Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz

summer term 2012/2013

To start the course a group of at least 5 students is required.

Course title: / Foundation of Mathematical Statistics
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM199
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Aleksandra Baszczyńska
The subject of mathematical statistics. Statistical model. Sample distributions of statistics. Types of statistical
inference. Confidence interval estimation for the mean, variance and fraction. Parametric tests of signifiance for
Description: / the means, variances and fractions. Nonparametric estimation. Nonparametric test of signifiance: run, sign and
rank test. Fitness tests: the ch-square test, test Shapiro-Wilk test. The analysis of variance. Estimation forregression parameters.
The verification of hypotheses in regression and correlation analysis. Time series. Thedecomposition of time series.
Course title: / Statistical Analysis of Financial Instruments
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM145
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / dr Jerzy Korzeniewski
Basic financial instruments (fundamental and modified). The models of the changes of paper titles. The probabilitydistributions
Description: / and correlationsof shares prices, return rates. The application of statistical measures, discriminationanalysis and factor analysis
to the investigation of financial instruments on capital and insurance market. Termcontracts of forward, swap
and future type options. Options pricing- discret model, the Black-Scholes formula.Protection from risk – Greek parameters.
Course title: / Risk in Strategic Management
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM147
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / dr Jerzy Korzeniewski
The nototion of risk and uncertainty. Types of risk. The classification of risk and uncertainty. Risk measures. The
trends of risk elimination in management: management board flexibility, production concentration and
Description: / specialization, reserves accumulation, creating insurance funds, self – insurance. Risk in investment decisions,
pricing of capital reserves, investment risk analisys. Risk in company’s activity: the methods of risk estimation
and elimination. The multicriterial models of production designs in the presence of risk.
Course title: / Statistical Methods for Management
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM148
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Aleksandra Baszczyńska
The foundations of probability – probability, join and conditional probability and their applications in decision
Description: / making. The methods of data collecting and analysing. Random variables and their applications. Parameter
estimation and hypothesis testing for univariate- applications in operation and strategic decisions. Time series
inference and forecasting – applications in marketing research.
Course title: / Computer assisted economic modeling II - multiequational models
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM153
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / prof. Jan Gajda
In modern economics one builds multiequational models to stimulate effects of economic policy or forecast the
Description: / future. The course is practically oriented nevertheless basic knowledge in economics, statistics and economerics –
roughly on the level of computer assisted economic modelling I is expected.
Course title: / Statistical Methods of Decision Making
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM159
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Aleksandra Baszczyńska
The elements of decision models, information in decision processes, modelling, decision situations. Subjective probability
Description: / and utility function. Statistical decision problems. Decision trees, payoff matrixes, opportunity losstable, the strategic games
decisions under uncertainty. Game theory: optimal solution of two – person and zero –sum games, mixed strategies.
Course title: / Capital Market
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM163
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / DrMonika Bolek
Financial markets – functions and classification. Capital market – organization and basic regulations. Rate of
Description: / return and risk assessment, portfolio theory. Market’s equilibrium models. Stock analysis and pricing. Bond
analysis and pricing with duration concept. Option market characteristics, equilibrium on the market and pricing
of instruments. Strategic investments using options.
Course title: / Corporate Finance
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM164
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Monika Bolek
Introduction to corporate finance. Case flow analysis. Cost capital. Capital budgeting. Long – term financial
Description: / planning. Capital structure. Sources of long – term financing. Dividend policy. Working capital management.
Short-term financing. Derivatives in financial management.
Course title: / Elements of sociology of culture and art (in FRENCH)
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM167
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Prof. Anna Matuchniak-Krasuska
The main topic are: definitions of culture, culture and communication, cultural participation of Polish society;
Description: / institutions and public, sociology of culture in Poland, national culture as sociological problem, censorship in
Europe and Poland, sociology of art.
Course title: / Culture and communication
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM170
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / dr Emilia Zimnica-Kuzioła
The main topic link with great area of sociology of art as mass media, visual art, theatre, photography. Culture
Description: / and communication. Media communication. Pathology of media communication. Sociology of culture in Poland.
Sociology of art: problematic and methods. Sociology of theatre. Theory and sociology of photography.
