This is our new homework grid, which is for this half term. You can complete any of the following activities on the grid then bring it in to school to show us. If you are not sure, find an activity difficult or want to tell us anything, see your teacher so that we can help or use the contact details above!

Key Skills / Phonics Bug
Log on to Phonics Bug and read the books allocated as often as you can. If you don’t have internet access then let your teacher know. /
Play maths games on sumdog.
Under the Sea / Get Creative!
Create a collage of a fish. It can be any size and made out of any material you have at home. / English
“Shark found in Hillsborough Swimming Pool”
Write a newspaper account using this as the headline. / Thinking Skills
Write an A-Z of words linked to Under the Sea. / English
Create a wordsearch for your class mates to solve! Include as many under the sea words as you can. Animals, plants, colours etc.
Listen to songs about the sea.
e.g. Under the sea (From The Little Mermaid)
Yellow Submarine (The Beatles)
Beyond the Sea (Bobby Darin)
Can you think of any others? / Get Active!
Create a dance to a song about the sea you have listened to. You could do it by yourself or with your friends!
Show us what you come up with! / Get Creative!
Draw and create your own sea creature. It could be a beautiful fish or a terrifying monster! / Get Cooking
Cook some fish or other sea food.
Get Creative!
Design a new piece of technology for diving underwater.
Label the different parts. / Maths Genius
Learn your next times table. Can you chant it forwards and backwards?
Can you solve quick-fire questions? / Research
Carry out some research into
Under the Sea.
Present your findings in any format you like. / Super Science!
Can you find a simple food chain in the sea?
E.g. plankton, mackerel, seal, great white shark