


(EffecTIve 1/1/12)

Info Line, Inc.

703 S. Main Street, #211

Akron, OH44311

Administrative Office: 330-762-5627

24-Hour Information and Referral:2-1-1 or 330-376-6660

Urgent Line: 330-252-9013

Key Contacts

Name / Phone Number / Email
Main Agency Phone / 330-762-5627
Urgent Line / 330-252-9013

Agency Hours and Map

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday...... 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday...... Closed

Info Line’s211 Information and Referral Program is open

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Welcome to Info Line

Info Linewelcomes you! We hope that your association with our agencywill be a mutually satisfying experience. All of our volunteers/interns are extremely important and valuable to us. We sincerely thank you for sharing yourskills, time, energy, and abilities with us here at Info Line! You are a true asset to our organization, and our community is a better place because of people like you!

Mission Statement

Info Line’s mission is to improve the quality of life of all people who live and work in Summit County by enhancing their access to and use of the human service delivery system in our community. Additionally the organization assists in community planning by identifying gaps, overlaps, and duplication in services.

Agency History

Info Line was incorporated as a private non-profit organization in 1975. Info Line was initially founded to provide Information and Referral to residents of Summit County.The agency’s mission was to link people in need of services with the most appropriate providers of those services. This program is now known as 2-1-1 Information and Referral, and it responds to approximately 70,000 requests for assistance from Summit County residents each year.

Throughout its history, Info Line has been sensitive to the needs of the community. Through strategic planning with its Board and community leaders, Info Line developed additional programming in line with its mission. In 1979, Info Line started the Lifeline program to respond to the needs of low-income and frail elderly individuals. In 1986, Info Line started the MedAssist program to help low-income, uninsured individuals obtain prescription medications. In the early 1990s, Child Care Connection was started to assist parents seeking child care in our six-county area. Most recently, Info Line has become very involved in efforts to coordinate services for the homeless and runs the Homeless Management Information System for Summit County, a Community Voice Mail program and Home Again.

Info LinePrograms

Info Line consists of the following programs:

  • 2-1-1 Information and Referral Service -Connects people in need with local social services, faith-based organizations, government offices and educational institutions by simply dialing 2-1-1. The service is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day.
  • Child Care Connection– Assists parents in securing child care resources and offers training and technical assistance for early childhood personnel as well as family child care providers.
  • MedAssist– Helps uninsured, low-income Summit County residents to access free and low-cost prescription medications.
  • Lifeline – Offers an emergency response monitoring service for frail elderly and others with serious life-threatening health conditions.
  • Homeless Services

HMIS (Homeless Management Information Systyem) of Summit County– Maintains a community database used to collect data about homeless services in Akron and Summit

Community Voice Mail– Helps people living in poverty, transition and homelessness rebuild their lives by connecting them to jobs, housing, information and hope.

Home Again– Provides temporary financial assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services to those individuals and families who are homeless or would be homeless without assistance.

Volunteer/Intern Orientation and Training

As a volunteer/intern at Info Line, you will receive a general orientation as well as training on your particular assignment. We will strive to ensure that your experience here will be educational, fulfilling, and rewarding. The length and type of training varies by assignment. If at any time you feel like you need more training, please ask your Supervisor.

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Supervisors partner with volunteers/interns to develop a weekly schedule.

Info Line observes ten holidays throughout the year. A list of holidays will be given to you at orientation.

Snow days are rare at Info Line, but are sometimes called. If you have any questions about whether Info Line is open or the weather is severe, please contact the agency before leaving your house. Info Linerequests that you call the administrativeor urgent phone line before you are scheduled to work to verify if the office is open and/or to call off.

Dress Code

Volunteers should always dress appropriately, tastefully, and professionally for the service work they are doing. Business casual attire is expected Monday through Thursday. Appropriate business casual attire includes slacks, appropriate length skirts, nice shirts or blouses and sweaters. Shorts are not permitted during regular business hours. Clothes should always be clean, not overly flashy, and neither baggy nor tight.

Fridays are optional jeans days. Volunteers are welcome to wear jeans on Fridays as well. Jeans and tennis shoes are only allowed on Fridays.

For a more detailed explanation of the dress code, ask during orientation.

Starting Out

Sign-in when starting your shift. The sign-in sheet provides a record of your volunteer/intern participation as well as data for our organization.If you do work off-site with permission of your Supervisor, that time should also be documented on the sign-in sheet next time you are in the office.

Wear an Info Line volunteer/intern name tag while working. The name tag identifies our volunteers/interns to staff, clients and the public.

Please leave your coat, backpack, purse, or other personal items at your workstation or your supervisor’s office during your shift. Please note that items are not secured by Info Line. You are to maintain ownership of the security of your belongings.

