Title:Bless Israel_023_WOE_v13

Content:Never Forget, Never Again - PART 2

  • Stephen Ross Holocaust Survivor Story
  • Eugene Black Holocaust Survivor Story
  • Yael Eckstein Family Holocaust Story
  • Yechiel Eckstein Appeal
  • Yael Eckstein Appeal

ASKS:$1,500 to Rescue 1 Jew

$500 One Time Donation

$150 One-Time Donation

# Asks in Program:4 (3 from Announcer, 1 from Yael)

ASK Excerpt

And there are three ways you can donate.First, is with a one-time generous gift of $1,500.Second, you can give a donation of $500. We’ll join your donation with 2 other listeners who are also donating $500. Third, you can give a gift of $150. Your donation will be matched with many other listeners who are also contributing $150 dollars.Here’s a special phone number for you to call. It’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. That’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844―809―4647. That’s 844―809―4647.

Phone Number →844-80-WINGS

Bless Israel_023_WOE_v13

“Never Forget, Never Again”

Holocaust 70THAnniversary RemembranceYear




“7 Fruits of Israel”



The following program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,” is presentedby The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, presenting the plight facing God's chosen people so that you can be a blessing to them today through your prayers and loving support.


In August… 1944.

…an allied plane flies reconnaissance over southern Poland.

Its mission…

…to take photographsof Germany’s military chemical plants.

But when the film was developed, the aerial photographs reveal something different.

Purely by accident, the aircraft had taken photographs of Hitler’s most evil extermination camp.



**Martin Weiss**

The true horror of Hitler’s genocide was captured for the world to see.

When World War Two ended, over six million Jews had been exterminated by the Nazi regime… one-third of the world’s Jewish population at the time.

You’re listening to “Never Forget, Never Again,” a special presentation brought to you by “The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews” as we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Jews from Auschwitz and the end of World War II.

Iby Knill grew up in an educated, cultured family.

Her mother was Slovakian, her father Hungarian. Iby's parents' business was "Aryanised", which meant it was taken over by the Nazis without compensation and given to non-Jewish people. Her family was forced out of their apartment.

In 1944, the Germans invaded Hungary, and the situation for Iby and her family changed dramatically. One evening, she was visiting Jewish friends when an air raid happened and she was unable to return home. The German SS came to her friend’s home and rounded everyone up.

She was taken along with her friend. She had no idea that she was on her way… to Auschwitz.

Iby Knill Story

You’re listening to “Never Forget, Never Again,” a special presentation brought to you by “The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

The restoration of Israel is one of the greatest promises from God.

In Ezekiel chapter 37, God says,

“I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land.”

This year, “The Fellowship” has launched the “On Wings of Eagles Ukraine Freedom Flights” to rescue these Jews, many of them elderly survivors of The Holocaust.

The cost to bring one Jew on this “On Wings of Eagles Emergency Freedom Flight” to Israel is $1,500. $1,000 of your donation goes directly to the Jew that you’ll sponsor to help them find a place to live once they arrive in Israel. It also gives them money to buy food, clothing and cover the many resettlement costs they will have.

And there are three ways you can donate.

First, is with a one-time generous gift of $1,500.

Second, you can give a donation of $500. We’ll join your donation with 2 other listeners who are also donating $500.

Third, you can give a gift of $150. Your donation will be matched with many other listeners who are also contributing $150 dollars.

Here’s a special phone number for you to call. It’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. That’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844―809―4647. That’s 844―809―4647.

You can also donate your tax deductible gift on our special ministry website page. The website address is:


In the summer of 1940, Hitler's army began an assault on the Russian empire as they swept through Lithuania.

Val Ginsberg grew up in Lithuania, a small country in between Germany and Russia.

The Nazis immediately began to implement their racial laws against the Jewish population. They were deprived of every basic human right. Most terrifying were the constant arrests and executions. On August 15, 1941 Val and the Jewish population were forced into a ghetto surrounded by barbed wire and armed sentries.

Val Ginsburg Story – Pt. 1

By 1944, the remaining Jews from Val’s ghetto were ordered onto cattle wagons and taken into Germany to work as forced laborers, building factories for the production of German Messerschmitt jet fighters.

Val Ginsburg Story – Pt. 2

Of the 14 members of Val’s family who had gathered in Lithuania to decide whether to stay or go, he was the only one left alive.

Of the 35,000 Jewish citizens from his home town, only 2,000 were left alive. By the time he was liberated by the American armed forces in May of 1945, Val was 'a walking skeleton'.After the war ended, he spent six months in a hospital recovering.

You’re listening to “Never Forget, Never Again,” a special presentation brought to you by “The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews” as we commemoratethe 70th anniversary of the liberation of Jews from Auschwitz and the end of World War II.

The Bible says in the book of Amos:

“I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the LORD your God."

This year, “The Fellowship” has launched the “On Wings of Eagles Ukraine Freedom Flights” to rescue these Jews, many of them elderly survivors of The Holocaust.

The cost to bring one Jew on this “On Wings of Eagles Emergency Freedom Flight” to Israel is $1,500. $1,000 of your donation goes directly to the Jew that you’ll sponsor to help them find a place to live once they arrive in Israel. It also gives them money to buy food, clothing and cover the many resettlement costs they will have.

And there are three ways you can donate.

First, is with a one-time generous gift of $1,500.

Second, you can give a donation of $500. We’ll join your donation with 2 other listeners who are also donating $500.

Third, you can give a gift of $150. Your donation will be matched with many other listeners who are also contributing $150 dollars.

Here’s a special phone number for you to call. It’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. That’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844―809―4647. That’s 844―809―4647.

You can also donate at our website, at I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO. That’s I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO.

