soon (Kelly’s former job) and it will be open to everyone.
District (Sarah)
Financial Report – February 2016Bert motioned to approve, Kris 2nd
Office Activity:
2/24 – Conservation Buffer Workshop, N. Haverhill
3/11 – Budget Meeting
3/14 – Colebrook Farmers Market Meeting
3/17- CDEA Meeting, Concord
3/22 – Raspberry School (UNH Extension), N. Haverhill
3/23 – Grant Writing Workshop
Bulb Sale Mailings
District highlight for NELM (New England Leadership Meeting)
District highlight book – NHACD
- Waiting to hear back from Farm Family Insurance, Primex, GMS Insurance
- 2015 Audit Completed
- Moose Plate Grant paperwork - Complete
- Colebrook Farmers Market meeting – Meeting was cancelled due to weather. I will be meeting with Heidi Barker within the next few weeks to discuss CCCD’s role with the Colebrook Farmers Market.Maybe Melissa Grella could come to a meeting to explain program more?
- UNH Cooperative Extension is holding a Raspberry School on March 22nd in North Haverhill. I think this would be a good opportunity for me to learn more about this topic before pursuing adding berries & fruit trees to the spring plant sale next year. It is $30 for the 6 hour workshop. Registration is due by 3/18Bert motioned to approve the $30 for the workshop, Kris 2nd
- Grant Writing Workshop hosted by NH State Conservation Committee – March 23rd, 9-4 at Lamson Library, Plymouth State University
- Riparian buffer workshop – April 29th at 10am - Everett Frizzell’s property in Stark and then a visit to Robin Heinrich’s site in Stratford. This will be a partner workshop to explain the demo project.
- Project Learning Tree Workshop –We need to pick a date in the fall –no earlier than mid-September.We are looking for an indoor / outdoor space to hold the workshop – Possibly the Tillotson Center, with access to the Riverwalk and Scott’s fields nearby
- April 13th there is a grant information session about the Tillotson Fund at the Indian Stream Health Center from 10 – 11:30 that I will be attending.
- Rural Fire Protection Proposal
"Can you give us more information about the Cost Share Program?"
-The idea for a Cost Share program is just that, an idea. As of right now there is no Cost Share Program. My thinking is that working together we would search out a government or corporate grant to fund a program to provide funds to towns to install drafting facilities. Perhaps this would be a pilot at first. If enough Districts want to work together on rural fire protection, that is an avenue we could explore. If successful, the administration of a cost/share program for communities in your county could generate some indirect cost revenue.
"What does working on developing services that could assist the town install water drafting sites actually entail?"
-This is an area that each District could govern their own level of involvement. You could simply do what was identified in the proposal and let the towns in your county know your District is the conduit for information previously developed for the Town by North Country RC&D. If your District wanted to get more deeply involved you might consider having an engineer work as an independent consultant for your District designing and helping the Town install drafting facilities. This would likely be for a fee. Again, this is an area we would want to flesh out if enough Districts want to move forward.
Since most Regional Planning Commissions are involved in some way or another in Hazard Mitigation Planning, working together on this could open doors to new partnerships with RPC's for Districts.
Bert has a contact that he can ask about the program, and to see if it is needed in the county.
Adjourned: 5:35 Bert motioned, Scott 2nd
- January
- 1st – New Year’s Day (OFF)
- 12th – Board Meeting
- 15th – Local Food Stewardship, Tillotson Center 5 – 8pm
- 18th – MLK Jr. Day (OFF)
- 22nd – 23rd - Farm & Forest Expo
- February
- 9th – Board Meeting
- 15th - President’s Day (OFF)
- MarchSpring Bulb Sale
- 11th – Coos County Annual Budget Meeting– 10am, W. Stewartstown
- 15th – Board Meeting
- 17th - CDEA Meeting
- 22nd – Raspberry School
- 23rd – Grant Writing Workshop for Districts
- AprilSpring Bulb Sale
- 1st – Bulb Orders Due
- 12th – Board Meeting
- 29th – Riparian Buffer Partner Workshop
- MaySpring Bulb Sale
- 2nd & 3rd – Bulb Pick-Up
- 10th – Board Meeting
- 18th & 19th – Conservation Day
- 30th – Memorial Day (OFF)
- June
- 14th– Board Meeting
- 16th17th – OFF
- July
- 4th – Independence Day (OFF)
- 12th – Board Meeting
- AugustFall Bulb Sale
- 9th – Board Meeting
- SeptemberFall Bulb Sale
- 1st – 5th - Lancaster Fair
- 5th – Labor Day (OFF)
- No Board Meeting this month due to Sarah’s wedding, the 17th
- October
- 10th – Columbus Day (OFF)
- 11th – Board Meeting
- November
- 8th – Board Meeting
- 11th – Veteran’s Day (OFF)
- 24th – Thanksgiving Day (OFF)
- December
- 13th – Board Meeting
- 25th – Christmas Day
- 26th – OFF