Course title: / Culture et communication(in FRENCH)
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM268
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Prof. Anna
The main topic link with great area of sociology of art as mass media, visual art, theatre, photography. Culture
Description: / and communication. Media communication. Pathology of media communication. Sociology of culture in Poland.
Course title: / Rural areas in transition: the case of Poland
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM173
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / dr Andrzej Pilichowski
Course unit focuses on social aspects of changing rural areas at local and global level. The main aim is to analyse
the rural world particularly in view of Poland’s accession to the European Union. The main topic are: Rural
Description: / development as a multi-level process rooted in historical traditions. The type of the social-politic discourse in the
countries of the EU and in the CEFCs on the present and future aspects of agriculture and rural areas in the
globalising world and uniting Europe. The rural Poland. One day – long excursion in the field.
Course title: / Social inequality
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM174
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / Prof. Ewa Rokicka
The course is intended to provide the students with the knowledge about Polish society and Western societies –
their structure, functioning and dynamics of changes. The course programme covers the following types of
Description: / questions: 1) Social classes and stratification 2) Class structure as an inequality system 3) Research on inequality
in Western countries and in Poland 4) Social inequality dimensions 5) Measures of social inequality 6) Inequality
and social mobility 7) Research on reception of social inequality 8) Social structure transformation in modernsocieties
Course title: / Sociological workshop of photography
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM175
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Tomasz Ferenc
Basic ideas of sociological workshop of photography are: practical analyzing and discovering cognitive possibilities,
Description: / which photography offer to us, studying different ways of analysing an image, developing the ways of the
perception of our social environment. Finally it is also good opportunity for reconsidering our own photographical
practices and to developed photographical skills.
Course title: / Social aspects of management
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM176
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / dr Anna Kubczak
Course unit focuses on social aspects of management. It’s main aim is to analyse structure, functioning and the
Description: / dynamics of human relations within an organization. The course programme covers the following topics:
organization as social system, Human Resources Management, leadership, group decision making, recruitment
and selection, motivation theory, evaluation and organizational culture.
Course title: / Linear programming in modelling and solving economic decision problems
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM179
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / Dr Iwona Konarzewska
Description: / Introduction to linear programming. Simplex algorithm. Duality and sensitivity analysis. Interpretation of the dual
problem and its optimal solution. Transformation problem.
Course title: / Macroeconomics
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM141
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Mgr Katarzyna Madaj
National Accounts, GPD, Factors influencing the level of GPD. Economic Growth part1 and part2. Business cycles.
Description: / Philips Curve, Okun’a law, Laffer’s curve, Inflation, inflation – by main reason. Transformation of Polish economy;
structural changes. Economic and social consequences of transformation in Poland.
Course title: / International accounting standards
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM182
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Joanna Fila
Lectures will cover the theme of accounting harmonization and convergence worldwide and in Europe. Specifically
Description: / the “Framework” and the Financial Reporting Standards issued by International Accounting Standards Board will
be addressed. The differences between IAS US GAAP and Polish Accounting Regulations will be discussed.
Course title: / Management of corporate finance
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM183
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Radosław Pastusiak
Main goal of this meeting is to recover or learn students about basic problems in management of corporate
finance. Theory will be backed practical case’s, which should be solve during classes. Students activity is very
Description: / important and apart short test will be basic reason of successful ending of the classes. The plan of lectures. Cost
of the capital. Financial sentiment analyze. Financing investments projects. Credits, debenture, leasing, Corporate
efficiency. Management of working capital.
Course title: / Fiscal policy in theory and practice
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM184
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / dr Tomasz Uryszek
The main goal of the classes is to formalize students with different theories relevant to fiscal policy as well as to
Description: / present the most important problems of Polish fiscal policy during the transformation period in EU enlargement
process. Students will have an opportunity to focus on causes and results of the fiscal deficit in Poland and to
have closer look at Polish fiscal system.
Course title: / Selected issues on monetary integration
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM186
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Joanna Bogołębska
The course unit is concentrated mainly on central bank’s view of the monetary integration. It comprises the
following items: The political economy of monetary union (Historical perspective – implications for EMU etc.);
Description: / European System of Central Banks – as an integrated central banking. Challenges of the European monetary
integration to the central bank in accession country. The case of The National Bank of Poland. New initiatives of
monetary integration in the world economy.
