Bits & Pieces of Pastor Dan’s Past Advent Journals –with apologies to those of you who’ve seen or heard these before


I'm armchair nostalgic about shepherding; I remember once during my early boyhood seeing sheep being herded down the middle of state highway 97 by shepherds on horseback; I thought it quite exotic and adventurous. It didn't LOOK demanding! It LOOKED like fun! I wanted to BE in the saddle of one of those horses and later was (I worked for a rancher and herded cattle to the highlands on horseback!

On another occasion I saw LeRoy, my childhood friend, serving as a shepherd in the highlands of the Pasatan Wilderness, east of what is now the North Cascades National Park. LeRoy had dropped out of Jr. High School; nobody seemed to know where he'd gone, until one day in early summer, backpacking with my brothers, we rounded a bend on the trail and saw LeRoy sitting on a rock with a big grin on his face and 40 or so sheep surrounding him.

I ache sometimes, don't you - for an easier, more healthy, saner, simpler lifestyle. . . and I fantasize: what if I'D been the one to drop out of school and become a shepherd? How different my life would be!


I got acquainted recently with a homeless woman who reminded me of John the Baptist. In fact, her nickname was Johnie. She was thin, wearing dirty leather, standing with a steaming tin cup of coffee in her hand in front of a beat-up van. Johnie's van was parked between one belonging to a Latina Lesbian couple and another belonging to an Aurora Avenue hooker. My dog Icy, as usual, made the initial introductions. Johnie, I soon discovered, was college-educated, quite witty and intelligent, disabled, in recovery, and having recently seperated from a man who got primary custody of their pet rat. The pet rat, not the man, is the one Johnie misses. She does have rat visitation rights, but she wants one of her own now. The only thing she asked of me was that I keep my ears open for someone who might be willing to give her a nice pet rat for Christmas. I told her I didn't know much about rats, but asked if she'd be interested in renting a room somewhere if I could find any for less than $400 on Craig's List. She said yes; so I did, and took back the info to her later. I noticed how cold Johnie's hands looked. I gave her my gloves. My hands felt a little bit colder walking home without them, but a strange kind of peace came over me.

PAST WINTER WANDERINGS (in memory of ‘Icy’):

Twice by the light of early morning stars, I've seen to my surprised delight that in the night, snow had fallen. Twice I've remembered what it feels like to be a contented, excitable kid! When that clean, white stuff falls in Seattle, it is so beautiful, laying heavy on all shapes of bushes and sizes of trees. When I go out front to get the paper, I notice that the Heavenly Bamboo are weighed down with snow, to the point of touching the ground. "Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down ... with the worries of this life, so that day does not

Continued on Pg. 5

Table of Contents Pg. #

Pastor Dan’s Advent Journals 1 & 5

New Members Biographies 2

10 Essentials of Preparing for Christmas 2

Electronic Giving 2-3

BCUCC Calender of Events 3

Readings for December 3

Members & Friends Updates 4

Birthday List December 4

Poetry 4

Prayer Requests 5


Ann Hammer was at one time a member of St. Paul’s UCC in Ballard (during Pastor Dan’s interim ministry there in 1999). Ann’s hobbies include gardening and making homemade cards - especially ones with angels on them! She is mother to four and grandmother to seven. Ann and her husband Knute live at 8905 238th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98026 Phone 425-775-8852

Miriam Harvey was born in Long Prairie, Minn. In 1917. She has been worshiping at BCUCC and participating in Thursday Bible Study since her recent arrival from Minnesota. (Miriam is now living with her daughter Kathryn Norris & Kathryn’s partner Natalie at 2850 NW 73rd St, Seattle, 98117. Phone 206-784-0386. Email Kathryn at . Kathryn has also been attending regularly, offers her mother transportation & assistance with readings, & keeps her informed via email). Miriam has been a member of Union UCC, an Open & Affirming Congregation in suburban Minneapolis since 1951. Her father was a minister serving churches of the E & R background (same UCC roots as Broadview’s); her brother too was a UCC minister, and her sister a supervising nurse. For many years Miriam was herself a church accompanist and choir director.

Bob and Donna Rhay most recently attended NW Christian Church in Ballard, but both have extensive Disciples of Christ church backgrounds and are lifelong Washington State natives (Bob from around Walla Walla and Donna from the South Sound region). Donna led youth ministries in a Tacoma DOC congregation during the 1960’s and at one time went on to serve as the moderator of the entire denomination (highest lay leader role for the Disciples of Christ). Bob’s brother was well-known as an ordained minister in the DOC. Their home base is 9023 Mary Ave NW, #402, Seattle 98117. Phone 206-706-3289. Donna’s backup contact person is her son Wayne (and Chris) Gustafson: 206-784-3393. Bob’s backup contact persons are the good staff people at Viewland Day Care, 12024 Greenwood, phone 206-368-8542.



Today Marcia McLauphlin, Joan Henjum and I were talking about the scriptures for this Sunday, especially Luke 3: 1-6, which is the story of John the Baptist telling us to Prepare the Way for the Messiah.I asked if the Girl Scouts had a motto of Be Prepared, like the Boy Scouts do (they do). That gotMarcia thinking about the 10 essentials of wilderness hiking. REI lists those as navigation, sun protection, insulation (extra clothing), illumination, first aid supplies, fire starters, repair kit & tools, extra food, extra water, emergency shelter. So what are the 10 essentials of preparing the way for the Christ child? We thought of lots of things including scripture, prayer, opening our hearts to new ways of living, putting up lights, giving to others. What would you put on this list? What's essential to you in preparing for Christmas?

