Annual School Development Report 2007-2008

Mount Pearl Intermediate

46 Ruth Avenue

Mount Pearl, NL

A1N 2H5

Principal: Della Healey

Assistant Principal: Jim Moore

Guidance: Kim Power and Keith Bradbury

Message From Principal and School Council

While the 2007-2008 school year presented Mount Pearl Intermediate with an unexpected challenge in the form of a fire which destroyed our learning resource center, it also provided an additional opportunity to display the true character of Mount Pearl Intermediate as students, parents and staff continued their partnership towards achieving academic excellence in a safe and caring learning environment. For that they are to be commended and the many individuals and companies who assisted in the rebuilding process thanked. In this Annual School Development Report, we proudly share with our school community the accomplishments of our 754 students and 55 teaching and support staff. We ask that you take the time to examine this report as it reflects our collective efforts.

The underlying mission at Mount Pearl Intermediate continues to be the achievement of academic excellence in a safe and caring learning environment. This goal is ever present throughout the tremendous displays of student work and participation at annual literature, science and heritage fairs. Is evident in our public speaking events and artsmart programs. And is evident in the quality learning experiences our teachers provide on a daily basis whether within our classrooms, during cross curricular learning activities, on fieldtrips, or during tutorials.

Mount Pearl Intermediate in its pursuit of academic excellence also recognizes the importance of providing opportunities for students to explore their talents, leadership abilities and creativity through their involvement in co-curricular programs. We are extremely proud of our students for their involvement in intramural and school sport programs whether it be cross country running, soccer, volleyball, or basketball. We are extremely proud of our students for their involvement in fine arts programs whether it be Etcetera 22, Soundscapes, band, choir, guitar group or improv. And we are proud of our students for their involvement in student leadership and citizenship opportunities.

Specifically in terms of school development Mount Pearl Intermediate also has much of which to be proud. Our school development plan for 2007-2010, while a working document, has been completed due to the hard work and dedication of students, parents and staff. After the gathering of data during the 2005-2006 school year, the School Development Team worked with staff to come to consensus on values and vision for Mount Pearl Intermediate. Criteria statements were examined, critical issues identified and these formed the base on which the goals for Mount Pearl Intermediate were based. In May 2007, an external review team of four peer evaluators completed a positive and rewarding review of our plan. During the 2007-2008 school year, we revised our one year plan using input from the external review and continued the process towards achieving our goals. In addition, we developed a new school mission which references our desire to foster a safe, respectful, student-centered learning environment where learners are engaged in academic achievement, critical thinking and social responsibility while promoting and celebrating the creative potential of lifelong learners.


Message from the Director of Education

In keeping with a commitment to be accountable and transparent all schools within the jurisdiction of the Eastern School District are required to develop and release on an annual basis a report to the community. An Annual Report reflects an attempt to capture in brief format the multitude of activities, programs and initiatives that comprise the life and work of the entire learning community – its successes, its achievements, its issues and challenges, and its ambitions and plans for the forthcoming year. Schools are, indeed, busy places as these Annual Reports attest to.

This Annual Report reflects the efforts and energies of students, teachers, parents and other community partners, working in a collaborative and collegial manner to ensure that all students achieve and succeed to the fullest of their potential within a healthy and active, safe and caring, and socially-just learning environment. This goal remains our primary reason for doing all that we do.

I encourage all partners in education to review this annual report and use this report, and the information contained therein, as a basis of further engagement and discussion around items of interest pertaining to the education of our children within our schools.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Eastern School District I commend each and every school for their dedication to teaching and learning as evidenced by this Annual Report 2007-2008.

Yours in Education

Mr. Darrin Pike, CEO/Director of Education

Eastern School District

School’s Mission Statement

Mount Pearl Intermediate seeks to empower our school community by fostering a safe, respectful, student-centered learning environment. We promote a nurturing atmosphere where all learners are actively engaged in academic achievement, critical thinking and social responsibility. We promote and celebrate creative potential in preparation for lifelong learning and success.