Policies & Procedures


If you can’t fill your volunteer position on a specific date or dates, please call off to your supervisor at least 2 hours prior to the start of your shift. Excessive absences or multiple absences without calling off may be cause for dismissal or shifting to a different volunteer position. For student interns, University/College guidelines regarding excessive and unexcused absences will be followed.If you have a planned absence, please notify your supervisor at the start of your internship/volunteer service or as soon as you become aware you will be absent.

Access toAgency Property and Materials

As appropriate, volunteers/interns shall have access to agency property and materials necessary to fulfill their duties, and shall receive training in the operation of any equipment. Property and materials may be used only when directly required for agency purposes.

Age Limitation

The minimum age for volunteers is 16 years. Volunteers under the age of 18 are not allowed to work with equipment prohibited by state law. Parental consent is required for those under the age of 18.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

For the protection of all our staff, volunteers, interns, and customers, all representatives are strictly forbidden to use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any time during the work day or anywhere on Info Line premises. Off duty sale or use of illegal drugs or abuse of prescription drugs is also prohibited.

Area Agency on Aging/Medicaid Services

No volunteer may provide any aspect of a certified long-term care service for a consumer without supervision by the provider’s supervisory staff.

Background Checks

Upon application, Info Line may conduct one or all of the following: criminal records background check, motor vehicle records check, and a fingerprint background check. An acceptable background check is required for volunteering.

Client Complaint Policy

All complaints taken by volunteers/interns about Info Line receive a respectful and timely response. Volunteers/interns with a complaint should attempt to settle the issue quickly through discussion with your supervisor.


Volunteers/interns are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information relating to staffmembers, other volunteers, clients, and program business. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the volunteer/intern’s relationship with the agency, or other corrective action. You will be required to sign a confidentiality form prior to the start of your assignment. Violations of this policy also may result in personal liability.(Please refer to the confidentiality form for more information.)

Conflict of Interest

Info Line volunteers/interns, acting in an official capacity, shall not take any action that would result in theirown financial benefit. Volunteers/interns shall not ask for or receive for themselves or for a member of their household or for any Info Line employee, directly or indirectly, any benefits, monies or gifts from clients.

Disability Policy

Info Line welcomes volunteers/interns with disabilities. Info Line complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact your supervisor if you have special requirements so we may accommodate your needs.

Discontinuing Your Service

If for some reason you no longer wish to continue your volunteer work with Info Line, please inform your supervisor as soon as possible. We will ask you to give us your thoughts and concerns relative to your experience here. Your honest feedback will be used to improve our program. For security reasons, you must also return your volunteer name tag and FOB key if applicable.

Dismissal ofa Volunteer/Intern

Volunteers/interns may be dismissed without prior notice for failure to meet expectations of assignment or a violation of these policies.

Driving Policy

Volunteers/interns may be reimbursed for mileage incurred through the use of your personal automobile for authorized business purposes at the rate established by Info Line. Volunteers/interns using their personal automobile for Info Line business must furnish (annually at a minimum) evidence of liability insurance with minimum limits as follows:

Bodily Injury - $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence

Property Damages - $25,000 per occurrence

Insurance must be maintained in order for you to travel for Info Line using your personal vehicle. If minimum insurance is not available, all work will be completed at the Info Line office or volunteer/intern will travel with an insured staff or volunteer.

Gratuities and Gifts

Under no circumstance may a volunteer accept a gratuity, tip or gift from a resident, client, family member or vendor. Any offer to you of a gratuity, tip or gift should be declined and reported to your Supervisor.

Non-Discrimination and Harrassment Policy

It is the policy of this agency that there will be no discrimination or harassment in its programs, activities or employment based on race, color, sex, sexual preference, marital or parental status, religion, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran status. Questions or concerns related to affirmative action, nondiscrimination or equal opportunity should be directed to the Vice President of Operations, John Dagilis.


The HIPAA Privacy Rule is a federal regulation that ensures that all personal medical information obtained by health care providers is protected and kept private. It applies to everyone with established medical information and records,including clients of Info Line. Unauthorized disclosure of a client’s protected health information is a federal crime and is grounds for dismissal from Info Line. Please refer to Info Line’s Disclosure of Privacy Practices for more information.

Internet Usage

Info Line provides internet and e-mail access, when applicable, to assist in performing your work more efficiently. Info Line commits significant financial resources in order to extend this capability for you. The internet usage policy is designed to address what are, and are not, appropriate uses for these important resources. Please refer to the internet usage handout for more information.