This, from Jane Witmer:

1. patience

2. a warm heart

3. an ability to see through the baloney

4.open eyes

5.a sense of humor

6. a sense of wonder


8. joy

9. some time alone - preferable outside

10. cookies and milk or a cup of tea

Not necessarily in that order!


There are two types of people – each is about 50 percent of the population: One group meticulously manages their checkbooks and budgets there expenses. The other group includes those of us who think they must have money in their account because they still have more checks. Both groups benefit from PayPal, available now through our website: www.broadviewucc.org.

Using PayPal you can either make a one-time donation electronically OR can you set up a subscription using your bank account, credit or debit card once a month on or near the day you set up

Continued on Pg. 3

Continued from Pg. 2
the subscription payment. Those who manage their checkbooks meticulously can ensure that their gifts are processed from their accounts regularly, even when traveling. Those who manage their checkbooks less meticulously will have the security of knowing that the gift you offer to God through your church comes first and is deducted regularly.

Using PayPal gives you the power to ensure that your offerings and gifts are deducted regularly from your bank account or charged to your credit or debit card in a timely fashion…whether you are in church every week or only occasionally. Just as the expenses of the church continue, so will your gifts. You will have the security of knowing that the gift you offer to God through your church comes first and is deducted regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is PayPal?

A: PayPal is a secure payment method for everything from online purchases to non-profit giving. It allows us (the Church) to receive electronic donations. It allows you to choose whether to set up giving through a bank account or to give using credit or debit cards in a safe and secure manner.

Q: My church asks us for an annual pledge of financial support. Is this the same thing?

A: You’ll still make a pledge. Electronic giving just helps you fulfill it! For those you don’t practice pledging, giving electronically still works.

Q: What are the advantages?

A: It saves you time and work and your church benefits from more stable contribution levels.

Q: When will my contribution be deducted from my account?

A: It will be deducted approximately 30 days after the last month’s payment

Q: If I do not write checks, how do I balance my checkbook?

A: Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date.

Q: Without a cancelled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?

A: Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers. It is your proof of contribution. Of course, your church will continue to provide a giving statement.

Q: Is electronic funds transfer risky?

A: Electronic contribution is less risky than a check contribution. It cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed. It has an extremely high rate of accuracy.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: It costs you nothing and it saves you time.

(Adapted from a similar Q & A for Richmond Beach UCC)


Sunday, December 8: Church Council Meeting following Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday, December 20: Children's Christmas Pageant during worship
Thursday, December 24: 8PM Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 27: Annual Carol & Hymn Sing in Worship
Friday, January 8: 7PM Harp & Bells Benefit Concert


The Church Office will be closed Friday, December 25, 2009 and Friday, January 1, 2010.


December 6, 2009

2nd Sunday of Advent

Make Ready

Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79

Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6

December 13, 2009

3rd Sunday of Advent

Look Forward

Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6;

Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18

December 20, 2009

4th Sunday of Advent

Moving with Mary’s Song

Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46b-55

Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96

Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14, (15-20)

December 27, 2009

1st Sunday after Christmas

Who Is This Child?

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52


A note from: Marcy Takahashi, Lin's daughter:

Mom has some difficulty conversing and expressing her thoughts, but she seems content,

and is physically doing quite well. She keeps busy at home now, working on her word search puzzles, listening to music and watching TV. Gail (her other daughter) takes her out for walks around the neighborhood and sometimes Mom will accompany Gail on the bus, when she has some errands to do. Mom enjoys getting out and it gives her a chance to see some different scenery.

I (Bonnie Thompson) am still working temporary and have been blessed with one assignment after another. However, that also means very little free time as when I do not work, I do not get paid. So I spend the weekends catching up. But I will try to be at church a little more often. Please remember us in your prayers as it has been a trying time. We send you the best. -Love, Henry and Bonnie

From Barbara Bazett on how her mother (and longtime BCUCC member) Norma Meyers is doing in CA: She's amazing! Doing better than ever. She woke up at 7:30 am this morning and asked me, "Anyone going to Church?" She was really jazzed by the recital I took her to on Friday night. All the young 'cellist, pianists and violinists. And a few of us adult students as well. She was talking about it the next day as well. Pretty good memory for her condition!

Carrie Hylander ¡está TAN emocionada por tener la oportunidad de trabajar en el Centro de Esperanza Infantil este mes! Es una organización increíble que cambian vidas.

Check it out atwww.oaxacastreetchildrengrassroots.org:


... to lessen poverty through education.


... to remove the physical barriers that hinder children from receiving an education.


First we learn, then we grow, then we teach others.


by Ann Marie Hammer

The darkest month of the year comes

in December, which brings us much

joy of the whole year. Much of the world

rejoices the birth of our Savior, Jesus.

We shower each other with gifts

that never end.

What a wonderful way to celebrate

the end of darkness.


Thea Ward 12/5

Tom Ward 12/5

Chris Foss 12/8

Sally Middendorf 12/10

Lin Takahashi 12/11

Maxine Manning 12/12

Tracy Studyvin 12/13

Bill Norton 12/15

Lois Selmar 12/15

Giovanni English 12/20

Christie Dickerson 12/25

Dan Stern 12/29


by Ann Marie Hammer

I am on the other side of age 50,

at which time is frightening

but, also heart warming.

My heart is sometimes sad,

but mostly glad.

I am pleased with the gifts that

were given to me: I can foresee

what some of humanity needs

from me.

The poet said: “In a corner

tucked away, is the child we were


Today I am told how healthy