“Little children, from the moment they are weaned, are making their way toward independence.”

Maria Montessori

Important Information

School Hours: 8:15- 3:20

Phone: 763-0180

Teacher: Leah Nickolai


Room#: 202

Before School

Parents can begin dropping off their children on the playground starting at 7:45. Please do not drop your child off earlier than this time. We know how nervous the children are the first few days of school. Feel free to escort your child to the classroom on their first day of school only.

If you need to bring your child to school late, please stop in the office to sign them in.

Picking up your child during school hours

If you need to pick up your child earlier than the 3:20 dismissal, you will need to stop in the office and sign him/her out.

Picking up your child after school:

All kindergarten students will be picked up from the playground. I will meet you there with your child and will not release them to anyone other than a parent without written permission.


Your child can bring a lunch from home (cold lunch) or have a hot lunch prepared by the school. If your child brings a cold lunch, please keep in mind the following: You will need to provide a drink or send 25 cents for your child to purchase milk and we don’t have access to a microwave or a refrigerator. Please teach your child how to open packages so they don’t need to ask for too much help. There are aides in the lunchroom to help, but there are many children and only a few aides. 


***Please send all money in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name and purpose of the money, i.e. milk, lunch, field trip, book order, book fair, etc. ***


I have an email address here at school (see first page), which is checked several times each day. This is the best way to reach me, when possible, instead of using the voice mail system. Of course in an emergency, please call!


Each month a class calendar will be sent home or emailed with your child to let you know of upcoming events such as days off of school, early release days, field trips, PTO meetings, themes, etc.


We will have a recess break each day. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather, especially as it starts getting cooler. The school policy is that children have to wear coats if it is below 60 degrees. Boots and snow pants are required for outside play in the winter. We also recommend two pairs of mittens, as they will get wet playing in the snow. Please have your child practice zipping and putting on all winter gear so they can do so by themselves.

Rest / Quiet Time

The children will have a 20-30 minute rest time each day after lunch recess. This is a quiet time for the children to use to relax during our busy days at school. We understand that not all children will nap or sleep, which is fine, but we’d like them to remain quiet for those who will need to sleep for that time. After the first few weeks of school we will do silent reading or a read aloud during this time. Please discuss quiet time with your child to be fair to all the children during this time. School policy prohibits blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals due to possible lice infestation if there is an outbreak at school. Please do not send plastic mats.

Field Trips

We have several field trips each year for Kindergarten students; some require parent chaperones, some do not. We would love to give all parents a chance to go on a field trip, but we have to rotate so all parents get a chance to go. If we do not get enough volunteers for a certain trip, then we will ask ones that have already attended to go again. No younger siblings are allowed to go on school field trips.


All children like to celebrate their birthdays here at school. I also enjoy making a day special for your child. Please feel free to bring a special treat on your child’s birthday, though it is not expected. If your child has a summer birthday, feel free to contact me and we will find a day during the year to have a special day for your child to celebrate with his/her classmates. If you are planning a party for your child and wish to invite classmates, I will certainly pass out invitations as long as everyone is included so no feelings are hurt. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


Children should be able to care for themselves in the restrooms here at school. We donot have a restroom in the classroom. All have automatic flushing toilets, which may sometimes frighten youngsters. Please explain to your child how these toilets work and that it may be a bit noisy, but will not hurt them. Please discuss proper behavior in a public bathroom (no swinging from doors, peeking at friends, screaming, splashing water, etc.) Any attention you can give to these matters is greatly appreciated.

The Independent Child

In Kindergarten, your child will be expected to hang up his/her coat, place his/her backpack on the hook, put their folder in basket, work independently without disturbing other children, and speak respectfully to the other children and adults of Cooper School. You may have to work with your child in mastering the self-care that is expected. Your child needs to be able to handle going to the bathroom, good hygiene, buttoning, zipping, tying shoes, etc.


You need to call the school office to report your child’s absence. If your child is sick, please keep them at home. If your child has a fever, please keep them at home. District policy states that a child must be fever free without the use of medicine for 24 hours in order to return to school. Germs spread quickly among kindergartners, so please teach your child good hygiene habits (sneeze into their sleeve, use a tissue, wash hands, etc.).


Yes, there will be some homework this year for your kindergarten student. Most of the homework will be reading. A note will come home when we start reading groups explaining this or I will explain at our November conference.


Practical Life is a major part of our curriculum.Students will take turns preparing snacks for the class as a group. A menu will come home for you to sign up for supplies needed to prepare snack. We also need dry good snacks like crackers, cereal, pretzels, goldfish crackers, etc…Please sign up for an item once a month so everyone shares the responsibility.

Montessori Parent Group

Please consider joining the Montessori Parent Group. This group is an essential part of our Montessori Program. Everyone is welcome! You can learn more about Montessori with guest speakers, demonstrations, and meet other parents with students in the program. I will include more information about times and dates in Newsletters or brochures.

Kindergarten Montessori Supply List

One Take Home Folder

One Blue Folder with 3 Prongs

One Red Folder for reading

One Kindergarten composition notebook with space for picture on top (please no spiral notebooks)

One24 count box of crayons

Colored pencils

One large package of Dixie Cups

One roll of paper towels



One pack of pre-sharpened pencils

One two pack of large glue sticks

One backpack to take home daily

Gym shoes for class

One box Clorox wipes

Please do not send nap mats, pencil boxes or sharpeners.

All students MUST wear or bring tennis shoes on Physical Education days.

Please send a change of clothes to keep in your child’s backpack in case of accidents.

Please put names on take home and reading folders.

All other supplies do not need labels as they are community supplies.

Thank you.

~Miss Nickolai

A Montessori Poem

Today I did my math and language, practical life too,

I used my eyes, my ears and hands, my senses the whole day through.

I added and subtracted, learned patience all the day.

I used tweezers, blocks, and puzzles,

And worked with the scrubbing tray.

I learned how to mix colors,

And learned how to weigh.

So mom and dad, please don’t say-


You see, I’m sharing as I play,

Learning self control throughout the day,

I’m learning to listen and speak clearly when I talk,

To wait my turn and when inside to walk,

To put my words into phrases,

To balance along the “Red Rod” maze,

To find my name and write it down,

I do it with a smile, not a frown.

So mom and dad, please don’t say,


I learned about a snail, I learned about a worm,

I learned about flags and maps,

And how to take a turn,

I helped a friend when he was stuck,

I learned that water runs off a duck.

I looked at words from left to right,

Agreed to differ, not to fight.

Today I sang the continent song,

I learned the difference between right and wrong,

So mom and dad, please don’t say,


Because yes, I played the whole day through,

I worked to learn the things I do,

Encounter a problem, find the clue and work it out for myself, I do.

My teachers set the scene and stand near-by,

They want me to succeed and teach me how to try.

They pose the questions, and help me to think,

They keep me afloat and would never let me sink.

So don’t get discouraged and frustrate me,

I try my best and I’m learning each day.

So mom and dad, please don’t say,