Our School Community

Mount Pearl Intermediate is located at 46 Ruth Avenue in Mount Pearl. It houses 754 students from Grades 5- 9. These students come from three feeder schools: Morris Academy, Paradise Elementary and St. Peter’s Elementary. There is a total of 27 homerooms and 46 teaching units. The school avails of several itinerant services provided by Eastern School District as well as secretarial, maintenance and custodial services.

Programs Provided

Mount Pearl Intermediate offers English stream classes at all grade levels. An Intensive Core French program is offered to Grade 6 students. Both an Early French Immersion Program and a Late French Immersion Program are offered for students in Grades 7, 8 and 9.

There is a strong Music program, which includes a Guitar Group, an Elementary Choir, a Junior High Choir, a recorder group, a Show Choir and Junior and Senior Bands.

The Physical Education Department offers opportunities for student participation in many different sports at the Junior High and Elementary levels. There are sports leagues available for all Elementary students

Key Highlights/Special Projects

Our school is very proud of some new initiatives for 2007 –2008 as well as the continuation of some of our yearly programs. Our teaching staff was introduced to Character Education in 2006-07 and this initiative was continued as students and teachers engaged in this very worthwhile program.

We are very proud of our Grade 8 and Grade 9 Student Leadership Group who were involved in many programs such as Coats for Kids, Operation Christmas Child, Food Hampers for Families, Grounds Clean-up, Adopt a Family, Junior Achievement, School Dances and the Crime Prevention Committee. This group was also very involved in the Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Club. In fact, the Student Leadership Group of Mount Pearl Intermediate were recognized in the Volunteer Spotlight of the Provincial Kids Eat Smart Foundation newsletter. This group of young people is exemplary role-models for the student body.

Mount Pearl Intermediate Improv team placed first in the Intermediate competition in St. John’s.

Mount Pearl Intermediate placed first in the Junior High Math League.

In Science, Mount Pearl Intermediate students participated in the new

I-cubed project. These students displayed their innovative projects at the Canadian Association of Principals Conference.

Our students competed in several different speak-offs. There was an English Speak-off at some Grade levels. As well, both early French Immersion and Late French Immersion students competed in school based speak-offs.

Student groups traveled to Quebec City and several students and teachers participated in a European Tour to Greece and Turkey. All travel groups were excellent representatives of our school.

Various sports teams at all Grade levels competed in many tournaments. Our coaches were very proud of their teams and the wonderful school spirit that was created by our students.


Many community organizations helped to contribute to the success of Mount Pearl Intermediate.

One of our greatest sponsors was the Kids Eat Smart Foundation. This was the second year of a very successful daily breakfast program. Parents, students and teachers are to be commended for their dedication to this program.

Another community sponsor is Ches’s Fish and Chips who provides daily copies of the Evening Telegram which are used in our classrooms and the Learning Resource Centre. As well, newspapers are utilized in the Newspapers in Education program.

The RNC worked with our Grade 6 students to educate them on the Drug Awareness Resistance Education program.

In November, Junior Achievement sponsored The Economics of Staying in School presentations with our Grade 9 students.

Many of our parents and community groups have contributed to the school by volunteering their time to help the students and staff of Mount Pearl Intermediate.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of our school.

Report on Most Current Data

Below are the CRT results for 2007– 2008:

Mount Pearl Intermediate

Criterion-Reference Test (CRT) Results:

At the end of the last school year both our grade 6 and grade 9 students were involved in the writing of CRT tests in language arts and mathematics. We will highlight the overall performance of Mount Pearl Intermediate students as compared to other grade 6 and grade 9 students within Eastern School District and the province. The numbers in the charts represent the percentage of students performing at level 3 or above on a scale of 1 – 5 with level 1 being the lowest.

Grade 9 Mathematics

Our grade 9 math results revealed that Mount Pearl Intermediate students were performing above the Eastern School District and the Province in 4 of the 6 categories tested in the Multiple Choice section of the CRT as indicated below.

