Meadowlark Middle School

301 Meadowlark Drive

Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Telephone: 336.703.4228

Fax: 336.922.1745

CTE Department | Business Education

Teacher: Mr. Adam Doss

Room: 402


Class Website:

Classes: Exploring Career Decisions, Computer Skills & Applications I,
Computer Skills & Applications II

Class Expectations

1.  Be prompt – You should be in your assigned seat with all materials needed for class and ready to work when the bell rings.

2.  Be prepared – You should have all materials with you when you come to class. This includes homework. Be prepared to be involved in the class.

3.  Be respectful – You should respect all students, teachers and their property as well as school property. This includes raising your hand, listening while others are speaking, remaining in your seat during class, and keeping the room clean.

4.  Follow directions – All students are expected to follow the above expectations as well as other classroom directions and school rules. If in doubt, please ask. Questions are always welcome.


1.  Warning

2.  Parent Phone Call & Period Detention

3.  Parent Conference

4.  Office Referral

NOTE: The teacher reserves the right to use an Office Referral for extreme offenses.

Materials Needed

·  A positive attitude

·  A 2-pocket folder – This will help you keep everything organized for this class

·  Pencils/Pens

·  2 GB Flash Drive (Optional)

Class Topics

·  Interests, attitudes, values, personality, learning styles, and skills and how they influence career choices

·  The world of work and skills needed for employment success

·  Job search techniques

·  Keyboarding skills (speed and accuracy)

·  Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access & Publisher

·  Digital literacy


·  10% Participation

·  20% Assignments (Classwork & Homework)

·  20% Bell Ringers / Current Events

·  50% Quizzes & Projects

·  A 100-90

·  B 89-80

·  C 79-70

·  D 69-60

·  F Below 60

Missing Assignments

Students absent from class will be expected to make up missed work. Please see me upon returning and I will ensure that you get all missed handouts, assignments, homework, announcements, etc. Students have one school day for each day missed to make up missing work. This includes being out of the room for any reason even if you are still at school.

Important Guidelines

1.  Students should enter the room quietly, take out their class materials and begin working on the Bell Ringer/Current Events assignment for the day. Students should sharpen all pencils at the beginning of class as you enter the room. Please throw all trash in the trashcan and make sure your work area is clean before leaving the class. It is your responsibility to keep your work area clean. The class will not be dismissed until all students have logged off the computers, cleaned their work areas and have pushed chairs under the tables.

2.  Students should not talk without permission. Students should raise their hand when needing assistance or when the class is being asked a question. Students should stay in their seats until the teacher can respond.

3.  No gum, candy, food, or drinks of any kind are allowed around the computers or in the classroom.

4.  Computers, printers, equipment and school property are all very expensive. Improper use (unauthorized downloading, writing on tables/computers, etc.) will not be tolerated and will be subject to consequences.

5.  Expect to work all period every day. Come to class with a positive attitude. Come prepared with all materials and homework.

6.  Disrespect of any kind to the teacher or other students is unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. Politeness and patience will make our classroom a pleasant place to be.

7.  Trips to your locker or the bathroom should take place during class changes or lunch with a teacher’s permission. I understand that emergencies occur; however, it is important that you stay in class as much as possible so that you will not miss something important.

8.  Cell phones, iPods, iPads, MP3 players and other electronic devices are not allowed.

9.  Students should stay on task at all times. You should not visit social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Students should not be on other websites such as YouTube or any website that does not directly relate to the assignment unless given permission by the teacher. Students should not access inappropriate sites. Students should not play games without permission.

10.  Follow all rules and procedures outlined in the student handbook.

11.  Remember: I am here to help you reach your goals. We can have fun and learn at the same time. One way I want to do that is to relate the class to your interests. Always know that I am available if you have questions, concerns or just need someone to talk to. The school also has valuable resources (Guidance, Media Center, Etc.). Remember what you do today affects your future. Do your best – that is all anyone requires. I am open for suggestions. If you have ideas, please share them with me. Twenty years from now people won’t remember the clothes you were wearing or the car you were driving but they will remember how you made them feel. I will provide respect and I also expect it from you. I have confidence in you. I’m looking forward to a great year!

Please sign/date the information below. Please return to Mr. Doss no later than August 26 for
“A” Day Classes or August 27 for “B” Day Classes. I need the portion below the dotted line returned. Please keep the information above.


I have read and understand the Classroom Management Plan for Mr. Doss’ Business / Computer Class. I will do my best by following the rules, coming to class prepared and completing my assignments on time.

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

I acknowledge that I have read, reviewed with my child and understand the Classroom Management Plan for Mr. Doss’ Business / Computer Class. I will do my best by ensuring my child is equipped with the necessary materials and ready to learn and will do my best to communicate with the teacher and school.

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______