
Hayes Center Public Schools

501Troth Street

Hayes Center, Nebraska 69032




Section 1 / Intent of Handbook / 1
Section 2 / Members of the Board of Education / 1
Section 3 / Administrative Staff / 1
Section 4 / Teaching Staff / 2
Section 5 / Support Staff / 3
Section 6 / School Calendar / 4

Article 1 - Mission and Goals


Section 1 / School Mission Statement / 5
Section 2 / Goals and Objectives / 5
Section 3 / Mutual Respect / 6
Section 4 / Complaint Procedures / 6

Article 2 - School Day


Section 1 / Daily Schedule / 7
Section 2 / Shortened Schedule / 7
Section 3 / Severe Weather and School Cancellations / 8
Section 4 / Open-Closed Campus / 8
Section 5 / Supervision Responsibility Before/After School / 9

Article 3 - Use of Building and Grounds


Section 1 / Visitors / 10
Section 2 / Smoke-Free Environment / 10
Section 3 / Care of School Property / 10
Section 4 / Lockers / 11
Section 5 / Searches of Lockers and Other Types of Searches / 11
Section 6 / Video Surveillance / 11
Section 7 / Use of Telephone / 12
Section 8 / Bicycles / 12
Section 9 / Student Valuables / 12
Section 10 / Lost and Found / 12
Section 11 / Accidents / 12
Section 12 / Laboratory Safety Glasses / 12
Section 13 / Insurance / 13
Section 14 / Bulletins and Announcements / 13
Section 15 / Copyright and Fair Use Policy / 13
Section 16 / Student Vehicles and Parking / 14

Article 4 – Attendance


Section 1 / Attendance Policy / 14
Section 2 / Attendance and Absences / 14
Section 3 / Absence Procedures / 15
Section 4 / Make-up Work / 15
Section 5 / Attendance is Required to Participate in Activities / 16
Section 6 / Truancy / 16

Article 5 - Scholastic Achievement


Section 1 / Grading System / 17
Section 2 / Graduation Requirements / 17
Section 3 / Promotion and Retention / 18
Section 4 / Schedule Changes / 18
Section 5 / Interim Reports / 18
Section 6 / Report Cards / 18
Section 7 / Parent-Teacher Conferences / 18
Section 8 / Honor Roll / 18
Section 9 / National Honor Society / 19
Section 10 / Academic Integrity / 20

Article 6 - Support Services


Section 1 / Special Education Services / 22
Section 2 / Students with Disabilities: Section 504 / 24
Section 3 / Guidance Services / 25
Section 4 / Health Services / 25
Section 5 / Transportation Services / 26

Article 7 - Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco


Section 1 / Drug-Free Schools / 28
Section 2 / Education and Prevention / 28
Section 3 / Standards of Student Conduct Pertaining to Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco / 29

Article 8 - Student Rights, Conduct, Rules and Regulations


Section 1 / Purpose of Student Conduct Rules / 30
Section 2 / Forms of School Discipline / ●Short-Term Suspension
●Long-Term Suspension
●Other Forms of Student Discipline / 30
Section 3 / Student Conduct Expectations / ●Grounds for Short-Term Suspension, Long-Term Suspension, Expulsion or Mandatory Reassignment
●Additional Student Conduct Expectations and Grounds for Discipline
●Student Appearance Policy
●Electronic Devices
●Harassment and Bullying Policy
●Inappropriate Public Displays of Affection
●Specific Rule Items
●Network, E-Mail, Internet and Other Computer Use Rules
●Risks of MySpace, Facebook and other Social Networking / 32
Section 4 / Reporting Student Law Violations / 45

Article 9 - Extra-Curricular Activities - Rights, Conduct, Rules and Regulations


Section 1 / Extracurricular Activity Philosophy / 46
Section 2 / Extracurricular Activity Code of Conduct / 46
Section 3 / Attendance / 54
Section 4 / Academic Standards / 54
Section 5 / “Team Selection” and “Playing Time” / 55
Section 6 / School Dances / 55
Section 7 / Relationships Between Parents and Coaches/Sponsors / 56
Section 8 / Good Sportsmanship—Behavior Expectations of Spectators / 58
Section 9 / Student Fees Policy / 59

Article 10 - State and Federal Programs


Section 1 / Notice of Nondiscrimination / 63
Section 2 / Designation of Coordinator(s) / 64
Section 3 / Anti-discrimination & Harassment Policy / 64
Section 4 / Multicultural Policy / 66
Section 5 / Notice to Parents of Rights Afforded by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 / 66
Section 6 / Notification of Rights Under FERPA / 67
Section 7 / Notice Concerning Disclosure of Student Recruiting Information / 69
Section 8 / Notice Concerning Staff Qualifications / 69
Section 9 / Student Privacy Protection Policy / 70
Section 10 / Parental Involvement Policies / 74
Section 11 / Homeless Students Policy / 78
Section 12 / Breakfast and Lunch Programs / 79


Parental Request Allowing In-School Medication / 82
Athletic Trainer Consent / 83
Health Update / 84
Student & Parent Acceptable Use Policy / 85
Elementary Student Internet Use Agreement / 86
7-12 Computer Loan Agreement / 87
Web Site Consent Form / 90
Health or Accident Insurance Waiver / 91
Year-Long Parent Consent Form / 92
Title I School Wide Student-Parent-Teacher Compact / 93
Receipt of Student-Parent Handbook / 94

Hayes Center Public Schools Student-Parent Handbook

2016-2017 School Year


Section 1  Intent of Handbook

This handbook is intended to be used by students, parents and staff as a guide to the rules, regulations, and general information about Hayes Center Public Schools. Each student is responsible for becoming familiar with the handbook and knowing the information contained in it. Parents are encouraged to use this handbook as a resource and to assist their child in following the rules contained in this handbook.

Although the information found in this handbook is detailed and specific on many topics, the handbook is not intended to be all encompassing so as to cover every situation and circumstance that may arise during any school day, or school year. This handbook does not create a “contract.” The administration reserves the right to make decisions and make rule revisions at any time to implement the educational program and to assure the well-being of all students and the educational program. The administration will be responsible for interpreting the rules contained in the handbook. Should a situation or circumstance arise that is not specifically covered in this handbook, the administration will make a decision based upon all applicable school district policies, and state and federal statutes and regulations.

Section 2  Members of the Board of Education

Name / Contact Information
Aaron Broz, President /
Dexter Lacey, Vice President /
Andrea Richards, Secretary /
Toby Cox, Treasurer /
Vickie Gohl /
Marian Richards /

Section 3  Administrative Staff

Name / Position / Contact Information
Philip Mahan / Superintendent /
Tony Primavera / PK-12 Principal /

Section 4 Teaching Staff

Name / Department / Grades
Karen Allen / Music, Media Specialist / K-12
Leah Anderjaska / Elementary / 1st
Julie Cuellar / Math / 7-12
Ann Fornoff / Language Arts, Business / 7-12
Aaron Gallegos / Physical Education / PK-12
Marguerite Gallegos / Science / 7-12
Stephanie Hansen / Elementary / 4th
Cheyenne Jeffers / Elementary / Kindergarten
Patti Lee / Special Education, Language Arts / K-12
Kim Maucher / Title I Coordinator / K-12
Andrea Neal / Preschool, Fine Arts / PK-12
Rhea Softley / Elementary / 5th-6th
Genie Solt / Guidance, Journalism / K-12
Kim Sullivan / Elementary / 2nd-3rd
Randy Vlasin / Agriculture Education / 7-12
Loren Wagner / Social Studies, Business / 7-12

Section 5 Support Staff

Name / Position
Tom Anderjaska / Bus Driver
Kathy Barent / Bus Driver
Gregg Bishop / Transportation Director
Jeanne Bishop / Office Manager
Hannah Brott / Para-educator
Lou Ann Broz / Para-educator
Ted Burnfield / Para-educator/Custodial
Vickie Christner / Food Service Director
Maury Cox / Head Maintenance/Custodial
Alicia Dimas / Para-educator
Tammy Dow / Food Service Assistant
Mary Gigax / Para-educator, Health Aide
Lesa Johnson / Activity Bus Driver
Melinda Johnson / Custodian/Dishwasher
Michelle Lapp / High School Secretary/Art
Peggy Messersmith / Bus Driver
Tiffani Miller / Elementary Secretary
Barry Strasburg / Custodian
Bev Unger / Bus Driver

Section 6 School Calendar

August 15-16 Pre-Opening/Teacher In-Service.

