This is not for a grade. This is a guide to help you pull out the most important information from your notes, the reading, and the work you have done in class. Remember that some of these questions may be asked in the context of your labs. This is not a guarantee of everything that is on the test. You must study!


1. What is asexual reproduction? How do the daughter cells compare to the parent cell?

2. What cells are involved in sexual reproduction? What are the ways genetic variation occurs?

  1. Differentiate between somatic cells and gametes in terms of chromosome #, diploid vs. haploid, cell examples.
  1. Differentiate between autosomes and sex chromosomes in terms of # of each in “normal” humans, male vs. female, and function of each.
  1. Define karyotype. Be prepared to look at a karyotype to determine chromosome # and sex of the organism as well as disorders apparent from the photo.

CELL CYCLE (there will be some from this previously tested topic)

  1. Why do cells divide?
  1. What are the two steps of the cell cycle?
  1. List and describe the events in interphase. Draw a cell in interphase.




  1. List and describe the events in mitosis. Draw a cell in each phase.





  1. What is cytokinesis?
  1. What is a chromosome composed of?
  1. What is a centromere?
  1. Compare and contrast plant and animal mitosis & cytokinesis.



  1. What is meiosis? What is the result of this process?
  1. Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis.
  1. List and draw the steps of meiosis.
  1. A rabbit has 44 chromosomes (or 22 pair). Answer the following questions based on this information.

A. What is the diploid number of chromosomes?

B. How many TOTAL chromosomes would be in a somatic cell of a rabbit?

C. How many autosomes would be in a somatic cell of a rabbit?

D. How many sex chromosomes would be in a somatic cell of a rabbit?

E. What is the haploid number of chromosomes?

F. How many TOTAL chromosomes would be in a gamete (egg or sperm) of a rabbit?

G. How many autosomes would be in a gamete (egg or sperm) of a rabbit?

H. How many sex chromosomes would be in a gamete (egg or sperm) of a rabbit?

I. Mathematically show how the egg and sperm would form a zygote after fertilization takes place.

  1. Describe crossing over.
  1. What things can occur from genetic variation?
  1. Why does nondisjunction occur?
  1. Describe the following nondisjuction disorders: Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome, Edward’s Syndrome, Turner’s Syndrome.