Booking Request Form
Phone 02 4969 0690 Fax 02 4969 0699 e-mail:
Company NameAddress
Suburb / State / Postcode
Order Contact / Phone number
Fax / Email
Billing Address and Contact
Suburb / State / Postcode
SPECIAL OFFER: Book 3 or more participants onto the same course & date & receive a 10% Discount * Applies to selected applications courses only
Course Details / Location (Please tick) / q Newcastle / q Tuggerah
PLEASE NOTE: If booking on a TAE course please tick the specific course you are booking for:
q TAE Industry / q TAE Upgrade / q TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (Full TAE)
Course Name / Start Date / Price / Participant Name / Email ( required for each participant)
Funded Training Only:
Is this training being funded under the Strategic Skills Program (SSP) / q Yes q No
Are any of the participants to commence study as a Trainee: / q Yes q No If YES: qNew Entrant q Existing Worker
Has traineeship eligibility already been determined by an AAC: / q Yes q No / If YES: Name of AAC:
Payment Details – MUST be completed before bookings can be confirmed
q Purchase Order # (Must be provided prior to training, for approved clients only)
q Direct Debit – I will deposit funds directly into Forsythes Training Account: NAB Newcastle BSB: 082 748 Acc #: 138578788
q Cheque Cheque Number Fee Enclosed $ ____
q Credit Card q Bankcard q MasterCard q Visa q AMEX
Card Number ¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨ Expiry¨¨-¨¨
Cardholders Name Signature
Please Note: A 3% Processing Fee applies to all credit card payments, with a maximum charge of $25.00
I have read and agree to comply with the Terms & Conditions below – MUST be signed before bookings will be accepted
ENROLMENT CONFIRMATION: Participants’ enrolments will be confirmed via email prior to course commencement. Forsythes Training does not guarantee a place on a course until course booking is received and a confirmation is sent out.
PAYMENT POLICY : With the exception of approved Corporate Accounts all course fees must be paid 10 days prior to course commencement. For approved Corporate Accounts, payment is due 30 days from date of invoice. Failure to comply with the 30-day credit period will necessitate payment in advance for future training. Please note: A Purchase Order must be raised and sent through prior to training. For further information on our payment policy, please see the student handbook which is located on our website at
CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: FULL QUALIFICATIONS - Please refer to Forsythes Trainings cancellation/refund policy in our Student Handbook that can be located on our website at .
ALL OTHER COURSES (including applications and short courses) - The full course fee is charged for cancellation of any booking within 10 working days of course commencement, and a free resit is provided. . Requests for cancellations or transfers must be received in writing and acknowledged by Forsythes Training. Please refer to Forsythes Trainings cancellation/refund policy in the student handbook which is located on our website at for further details.
RESCHEDULED COURSES: Forsythes Training makes every effort to deliver courses on the scheduled dates. However, when necessary, Forsythes Training reserves the right to, without notice, change course schedules, discontinue courses, modify courses, limit class sizes and refuse entry to a course.
Name ______Signature ______Date: ______
Booking request Form Version 4
Release date: 12/11/2012