Open Door Policy

Info Line is committed to a work environment where all persons are treated fairly and with respect and dignity. Info Line has an open door policy to establish a comprehensive method of resolving volunteer/intern concerns that builds trust and produces prompt and fair resolutions. A volunteer/intern should address any issues or complaints to their supervisor. If the supervisor cannot resolve the issue or is the source of the complaint or problem, the volunteer/intern should discuss the situation with the Agency Administrative Manager.


Occasionally, Info Line staff and volunteers are asked to park offsite at another designated location. Your program supervisor will inform you if this is necessary.

Punctuality and Completion of Assigned Work

Be punctual and conscientious in the fulfillment of duties assigned and accept supervision from staff and more experienced volunteers/interns. Consult with your assigned supervisor for any questions that may arise.

Quality of Service

If Info Line feels your volunteer service is ineffective for whatever reason, your supervisorwill discuss this with you and may recommend that you try a different area of volunteer work or that you discontinue your volunteer activity with Info Line. Info Line requests that you stay in your first volunteer role for at least ninety days so that you will have a complete understanding of the role. If you want to try a different position after the 90 day period, this is perfectly acceptable. Simply make an appointment with your supervisorto express an interest in other roles. Your supervisor will identify other opportunities or put you in contact with the Agency Administrative Manager to discuss other roles.


Many employers recognize volunteer/intern work as valid job experience. Your volunteer/internship experience also provides you with current personal references regarding your skills. References will be given to prospective employers upon your request. Info Line will not provide recommendations for terminated volunteers/interns.

Reimbursement – Mileage/Other Expenses

Reimbursement for travel off-site during your volunteer/internship hours and other expenses incurred as part of your volunteer experience may be available depending on your assignment. Ask your supervisor for prior authorization before incurring the expense.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is known to be a hazard to both life and property, and it is also hazardous to non-smokers. Smoking is not permitted on the premises at any time, including nights and weekends.


Each volunteer/intern shall have an assigned supervisor responsible for assigning and monitoring work and work load.

Telephone/Cell Phone Usage

Telephone usage shall be limited to business purposes. Personal phone calls and texting, except in cases of emergencies, are discouraged during service hours.


Theft or pilferage of cash or merchandise by a client, volunteer, intern or paid staff member is a serious offense and should be reported to your supervisor. Theft negatively affects not only our ability to deliver services, but also the trust upon which our staff structure is based. Theft is cause for immediate dismissal.

Use of Equipment

Use of equipment, such as computers, fax machines, copy machines, and printers is limited to those who are trained to use the equipment and may only be used for assigned work. Volunteers/interns should inform their supervisor if they wish to receive training on specific equipment.

Volunteer/Intern Performance Evaluation

Volunteers/Interns will receive an evaluation conducted by their supervisor either yearly or at the end of their term, depending upon the length of their service to the organization. The evaluation will include discussion of quality of work and areas of growth. The evaluation will provide an opportunity for the volunteer/intern to make suggestions on how best to improve their position and the tasks involved. University/College guidelines for performance evaluation will be followed when applicable.

Volunteer/Intern/Staff Relationships

Volunteers/Interns and staff are partners in fulfilling the mission and programs of Info Line. Each has an equal but complementary role to play.Volunteers/interns as well as staff should be open to new ideas and learning new ways of doing things. Each group can learn from the other and should cooperate, ask questions, and appropriately respond to to promote mutual learning, cooperation and respect.

Volunteer/Intern Consent and Release of Liability Agreement

You will be required to sign a consent and release of liability prior to beginning service. A copy will be provided to you.

Volunteer/Intern Publicity Release

You will be asked to sign a Publicity Release Form. This form is optional. A copy will be provided to you.


Accident Reports

If a volunteer/intern is injured at work, the accident should be reported at once to your supervisor or another manager. An accident report must be completed within 24 hours.Medical assistance or treatment will be given if necessary.

Emergency Exits

Emergency exits are strategically located throughout the office. Emergency exit signs mark the passageways. You are encouraged to become familiar with all exits in the event of an emergency.


Info Line has an automaticsprinkler system that should come on in the case of a fire. In addition, fire extinguishers are locatedin the following areas:

1.Outside of the reception desk.

2.In the LifeLine department, next to the restroom.

3. In the Kitchen/Break room.

4. In the main entrance stairwell at the bottom of the stairs.

5. In the hallway outside of the Center for Non-profit Excellence.

6. In the Server Room.

First Aid KitDefibrillator

There is a first aid kit located in the kitchen/break room in a stand-alone wall cabinet. A defibrillator is also in the kitchen/break room. Several staff members have first aid certification – seek staff assistance immediately if needed or follow instructions inside the defibrillator.