Post-Master in
International Environmental Management
Application form for admission 2018-2019(Tsinghua University)

Before filling out the form, please read all information and forms carefully.

□Include certified English copies of your record transcripts(Bachelor and Master degrees)

□A copy of a TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) score of at least 575 points (in a paper-based test) or 90 (in a internet-based test) or a copy of a TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication) score of at least 785 points or any other equivalent test result of your English knowledge is considered to be a significant recommendation.

□Include one recent photo (paper and electronic jpg)

□Include your Curriculum Vitae of (maximum) 2 pages. Please include the following data: Name; year, date and place of Birth; Present position; Education: relevant knowledge and skills; Publications: after 2000; relevant seminars and courses.

□Include an individual essay (typed, ± 600words, maximum 3 pages) addressing the following issues:

  • Described your motivation to integrate an international training programme in Environmental or Energy Management
  • Express your future professional ambition
  • Explain your engineering background
  • How could you or your field of expertise contribute to an interdisciplinary problem-analysis and problem-solving?
  • Which measures should be taken to improve environmental or energy efficiency and performance in your own country in the near future?

(Do not forget to put your name on all pages of the essay!)


Return the completely filled out application form both in paper and electronic format:

  • Professor Jasha OOSTEBAAN

MINES ParisTechGraduateSchool

Institute for Environmental Engineering and Management (ISIGE)

35, rue Saint-Honoré

77305 Fontainebleau Cedex –France

  • ProfessorMing ZHAO

"School of Environment”, Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084 P.R. CHINA"

EnvIM Application form for admission 2018-2019(Tsinghua University)

1. Personal data

First/Given Name: ------

Last/Family Name: ------


Male / Female:

E-mail address:

Telephone number (mobile):

Home address:

Postal code and place:


Date, place and country of birth: Nationality:

Passport number: Valid until:

Marital status:

Profession of the parents (Father & Mother):

2. Education & Skills

2.1 Bachelor degree:

Bachelor degree in:

University (name, place and country):

Final grade (with scale):

Date of graduation:

2.2 Master degree:

Master degree (or equivalent) in:

Main subject/Master's thesis:

Name of the Responsible Professor :

□1st YearExpected date of graduation: ------

□2nd YearExpected date of graduation:

□Master Obtained Date of graduation: ------

Final grade (with scale!):

2.3 Other degree (Master, PhD):


University (name, place and country): ------


Major: ------

Main subject/Master's thesis: ------


Final grade (with scale!): ------

Date of graduation: ------

2.4 Languages skills

English language International tests and scores

TOEFL  TOEIC  Other 

Score:------Score:------Name and Score:

Other languages? / Level? ------

3. Motivation

Please briefly state your future professional ambition and motivation to participate in this Post Master program (Maximum 50 words)

4. Information source

In order to assess our promotional and communicative efforts, could you please inform us how you learned of the possibility to apply to this program?

4. Other complementary information (if need(s) be)


Date: Signature: