MINUTES of the 238th meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council held on Thursday 19th November 2015 at 7.15pm in the Parish Centre.
PRESENT: Reverend Father David Finegan, President of the Council, Mrs Christine Cannon, Mrs Elaine Durbin, Mr Andrew Duxson, Mr Richard Hall, Mrs Yvonne Hannan, Mrs Carole Kelly, Mrs Josephine Lea, Mrs Gillian Millyard, Ms Rosemary Muntus and Mr Allan Scott.
IN ATTENDANCE: Frank Lea, Clerk to the Council
APOLOGIES: Ms Debbie Kerry
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting, said a few brief words about the role of the PPC. She stated that the functions of the PPC as laid down in the constitution were:
- To assist and advise the Parish Priest in exercising the authority delegated to him by the Bishop
- To enable and assist the laity of the Parish to perform their proper functions
- To provide an instrument through which the Church may make and maintain ecumenical contact with other Christians
Father David then led the opening prayer.
50/15 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: It was agreed that the MINUTES of the 237th meeting of the PPC, held on 22nd September 2015, constituted a true record. They were signed and dated by the Chairman.
- ELECTIONS TO THE PPC: Nominations for the PPC filled all the vacancies and there was no need for an election.
52/15 ANY OTHER BUSINESS NOT SCHEDULED FOR THE AGENDA: Father David said he wished to raise the subject of the Bishop’s Visitation in January and Gillian Millyard said she wished to say a few words about HCPT.
53/15 ELECTION OF A CHAIRMAN FOR THE PPC:Father David took the Chair and asked for nominations for Chairman. Christine Cannon proposed Josephine Lea and Carole Kelly seconded. There were no other nominations. The proposal was unanimously supported and Jo re-assumed the Chair.
54/15 ELECTION OF A VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR THE PPC: Carole Kelly proposed Christine Cannon and this was seconded by Yvonne Hannan. There were no other nominations. The proposal was unanimously agreed.
55/15 REPORT FROM THE PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: Jo Lea gave the report on the meeting that had taken place on 3rd November.
- PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE PARISH CENTRE: The matter will be discussed further as a separate agenda item later on in this meeting.
- FIRE DRILL: Was held at Stowmarket Masses on Sunday 27th September. Some improvements to the practicalities of the drill had been suggested and will be implemented prior to the next exercise.
- WORLD FOOD DAY 2016: The location for this event has now been confirmed. It will take place in the Cedars on Sunday 7th February 2016.
- CHURH RE-DECORATION: This is to be undertaken in the late spring/early summer 2016 when the heating has been turned off. Three quotes will be sought for the work. There is a possibility that re-decoration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel could be done on an internal self-help basis.
- NEXT MEETING: Will take place on Tuesday 12th January 2016..
56/15 REPORT FROM THE DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF LAITY: No meeting has been scheduled at the present time..
57/15 REPORT FROM DEANERY COUNCIL OF LAITY: Christine Cannon reported on the meeting that had taken place in October in the Stowmarket Parish Centre. The Dean had not been able to attend as he was involved in Diocesan business attending the Suffolk Churches Together on behalf of Bishop Hopes. Christine said there had been some lively updates from the various parishes represented. The date for the next meeting had not been formally agreed and the timing of the next “Church Crawl” would be determined later.
58/15 PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE PARISH CENTRE – UPDATE: Father David said he had been talking to Tim Bunn, the architect, on the concerns raised by the PPC at its last meeting. He said that all the options had their pros and cons, but we did not yet have a consensus of opinion to take the matter forward and to present it to the parish. The next move was to arrange a meeting with Tim Bunn involving members of the Finance Committee and of the PPC to discuss the best layout for the interior of the Centre. It would be best to leave this until the New Year and this was agreed.
59/15 REPORT FROM THE PASTORAL GROUP: Gillian Millyard reported. She said that the Mass for the Sick and Housebound had taken place on Sunday 18th October. Twelve parishioners had received cards and thirteen had been anointed on the day. She thanked all those who had helped in any way. The All Souls Day morning Mass had been well attended and again she thanked those who had helped particularly with refreshments after the Mass. She was hoping to complete the “photoshoot” of the co-ordinators and to get these posted on the board. There were still some vacancies and she was working on this.
60/15 NEWS FROM CAFOD+: Rosemary Muntus reported. She said that the next meeting of the Group will take place on Tuesday 24th November. It was now settled that the meetings would take place on the last Tuesday in the month. She reported that:
- PRAYERS FOR PEACE: This would happen on Sunday 22nd November and would concentrate on the plight of refugees and, in the light of recent events, France. The event had been circulated to other churches in the town and it was hoped there would be some support from this source.
- LIVE SIMPLY: It was said that registration was virtually complete and should be finalised at the meeting on 24th November.
- WELCOMING REFUGEES: It was stated that it was important to recognise refugees as people and families and not as potential bombers and terrorists. Allan Scott mentioned the fact that Ipswich was designated as a Town of Sanctuary and that we should endeavour to assist where we could. Father David pointed out that Diocese and Deanery assistance was not yet defined and we would have to wait and see what it was actually possible to do to help refugees. In the meantime we should continue to pray for the refugees and all those seeking to help them.
61/15 PARISH SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Carole Kelly reported. She said that the Autumn Bazaar, 14th November, had been a great success and had seen a great coming together of the parish. Assistance, before during and after the event had been magnificent. The bazaar itself had been very well attended and, so far, some £2,500 had been banked. There were some expenses to be settled, but there was also more revenue to come in. Particular mention was made of the success of the new toiletries stall and the refreshments masterminded by Debbie Kerry. Everyone had done well and special mention was made of Marion and David Ryan, whose last bazaar (as organisers) this was and of Carole and Frank Kelly who seemed to be ever present. It was certain that at least two more people were needed to assume the organisational role in the bazaar. The Council were urged to help in this matter. The World Food Day at the Cedars was confirmed for Sunday 7th February 2016. Next year’s Bazaar would be on Saturday 12th November. Allan Scott said he would put dates on the Diary Page of the Parish Website. Mention was also made of the disposal of goods, especially books that had not been sold at the Bazaar. It was confirmed that these were being made available to other causes in the local area.
62/15 NEWS FROM STOWMARKET CHURCHES TOGETHER: Father David reported. He said that the Week of Christian Unity would take place from 18th to 25th January 2016. The Unity Service would take place at Our Lady’s on Sunday 24th January. Daily Prayers would be held at the United Reformed Church, Stowmarket, at 9.30am. Our Lady’s day for leading the prayers would be on Friday 22nd January. It was further confirmed that Major Beverly would be preaching at the Stowmarket Masses on Sunday 24th January. It was intended that the Town Pastors be given the opportunity to speak at the Stowmarket Masses sometime in the future. Father David said he was dealing with this.
63/15 STOWMARKET & DISTRICT FOOD BANK – UPDATE: The Chairman reported. Jo said that parcels were up in the current month, 37 up to 19th November. 100 boxes for Christmas Hampers had been delivered and, as in previous year, Our Lady’s volunteers have agreed to decorate the boxes prior to delivery. The boxes will be dressed at Hillside, where there is room, and it was agreed to make a start on 24th November starting at 9.30am. Further dates could be agreed at that time. Jo said that Tesco was continuing to be very supportive of the Food Bank and that the requirement now was for Christmas and festive fare for the hampers. Father David said that he would compose a piece for the Newsletter.
64/15 PARISH SOCIAL MAGAZINE: EditorYvonne Hannan reported. She said that she had had a rush of material and had been able to produce a further edition which had just been collected from Gipping Press. She was optimistic that, with a continuing flow of copy she could, perhaps, manage three editions per year.
a.THE BISHOP’S VISITATION: Father David said that Bishop Alan Hopes would be paying a formal visit to the parish on 16th and 17th January 2016. It was hoped that he would celebrate and preach at all three weekend Masses. Opportunity would be taken for him to bless the Lectern and Font in Our Lady’s. Exact details of the visitation were not yet clear, but Father David was hoping to learn more when he went to a meeting at Poringland next week.
b.HCPT: Gillian Millyard said that the Easter pilgrimage would be taking Annie Bowen-Wright along as its nurse with Yvonne Hannan and four other helpers who had been recruited from Ipswich parishes. Father John Warrington would be joining the pilgrimage. Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich and other local schools are now being approached to provide the children who will be taken on pilgrimage.
66/15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting, the 239th will take place in the same location on Thursday 28th January 2016. The meeting would start at 7.15pm.
Father David drew the meeting to a close with a prayer and blessing.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.26pm.
PPC Mins 238