MPI / District / Province
Number Concepts / 70.4 / 69 / 68.9
Operations / 64.5 / 60.5 / 60.3
Patterns and Relations / 57.4 / 58.8 / 59.3
Measurement / 49.5 / 53.7 / 55.1
Geometry / 59.7 / 54.9 / 55.4
Data Management
And Probability / 65.7 / 63.7 / 63.2

Grade 9 math results in the Non-calculator/Closed Constructed section reveal that Mount Pearl Intermediate students were above the District and Province in both areas tested as indicated below.

MPI / District / Province
Number Operations / 58.2 / 51.5 / 51
Patterns and Relations / 67 / 62 / 61.3

Grade 6 Mathematics

Results from the grade 6 mathematics CRT are provided below and indicate that Mount Pearl Intermediate students are performing above the District and Provincial level in all tested areas.

Multiple Choice Section of CRT / MPI / District / Province
Operations / 70.6 / 68.5 / 69.1
Number Concepts / 70.9 / 69.8 / 69.8
Shape and Space / 69.2 / 58.3 / 59.2
Written Response Section of CRT / MPI / District / Province
Concepts / 63.4 / 57.1 / 57.3
Shape and Space / 82.6 / 72.5 / 73.5
Rubrics Section of CRT / MPI / District / Province
Reasoning / 51.8 / 46.6 / 48.4
Communication / 47.1 / 39.3 / 42
Connections & Representations / 49.4 / 38.7 / 41.3
Problem Solving / 62.4 / 52.9 / 55.3

Grade 9 English Language Arts

Our grade 9 English language arts results revealed that Mount Pearl Intermediate students are exceeding the Province in all multiple choice areas and the District in all multiple choice items but one as indicated below.

Multiple choice / MPI / District / Province
Poetic / 80.7 / 78 / 77.2
Informational / 79.7 / 79.8 / 78.1

In the Rubric section of the grade 9 English language arts CRT Mount Pearl Intermediate students are exceeding the District and Province in all areas as indicated below.

Rubric section / MPI / District / Province
Demand Writing / 92.5 / 88.8 / 86.2
Poetic Reading / 76.9 / 75.7 / 73
Informational Reading / 86.8 / 81.3 / 77.5

Grade 6 English Language Arts

Results from the grade 6 language arts CRT as indicated in the table show that Mount Pearl Intermediate students are performing above the District and Provincial level in all tested areas.

Multiple Choice Reading Section / MPI / District / Province
Reading / 88 / 85.4 / 84.8
Listening / 93.9 / 91.6 / 91
Rubrics Section / MPI / District / Province
Demand Writing / 92 / 88.1 / 85.1
Informational Reading / 89.8 / 79.3 / 79
Poetic Reading / 89.8 / 82.4 / 81.1
Visual Reading / 94.3 / 84 / 82.1
Listening / 80.5 / 63.7 / 62.6

Report on School Development Plan for Previous Year (2006 - 07)