Course title: / Contemporary Problems of the World Economy
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM144
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Bogdan Buczkowski
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with some recent developments in the global economy. Thetopics
covered will include specific aspects of trade regulations and a new round of negotiations under WTO,financial crisis
Description: / and its consequences and conclusion for Asian countries; Protectionism practices in developedcountries
(the USA, EU, Japan), new aspects and problems of economic integration in Europe, Asia, Latin andNorth Americas.
Course title: / Business systems
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM187
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Bogdan Buczkowski
The objective is to show make participants aware of the fact that there is no single way of organising firms and
Description: / markets even in Europe. The topics covered will include the characteristics of business systems: the nature of the
firm, market organisation, authoritative coordination and control systems. The institutional contexts and national
specificity of business systems in Europe, Japan, Hong-Kong and Australia.
Course title: / Economic policy in the European Union
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM188
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dr Małgorzata Misiak
The seminar is aimed to familiarising the students with the conduct of macroeconomic policy in the EU. It’sobjective
Description: / to disseminate knowledge on the objectives, the principles as well as the instruments of macroeconomicpolicy in EU, to scrutinise
the theoretical and practical rationale for economic policy at EU level, to assess itsimplications and efficiency.
Course title: / Theoretical aspects of foreign investment
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM192
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / dr Beata Andrzejczak
The classes are designed to offer knowledge concerning selected problems of foreign investments. The following
subjects shall be covered: Changes in the size and structure of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe in 1990s
Description: / against the flows of FDI capital in the world. Theories explaining the motivation of multinational companies and
host countries. Micro- and macroeconomic effects and development prospectives for FDI; Poland’s investment
attractiveness in the eyes of foreign investors.
Course title: / Policy of regional development and environmental protection SUMMER
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM193
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / Dr Monika Słupińska
Problems and complexity of development of regions in processes of globalisation and European integration.
Explanations of processes of development of territorial units in the market economy. European context of regional
Description: / development and territorial transformation in Poland. New economical map of Europe. Process of transformation
of European space. Policy of development of cities and regions in process of globalisation of world economy. New
conceptions and factors connected with development of cities and regions. Transformation of government and
development on the level of development, regions with disparities.
Course title: / Urban sociology
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM195
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Prof. Andrzej Majer
Key theories of the cities and urban society. City as a social aggregate. Urbanism and urbanites. Neighborhood
Description: / and communities. Spatial and social structure of the city space. Social production of the space. Urbanization and it
present aftermath. Urban decline. Urban renewal. Urban policy. Local government, institutions, organizations and
theirs representatives. Social aspect of urban policies and governance. Social planning of the city space.
Course title: / Local journalism – characteristic features, specifics and problems
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM274
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / mgr Sylwia Męcfal
Course title: / Methods of social research with elements of research project design and conduct
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM273
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Course title: / L’economie de la culture
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM267
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / prof. Anna Matuchniak-Krasuska
Course title: / Modes of Discrimination in the Public Life
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM248
ECTS points: / 3
Number of hours: / 15
Lecturer: / dr Krystyna Dzwonkowska-Godula
Course title: / Cost accounting
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM270
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Radoslaw Pastusiak
Course title: / Communication methods in Business
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM251
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Magdalena Wojciechowska
Course title: / Dance and body in the sociological perspective
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM245
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Dominika Byczkowska
Course title: / Derivative Instruments and their role in modern economy
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM244
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Radoslaw Pastusiak
Description / Student learns: kind of derivative instruments, functioning derivatives in capital market, using derivatives in company and investments strategies, derivatives and risk, transactional systems and derivatives
Course title: / History of Economic Thought
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM269
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Rafal Matera
Course title: / Intercultural Communication
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM250
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Krzysztof Konecki
Course title: / International Business Negotiations
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM134
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Bogdan Buczkowski
Course title: / International Economic Policy
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM136
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Course title: / Investment Banking
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM249
ECTS points: / 6
Number of hours: / 30
Lecturer: / Radoslaw Pastusiak
Description / Student learns: investment banking – definition, history of investment banking, investment bank activity, IPO, securitizations, strategic advising, new areas of investment banking
Course title: / Pathologies in Management
Faculty: / Faculty of Economics and Sociology
ERASMUS Subject code: / 0600-ERASM252
ECTS points: / 6