Weekly Reminders

Second Grade-Mrs. Murphy


*Please make sure your name, magic number, and the date are on everything you turn in!

Music / Late Start-Students enter at 9:05
Please review the homework guidelines on the back of this sheet.
*Remember this week to begin filling in your October Reading Calendar with the number of minutes read each day. Due: November 1st.
Art / Math 2-1 Due
Gym / Spelling words or sentences due.
Math 2-2 and 2-3 Due
Library / Math 2-4 Due
Music / Spelling Practice Test Due
Spelling Test #4
Math 2-5 Due
*October 8th: Happy Birthday Jack!

*Remember to try out Moby Max at home. Tell your parents about the Weekly Problem Challenge! How many can you do?

Homework Guidelines

Mrs. Murphy—2nd grade

*Please post in your home so you can refer to throughout the year.*

1. Designate a spot in your home to put the SSG folder and papers that come home.

2. You may want to keep the Weekly Reminders, Reading Calendar, and spelling words in the SSG folder so your child always has them at home, school, Kids Club, etc.

3. Your child should begin each assignment by writing their name, the date, and the time at the top of each page.

4. Spelling activities—please use lined paper. Your child should write their name and type of activity at the top (i.e. Jane Smith, Spelling Practice Test). Spelling homework is usually due on Wednesday and Friday.

5. Math Home Links—check Weekly Reminder sheet for due dates. Do not try to go ahead as the lesson has usually not been taught in class until the day before the homework lesson is due.

6. Reading Calendars will be sent home at the beginning of each month. The book review on the back also needs to be completed by the time you turn in the calendar at the end of the month. Again, if they are kept in SSG folder, the student will always have them to hand in.

7. Students are responsible for handing in their homework in the appropriate bins. They are reminded of this practically daily when they first come into the classroom. Please remind your child to check their folder daily for any items to turn in. If homework comes back home without a checkmark, your child did not turn their work in and it will be marked late. (*Not every paper coming home has a mark on it, but homework always does get marked.)

8. Please check the SSG folder daily for notes, updates, unfinished class work that needs to be turned in.

9. Students should always double check their work upon completion and be sure they are handing in their best, neatest effort.