European Geography Test Review Name______Per_____

1)  Dutch, English, and German are examples of Germanic languages spoken in Europe.

2)  The Alps Mountains is the source for the Rhine and Danube Rivers.

3)  The European plain stretches from southwestern France through western Russia. It has the best soil in Europe.

4)  The United Kingdom lies off the northwest coast of the European mainland.

5)  The Causasus and Ural mountains separate Europe from Asia.

6)  Temperate is a moderate climate with mild temperatures.

7)  Arctic climate has very long, cold winters and short, warm summers. Russia has this type of climate.

8)  Tundra is a treeless plain in the arctic and subarctic region.

9)  The North Atlantic Current warms the waters creating a marine west coast climate.

10)  Permafrost is permanently frozen soil.

11)  An Island is a body od land that is completely surrounded by water.

12)  A boundary is an imaginary line between two countries.

13)  A border is a physical feature dividing two places.

14)  A peninsula is a land area surrounded by water on three sides.

15)  The higher the standard of living, the higher the literacy rate.

16)  Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are monotheistic religions.

17)  Muslims call God “Allah”, whereas Christians and Jews call God “God”.

18)  Most people live in warmer climates along rivers and along the coast.

19)  Be able to locate on a map the following places: Rhine River, Danube River, Ural Mountains, Alps Mountains, Pyrenees Mountains, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belgium, and France.

20)  Be able to tell how location, physical characteristics, natural resources, and population impact where people live in Europe.

21)  Be able to compare and contrast Judaism, Islam, and Christianity’s impact and development on Europe.

22)  Be able to Evaluate how the diversity of groups impacts Europe’s culture.

23)  On the topics of Air Pollution, Acid Rain, and Chernobyl, be able to answer the following questions:

-What is it?

-When did it take place?

-Where is it found?

-Why is it significant?