Teen SpiriT III is, with the help of God, going ahead on Friday 1st April 2011 in the INEC, Killarney!! We will be performing a brand new show (a morning show for schools and an evening show also) with new schools and choirs getting involved! This exciting project will be even bigger this year as word has spread about how fun, exciting and moving the show is to be part of and to watch.

We are in negotiations with the Cork Opera House about a date that will be close to the INEC date so that we can bring Teen SpiriT III to Cork city!

New Members

We are primarily looking for members from any school choirs or parish choirs to join the project. We see involvement in Teen SpiriT as a reward for teenagers who have given of their time to sing in their parishes or schools. We are also leaving it open to individuals who aren’t in a choir to join. There are three ways you can join the Teen SpiriT project:

1 / A school choir or parish choir can join. / If the choir director is interested in taking a look at the project, they will be sent a pack with the CDs, lyrics, rehearsal CD and harmonies to work with the choir. They will also receive a timetable of the bootcamps and rehearsals schedule for 2011. Contact Noel on (087) 6961851 for the pack.
2 / Any individual singers who are part of a choir who want to join but their choir aren’t taking part / Can get the pack themselves by contacting Noel on (087) 6961851. They will be sent a parental consent form and once parental consent is given, they will receive a pack with the CDs, lyrics, rehearsal CD and harmonies as well as a timetable of the bootcamps and rehearsal schedule.
3 / Any individual singers who are not part of a choir who want to join

So basically the project is open to everyone!

·  If you are a teenager and you want to be part of it all, you can make it happen!

·  If you are a choir director, music teacher, parish volunteer or religion teacher and you know of a group or an individual who might enjoy being part of the project – contact Noel on (087) 6961851.

Last Date for Entry

While we don’t want to close the door on any individual or group – we will be starting rehearsals in mid February so we will need for choirs and individuals who are interested to make contact with us by the end of January. After that new entries will be under pressure to catch up with the main body of the choir and we prefer to avoid putting young people under too much pressure if we can.

Bring a Group to the Show

·  If you are interested in bringing a group to the show then feel free to contact Noel on (087) 6961851.

·  We can offer certain reductions for groups and adult leaders.

·  We encourage you to plan early and make contact with potential members of a group in plenty of time before the show.

·  We can help provide you with a DVD of Teen SpiriT I and Teen SpiriT II if you’d like to show an individual or group in order to build up a bit of excitement for the show! While the DVD would be useful to generate interest in the show, it is also a good resource to look at certain themes and elements of the Christian faith that we usually explore in the show.

Looking forward to hearing from you in the coming months!