Jennifer L. Bevan, Ph.D.

Description of Publications Outlets/

Indicators of Research Publication Quality

My published and in press empirical journal articles, starting with most recent first, include descriptions of the journals and indicators of quality in the form of acceptance rates, citation information, and/or Impact Factors and ISI rankings (if available for the journal the research was published in – please note that regional communication journals are not included in these rankings).

Google Scholar data is included here because this index is a better estimate than ISI rankings for evaluating research citations in the communication discipline (Levine, 2010).

The average impact rating for communication journals from 2002-2008 is .76; this rating should be interpreted in light of the fact that the number of scholars and journals in our discipline is small when compared to other social scientific disciplines such as psychology (Feeley & Moon, 2010).

Bevan, J. L., & Sparks, L. (2011). Communication in the context of long-distance family

caregiving: An integrated review and practical applications. Patient Education and Counseling, 85, 26-30.

* Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary, international journal for health care scholars and practitioners

* Thomson Scientific Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor for 2011: 2.305

* Thomson Scientific Journal Citation Reports Five-Year Impact Factor: 2.929

* Top tier journal (top quartile) in Medicine (miscellaneous) in SJR Journal Ranking

* Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 42,615

* Cited by 5 academic journal articles and dissertations, according to a 3/11/2013 search on Google Scholar

Bevan, J. L. (2011). The consequence model of partner jealousy expression: Elaboration and

refinement. Western Journal of Communication, 75, 523-540.

* Peer-reviewed regional communication journal

* 13% acceptance rate from 2008-2011

* Top tier journal (top quartile) in Communication in SJR Journal Ranking

Hum, N. J., Chamberlin, P. E., Hambright, B. L., Portwood, A. C., Schat, A. C., & Bevan, J. L.

(2011). A picture is worth a thousand words: A content analysis of Facebook profile photographs. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 1828-1833.

* Peer-reviewed psychology journal

* Thomson Scientific Journal Citation Reports 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.476

* Thomson Scientific Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor for 2011: 2.293

* 2010 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 26/120 in Multidisciplinary Psychology

* Top 25 most downloaded articles for this journal from SciVerse Science Direct in the last 90 days, on 3/11/2013

* Cited by 9 academic journal articles and student theses, according to a 3/11/2013 search on Google Scholar