Goal 1. To Improve student academic performance in all subject areas.
Objective 1.1:
Collaboration time between departments at intermediate and elementary levels will be provided to improve reading readiness, to improve quality written responses, and to improve basic math skills. / Objective 1.2:
Parental awareness of student expectations will be increased through communication to encourage student achievement. / Objective 1.3:
Increased celebration of student achievement.
Evaluation 1.1 Ongoing / Evaluation 1.2 Achieved but ongoing. / Evaluation 1.3 Achieved but ongoing
Commendations 1.1 Students are completing fewer major projects.
Some books on tape have been purchased.
Grade 6 teachers met with Junior high teachers to discuss transition issues. / Commendations 1.2
Parent handbook has been developed.
Homework web site used by all teachers.
Weekly news letter published. / Commendations 1.3
Scheduled grade level assemblies.
House League system developed.
Recommendations 1.1
To review and purchase remedial books to improve reading readiness.
Develop common rubrics to be used in Elementary and Junior high in an effort to “bridge the gap.” / Recommendations1.2
Develop a database of parent e-mail addresses. / Recommendations1.3
Develop school wide incentive program.
Objective 2.1: To increase student and staff morale. / Objective 2.2: To improve the character of students through Character Counts / Objective 2.3: To promote Mount Pearl Intermediate as a community of healthy and active living.
Objective 2.1 / Objective 2.2 / Objective 2.3
Evaluation: 2.1 Ongoing / Evaluation: 2.2 Ongoing / Evaluation: 2.3 Ongoing
Commendations 2.1
Social team building activities planned.
Scheduled school dances.
Education Week activities
Compliment parties (elem. Level)
Lunch program offered by Challenging needs / Commendations 2.2
Student leadership open to grades 7, 8 and 9 students
House system created to promote Character Education / Commendations 2.3
Promotion of DDR.
Breakfast Club set up for year 2.
D.A.R.E. program.
Recommendations 2.1
Student of the month activities.
Displays of student work in hallways.
Promote more lunch time entertainment. / Recommendations 2.2
Implement Behavior Matrix (PBS)
Schedule more school wide assemblies / Recommendations 2.3
Schedule schoolwide exercise activity.
Develop and access outside recreation area.
Set up teacher wellness room.

3-5 School Development Plan

The Department of Education initiated a new School Development Plan in September 2005. In 2005 –2006, Mount Pearl Intermediate began the initial stages of the new development plan. Part of building capacity was through helping staff members understand the new School Development Model. This was done through staff meetings and a school close-out day. In 2006-2007, School Development reached a stage whereby it could be evaluated and reviewed by an External Team. After our external review, the School Development Team reevaluated our first year plan based on the recommendations. Our entire staff worked together to develop a mission statement for a school. Our first year of implementation began during the second half of 2007-2008.

Below is the one year plan and the 3-5 year plan that was revisited and revamped after the External review was conducted.

Mount Pearl Intermediate

1 Year School Development Plan

The school development plan for the current year is part of a 3-5 year plan developed using the Provincial School Development Model. The school’s plan is revisited yearly using the results from theReport on School Development Plan from Previous Year and the Analysis of Most Current School Data.

While a school endeavors to meet the target dates of its 3-5 year plan, it recognizes that its plan is flexible, that revisions may occur annually, that new goals may arise, and that some goals may be longer or shorter than the duration of the plan (i.e. a goal may be targeted for 2 or 4 years within a 3 year plan).

This section outlines the School Development Plan for the current and upcoming year. The templates list the goals, objectives, indicators of success, intended strategies, and support plans. Included in this section is the Operational Issues Report. Critical issues are sometimes identified through the School Development process, but may not be directly related to a specific goal. The School Development model provides an avenue for those issues to be recorded and addressed.

School Development Plan 2007- 2008

Goal 1: To improve student academic performance in all subject areas.
Objective 1.1:
Collaboration time between departments at intermediate and elementary levels will be provided to improve reading readiness, to improve quality written responses, and to improve basic math skills. / Objective 1.2:
Parental awareness of student expectations will be increased through communication to encourage student achievement. / Objective 1.3:
Increased celebration of student achievement.
Indicators of Success:
Increase in student performance; comparison of individual student results of 2006 marks summary sheets to 2007 results by 5%
Decrease in transition issues between grades in specific subjects
Increase in common assessment tools and rubrics
Increase in common subject specific vocabulary
By September 2008 students will be completing fewer assignments/projects / Indicators of Success:
Pre/Post survey
Include alternate means for parent queries
Increase in student performance by 5%
Increase in positive parent/teacher interactions
Increase completion of student homework by 5% / Indicators of Success:
Increase in student performance by 5%
Increase in positive student behavior
1.1.1Schedule collaboration time between departments and grade levels by June 2008.
1.1.2Grade 6 teachers will work with Junior High Department to alleviate transition issues between grades specifically in Math and English
1.1.3Develop a common subject specific vocabulary by June 2008.
1.1.4Develop common rubrics in language arts in elementary and Junior High by June 2008.
1.1.5Expand the “Accelerated Reader” by June 2008