Chapter 1 Lesson 3: New Jersey's Environment

*environment = everything around you

*people change environment to meet their needs

*people are trying to find ways to solve the environmental problems

New Jersey's Development and the Environment

*Native Americans used natural resources to change the land and meet their needs

-farms and villages were made by clearing the trees

-they made pots out of clay

-used trees to build homes and boats

*farmers used streams to water their crops

*people built roads

*metal and clay was dug up

*late 1700's machines were invented that did the work people use to do by hand

*NJ became an important center of industry

*NJ was one of the first states to build factories and make goods

*NJ became a center for technology

-Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, phonograph, motion pictures, as well as other inventions in his research laboratory in Menlo Park

*other natural resources such as sand, granite, gravel, zinc, and iron were used to build buildings as well as make machines

*power plants and coal were used to create energy in order to have electricity

*NJ was a center for transportation due to our location

*railroads, highways, and canals were built in order to transport goods

*medical products, chemicals, processed food, and machinery is made in our cities

*NJ connects to NY and Penn by bridges and tunnels

*economy = the way goods and services are made and exchanged

Environmental Problems

*environment began to suffer due to the amount of people, factories, and cars

*habitat = a place where certain animals and plants normally live and grow

*due to the building of homes, factories, and buildings NJ loses 50 acres per day

*even though a factory may close, they leave behind chemicals in land, which may not be able to be used right away

*more people = more pollution

*#1 pollution is cars and trucks

*burning coal also creates pollution

*acid rain is rain that has picked up chemicals from the air

*storm-water runoff, water that runs into the storm drains from the streets, also pollutes the water

*storm-water runoff becomes polluted from animal waste, fertilizer, fluids from cars, and litter

Keeping New Jersey Beautiful

*hybrid cars, runs on both gas and electricity, were developed by Victor Wouk of Teaneck, NJ

*conserve = avoid wasting gas

*solar farm is an area of land that has rows of solar panels in order to capture the sun's energy

-one in Pilesgrove Township, NJ

-has enough energy to power thousands of homes

*we can help keep NJ clean

-get rid of chemicals safely

-limit the use of household chemicals such as drain openers and oven cleaners

-stop littering

*Since 1960, the New Jersey Conservation Foundation has saved over 120,000 acres of natural areas and farmland and takes care of natural habitats

*plants help to keep the air and water clean