TEL : 0208 686 2127 FAX: 020 8686 2127 E- MAIL: www.whitsports.co.uk
Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms (capitals please) ......
Address ......
...... Postcode ......
Tel (home) ...... Mobile ...... e-mail ......
I hereby apply for membership of the Whitgift Sports Club and, if elected, agree to be bound by the Rules of the Club and
my Playing Section. Please return this completed form to The Secretary at the above address.
Signed ...... Date ......
Proposer ...... Seconder ......
Print Name ...... Print Name ......
Proposer and seconder must be existing members of the Whitgift Sports Club of no less than one year's standing
Please indicate ✓ Playing Section(s) of Choice: Rugby Cricket Hockey Football Water Polo Tennis
Date of Birth : Employment:
Previous playing experience (name Schools/Clubs/etc):
Have you ever been subject to any disciplinary action? YES NO (If YES give date, reason and details including
period of suspension. Use separate sheet if required):
If you are a director of a company or have held directorships in the past, please list or use separate sheet:
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence other than motoring? YES NO (If YES give dates and details.
Use separate sheet if required):
Please indicate ✓ chosen category. See reverse for further details, dates of payments and direct debit payment plan.
FULL PLAYING 8 games or more £185 £37 pm
OCCASIONAL PLAYING 3 - 8 games £ 92.50 £19 pm
U24 Under 24 on 1st Sept of current year £ 80 £17 pm
AMS Member £ 50 £11 pm
TENNIS 1st May to 30 September £ 80 £17 pm
SOCIAL Non-playing £ 50 n/a
JUNIOR Rugby & Cricket (Please ask for separate application form)
A surcharge of £20 applies to all late payments
PATRON OF THE WSC Annual Donation: £100 (minimum donation)
DECLARATION: I confirm that I have no outstanding obligations or financial liabilities to any previous club and I am not
subject to any current disciplinary action. I declare that the above information is truthful and correct.
SIGNED ...... Date ......
The Whitgift Sports Club is an open Club and welcomes all Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Football, Water Polo and Tennis enthusiasts as players and supporters together with purely social members. The Club runs successful teams in all these sports (Playing Sections) catering for all skill levels, as well as Junior Rugby and Colts Cricket.
Facilities for playing Rugby, Cricket and Football are provided at the Club's own playing fields at Croham Road.
Swimming and Water Polo take place at Haling Park. All weather Hockey pitches are out-sourced as required and Tennis is played on the hard courts at Old Palace Prep School nearby (1st May to 30th September).
Applying for Membership
Any person aged 16 and over may apply for membership of the Whitgift Sports Club subject to being proposed and seconded by existing Club members. The Club has a strict membership procedure, which requires the submission
of the completed Application Form together with payment or, alternatively, a completed Direct Debit form. Playing
applicants may decide whether they wish their membership to commence in September (Rugby, Hockey, Football and Water Polo) or May (Cricket and Tennis). The application will then be processed by the Management Board in consultation with the relevant Playing Section committee, over a period of fourteen days. Once the application has
been assessed and, if successful, the candidate is then formally elected. Until this process is completed, the
applicant may not make himself available for selection, nor use the facilities of the Club.
Playing Subscriptions
Membership as a player currently costs £180.00 per annum with reductions for those aged under 24. This will include any or all of the following sports: Rugby, Hockey, Football & Cricket. The Tennis subscription (£80) may be purchased separately and includes the member's playing partner. Water Polo is an all year round sport and operates a different arrangement for subscriptions - currently £29 per month.
Payment of subscriptions is due by 1st September (Rugby, Hockey & Football) or 1st May (Cricket & Tennis)
each year. Payment is preferred by Direct Debit but will also be accepted in cash, cheques (payable to Whitgift
Sports Club) or credit cards (subject to a 1.5% surcharge). A Direct Debit payment instalment plan is also available
for playing members with the subscription being spread over 5 months for an additional £1 per month.
A surcharge of £20 applies to all late payments.
Social Member Subscriptions
Social membership, which includes seasonal fixture cards for all Playing Sections and other communications about
forthcoming events, currently costs £50.00 per annum.
Junior Membership
Rugby Junior and Cricket Colt membership is available at the current rate of £110 per annum. Multiple sibling
discounts will apply. This includes a Social membership for parents. Applicants for Junior Rugby and Colts Cricket should ask for separate forms. Please call the Club Manager on 0208686 2127.
Membership Cards
Playing and Social Members and Patrons will be issued with a Whitgift Sports Club Membership Card providing
access to the Club and a discount on all bar purchases. (Not applicable to Junior/Colts members).
Match Fees
In addition, match fees may be charged at the level set by the individual Playing Sections.
Patron Members
The Patrons' scheme provides supporters of the Whitgift Sports Club with the opportunity to make annual donations to the Club and attend the Sportman's Lunches held throughout the year.
Clubhouse Facilities
The Club's function rooms and bars are available for members to hire at favourable rates for parties, dinners and meetings. Catering services are available by arrangement with the Club Manager.
Information on all aspects of the Whitgift Sports Club, together with fixture lists for all playing sections can be found
on the Club's website: www.whitsports.co.uk