St John’s C of E Academy

Tic Tac Toe: Half-termly Learning log

Year 5

Spring Term 2 – The Highwayman

Write your own Adventure story linked to a Highwayman. For example, is your character a Highwayman or someone who was robbed by a Highwayman? Can you character travel back in time to meet a Highwayman? / Science
Choose an animal/plant (or both) of your choice to research.
Create a factfile about this animal/plant, including a life cycle. / English
Write an alternative ending to the Highwayman poem. This could be as a poem, short story, diary entry or letter.
How do you think the poem should have ended?
Design and make a costume for the highwayman to wear.
Explain your choices when making this: for example, why you chose a certain colour. / Maths
KIRF: I can identify prime numbers up to 20.
Practise this skill and record how you have practised it. This could include creating your own game to show the prime numbers or making a memory tool we could use. / Geography/ History
Research Highwaymen in England.
This could include a biography of a famous highwayman and where they were most famous. This could be presented as a poster, factfile, etc.
Create a powerpoint to show the poem of the Highwayman. This could include music and should include pictures to illustrate the poem. / Maths
Use Mathletics to practise skills that you think you need to work on. Challenge yourself to go on higher levels.
Record your results and explain what you chose to practise and why. / Art
Create an art portfolio with artwork linked to the Highwayman.
For example, his horse, images from the poem, a highwayman, a musket.

You must complete at least 3 challenges so that you make a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line.

You MUST include the middle square. Colour in each square as you complete that activity.

To be completed no later than Monday 27th March, when we will celebrate and share all your projects. You are welcome to bring in your home learning earlier if you have completed it.

Enjoy and have fun!

Year 5 Mr Walters, Miss McGee and Miss Porter