Sociology Chapter 7 Reading Guide Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control

Essential Questions: What is deviance? Who defines deviance?

Standard: Indiana Sociology Standard 11 – Deviance and Social Control: Students examine all types of deviant behavior from all three sociological perspectives as well as the means and methods of social control.

Reading and Note Taking Homework:

Chapter 7 Lesson 1 – Due Friday, January 29th

Chapter 7 Lesson 2 –Due Friday, January 29th

Chapter 7 Lesson 3 –Due Tuesday, February 2nd

Chapter 7 Lesson 4 – Due Wednesday, February 3rd

Chapter 7 Lesson 5 – Due Monday, February 8th

Chapter 7Test – Wednesday , February 10th

Terms and People: You are expected to be able to identify all of the following terms and people by the end of this unit. Not all of these terms are in bold, so you will need to pay careful attention to the reading and classroom lessons.

Sociology Chapter 7 Reading Guide Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control

7.1 Deviance and Social Control

  • Deviance
  • Negative Deviance
  • Positive Deviance
  • Deviant (person)
  • Social Control
  • Internal Social Control
  • External Social Control
  • Social Sanctions
  • The importance of Power

7.2 – Functionalism and Deviance

  • Negative effects of deviance
  • Benefits of deviance
  • Anomie
  • Robert Merton’s Strain Theory
  • Conformity
  • Innovation
  • Ritualism
  • Retreatism
  • Rebellion
  • Hirschi’s Control Theory
  • Attachment
  • Commitment
  • Involvement
  • Belief

7.3 – Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance

  • Differential association theory
  • 3 characteristics
  • Labeling Theory
  • Primary Deviance
  • Secondary Deviance
  • Stigma

7.4 – Conflict Theory and Deviance

  • Spitzer’s 5 ways society defends against deviants
  • Inequality in Criminal Justice system
  • Victim Discounting
  • White-Collar Crime

7.5 – Crime and Punishment

  • Crime
  • Uniform Crime Reports
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Criminal Justice System
  • Approaches to Criminal Justice
  • Deterrence
  • Retribution
  • Incarceration
  • Rehabilitation
  • Recidivism
  • Alternatives to prison
  • Restitution
  • Communicty Service
  • Education
  • Therapy