And thank you for your gift today. God will bless you and your family for your expression of love for his chosen people of Israel.

You’re listening to “Never Forget, Never Again,” a special presentation brought to you by “The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

At a recent ‘Holocaust Awareness Event,’ Yael Eckstein of “The Fellowship” shared how The Holocaust has impacted her family.

Yael Eckstein ― Segment A

You’re listening to “Never Forget, Never Again,” a special presentation brought to you by “The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.”

Some say the Holocaust is too terrible to remember. But there is a reason why the Jewish people have vowed to “never forget.” They remember, so that they may prevent such horrible events from ever occurring again.

Yet even today, anti-Semitism continues to place Jews at risk. That’s why Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews have launched, “The Fellowship’s On Wings of Eagles Emergency Freedom Flights” which will rescue Jews out of warn-torn regions like Ukraine and bring them home to safety in Israel.

Our next “Emergency Freedom Flight” is coming up soon, and we need your financial help today to fill this flight and rescue as many precious Jews as possible out of Ukraine.

Here’s Rabbi Ecksteinto explain more.


Part of our commitment of The Fellowship is not just to say goodbye to them at the airport after a nice ceremony that says “Welcome to Israel,” we feel an obligation and responsibility and an opportunity to help them get on their feet.

And so, these flights, are much more expensive than our normal Wings of Eagles flights, which average $350 per person. These flights are going to cost $1,500 per person, because, number one because of the airlift process, but even more, we are giving each person $1,000 upon their arrival so that they can get an apartment and get food and get their feet on the ground. This is on top of the amount that the government of Israel is helping with. But it’s of course not enough. And they rely, the government of Israel relies on us to help these people learn Hebrew,start their lives again, we feel a duty to not just bring them to Israel and to welcome them there, but to help them get on their feet.

Jeremiah 31:17 says, “There is hope for your descendants,” declares the Lord. “Your children will return to their own land.”

If God is speaking to you today, and if you’d like to help us here at “The Fellowship” rescue elderly Holocaust survivorsand “return” them, their families and their children to their own land, home to Israel, on The Fellowship’s “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights,” there are three ways that you can donate today.

First, is with a one-time generous gift of $1,500. $1,500 covers 100% of the costs to fly one Ukraine Jew home to Israel.

Second, you can give a donation of $500. We’ll join your donation with 2 other listeners who are also donating $500.

Third, you can give a one-time gift of $150. Your donation will be matched with many others who are also contributing $150.

Here’s that special phone number again for you to call. It’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. That’s 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. Our friendly Fellowship operators are standing by right now waiting to talk with you. Numerically, the number is 844―809―4647. That’s 844―809―4647.

You can also donate your tax deductible gift on our special ministry website page. The website address is:



2,000 years Christians and Jews have been separated. And how often do we get a chance in our lifetime to not just make a difference in someone’s life, but to literally save a life, with dollars. Not with risking our lives, but by helping through our prayers and that comes first. It’s gotta start with praying for the peace of Jerusalem, praying for the lives of these people that are threatened. How often do we get an opportunity in life to make a difference and to bring that person in fulfillment of biblical prophecy from persecution, from threats and annihilation to freedom in the Holy Land in Israel. I would urge you to listen to what God is speaking to you, in your heart. And if you capture this message, if you capture this vision, that God is placing in your heart, that you would act on it. And sometimes we can do more than what we think we can – and to have confidence that God will bless us in manifold ways, not just through funds but through blessings to our family, to our children, to our relationships, bringing meaning to our lives, and that’s the true blessing that God promises to give to those who bless His children.

Ezekiel 39 verse 28 says, “Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind.”

Many of us weren’t alive 70 years ago during The Holocaust to do anything, but we can today, With one phone call, you can literally save a life.

Think about that.

You can be a Corrie Ten Boom. You can be an Oskar Schindler. And you can be part of fulfilling Biblical prophecy, you can rescue and save the life of a Jew, out of Ukraine, and bring them home to Israel, for the rest of their lives.

And we want to fill as many seats as we can with Jews who are waiting to come home to Israel, many of them Holocaust survivors who are in the final years of their lives.

Here’s Yael Eckstein with some final words on our program today.


In Jeremiah chapter 30 God said:

“Do not be dismayed oh Israel, behold, I will save you from afar and your offspring from the land of their exile. I will make an end of all the nations where I have scattered you, but I will not make an end of you.”

God’s promise to His people is to bring them back to Israel.

And that’s our prayer.

For many poor Jews living in the embattled, war-torn region of Ukraine, their dream of one day coming home to Israel is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Most have absolutely no money. These are precious Jews who are very poor, no bank accounts, little hope of a job, nowhere to withdraw money from. These are God’s chosen people, many who cannot afford even a bus ticket to go to the local market to buy food or clothing, let alone pay for an expensive plane ticket from Ukraine to Israel.

But you can change all of that today.

You can bring them out of a life of hopelessness in this dangerous region of the former Soviet Union, and bring them home to Israel.

The cost to bring one Jewish refugee from Ukraine to Israel on this special emergency Ukraine flight is $1,500.

Here’s the special toll free phone number to call, 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. 844―EIGHT ZERO―WINGS. Our friendly Fellowship operators are standing by to talk with you right now. 844―80―WINGS. Numerically, that number is 844―809―4647. That’s 844―809―4647.

This is Yael Eckstein from The Fellowship saying thank you, and may God shine his light on you and extend his blessing to you and your family because of your generous gift today.



“Bless Israel” with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, has been a presentation of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, at IFCJ DOT ORG slash RADIO. That’s IFCJ DOT ORG Slash RADIO.


“7 Fruits of Israel”