August 17 1st day of school

August 18 Open House (6:30-7:30)


September 5 Labor Day - No School

September 29 No School/Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:00)

October 12 Early Dismissal @ 2:00

October 21 End of First Quarter

October 24 Beginning of Second Quarter

October 28 No School/Fall Break

November 23 Early Dismissal @ 1:00

November 24-25 No School/Thanksgiving Vacation

December 21 End of Second Quarter

December 22-31 No School/Christmas Vacation

January 1-3 No School/Christmas Vacation

January 4 Classes Resume/Beginning of Third Quarter

January 16 No School/Teacher In-service

February 2 Early Dismissal @ 2:00/Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-


February 17 No School/Teacher In-service-Workday

March 3 No School/Spring Break

March 9 Early Dismissal @ 2:00/End of Third Quarter/Teacher In-


March 10 No School/Spring Break

March 13 Beginning of Fourth Quarter

March 22 No School/Maywood-Hayes Center Track Meet

March 29 No School/Teacher In-service-Workday

April 14-17 No School/Easter Vacation

May 5 Seniors’ Last Day

May 10 Early Dismissal @ 2:00/Teacher Inservice-Workday

May 13 Graduation @ 2:00

May 18 Last Day of Classes/End of Fourth Quarter

May 19 Teacher Workday

Article 1 – Mission and Goals

School Mission Statement

Welcome to Hayes Center Public Schools. The Board of Education, administration and staff are committed TO PREPARE STUDENTS TO BE LIFELONG LEARNERS AND PRODUCTIVE, RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS.

Section 1  Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Hayes Center Schools are to provide:

●  Each student will be provided every opportunity to reach his academic potential through these staff developed goals:

▪  Compile, interpret and utilize data from the district wide assessment tools

(Aimsweb, MAP, NeSA, and ACT) to drive instruction.

▪  Insure the district has in place a scope and sequence of the core curriculum for Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies and implement these curriculum maps K-12.

▪  Provide differentiated instruction for all level of student in each classroom.

▪  Maintain 100% graduation rate and post graduation placement that best meets the needs of the student.

●  The district will strive to ensure that there is a balance between academics and extra-curricular programs.

●  The district will endeavor to maintain a balanced budget and ensure an ending fund balance which will provide for the district’s long term needs.

●  Computer and internet technology advancements will be used to improve teacher productivity, student learning, performance assessment and overall district security.

●  The district will provide a pleasant and safe working and educational environment for each student and staff member. We will improve staff cohesiveness by providing in-service training and additional collaborative time.

●  All lines of communication for staff/students/board of education and community members will be improved through the utilization of our district web site, building level and departmental letters to parents, newsletters to the community, use of the local newspaper and the “Infinite Campus” program.

The Hayes Center Public School Administration, School Board and Faculty believe that….

● All students have the ability to learn.

● All students are unique

● All students deserve respect.

● All students will develop a sense of value and belonging within our society.

● All students need basic knowledge and skills

● All students will develop communication skills.

● All students will be critical thinkers and problem solvers.

● All students will be able to utilize changing media/technology.

● All students will be life-long learners.

● All students will be responsible members, of their communities, country and world.

● All students will develop a sense of value and belonging within our society.

● All students will experience success!

Section 2  Mutual Respect

Hayes Center Schools expect every staff member and student to be treated with respect and dignity. A show of disrespect toward a staff member or insubordination on the part of students will not be tolerated.

Section 3  Complaint Procedures

The proper procedure for a parent or student to make complaints or raise concerns is to begin with the school employee who is most immediately or directly involved in the matter, as illustrated in the complaint procedure set forth below. There are specific procedures to address certain complaints or concerns, such as discrimination or harassment, bullying, disciplinary actions. Those procedures should be used where applicable.

1.  Complaint procedure

Step 1. Schedule a conference with the staff person most immediately or directly involved in the matter.

Step 2. Address the concern to the Principal if the matter is not resolved at Step 1.

Step 3. Address the concern to the Superintendent if the matter is not resolved at Step 2.

Step 4. Address the concern to the Board of Education if the matter is not resolved at

Step 3.

2. Conditions Applicable to All Levels of Complaint Procedure

All information to be considered at each step should be placed in writing in order to be most effective. Action or decisions will be expedited as quickly as possible, typically within ten (10) calendar days, depending on the nature of the complaint and the need for prompt resolution.

Article 2 - School Day

Section 1  Daily Schedule (High School)

Period 1 7:55-8:47

Period 2 8:49-9:41

Period 3 9:43-10:35

Period 4 10:37-11:29

Period 5 11:31-12:23

Lunch 12:25-12:55

Period 6 12:55-1:47

Period 7 1:49-2:41

Period 8 2:43-3:35

Section 2  Shortened Schedules (High School)


Period 1 7:55-8:43

Period 2 8:45-9:33

Period 3 9:35-10:23

Period 4 10:25-11:13

Period 5 11:15-12:03

Lunch 12:05-12:35

Period 6 12:35-1:23

Period 7 1:25-2:13

Period 8 2:15-3:05

1:00 Dismissal

Period 1 7:55-8:27

Period 2 8:29-9:01

Period 3 9:03-9:35

Period 4 9:37-10:09

Period 5 10:11-10:43

Period 6 10:45-11:17

Period 7 11:19-11:51