RQ CH 30 Part 1 Text


1 -696 Opening Quote

Who? From What Speech? When?

- First 8 words?

- Last 7 words?

“Moral Diplomacy” begins…

2 – 697 –newspaper

- What forces the USA into war?

- How many votes were cast against war in Congress?

3 – 698, 700, 705 – Propaganda Posters

- 1st Poster – Purpose?

- 2nd Poster- What is the message of the poster asking the young man to do?

- 3rd Poster – What is the Govt encouraging with this message?

4 – 699 Photo

- Who?

- Which Political Party?

- What was the “rally” for?

- What is he “convicted” of…under which law?

- In 1920…he runs for President from where? How many votes?

5 – 702 bbox – 703 photo – 704 photo

- Who? Addressing what group?

- What historical argument does she use in her attempt to persuade- congress?

- Where are these women exactly and specifically –Jobs?

- Which Group is this picketing the White House…NAWSA or NWP?

6- 706 BBox

- Who?

- The last six (6) words? Described why so many American’s desired to enter the Army during WWI…

Reading Questions

Opening Quote…

7 What is the name of the “diplomacy” that Wilson introduces to America with this speech to Congress?


8 What action of Germany causes the USA to declare War and join the Allies in WWI?

9 What is the proposed permanent peace based on?

10 Was the Mobilization of the Country in WWI a Mandatory or Voluntary effort, for the most part?

11 How long did it take for American Soldiers to finally arrive in Europe after their declaration of War?

12 What are the three (3) main contributions of America to the Allied war effort?

13 Who stalls the ratification of the treaty that ends WWI in the Senate (Treaty of Versailles) ?

14 What does WWilson’s 14th point call the world to create?

15 What two things kill the treaty and America’s participation in the League of Nations?

16 Who was George Creel?

17 Who was John J. Pershing?

18 Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?


19 In Wilson’s moving speech to Congress to declare war…what does he declare that when negotiated would prove durable?

20 What does Germany announce to the world Jan. 31, 1917?

War by Act of Germany

21 When Congress blocks Wilson’s desire to arm merchant ships before our declaration of war….WHAT is this a specific example of?

22 What is the name of the German Action which attempted to recruit Mexico to attack the USA?

23 What country’s Revolution begins in 1917 and ends up pulling them out of the War when they sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk…with Germany?

War Declaration

24 What “sacred American tradition” does Wilson shatter when he comes to Congress to ask for war?

25 What are Wilson’s two (2) goals?

26 What two (2) things did it seem that America could be?

Wilson’s 14 Points

27 Who became the “Moral Leader” of the Allied cause?

28 Of the first 5 points which one do I call “crazy”…and why?

29 What is called the “capstone point” – the 14th…what does it call on the World to create?

30 What one word would describe the system of security?

31 How do the Allies, the European allies of the USA, feel about Wilson’s 14 points?

Creel Manipulates Minds

32 What was the purpose (2) of the Committee on Public Information?

33 What did the 75000 “4-minute men” do?

34 What song by George M. Cohen is most associated with America’s participation in WWI?

Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent

35 What two foods change names during the war and symbolizes the growing American hatred for anything German?

36 What two (2) Acts of Congress attempted to restrict Americans speaking out against the War?

37 What three (3) people are mentioned as being imprisoned for violations of the above acts?

38 Name the Court Case and the “test” that is created in this cases opinion that allows the Federal Government to suppress Free Speech until 1969 under this particular ruling and test?

39 What is the analogy that justice Oliver Wendell Holmes uses to justify this “test?”

The Nation’s Factories Go to War

40 Our Army at the outset of the War had how many people = to the same size as “Persia?”

41 What 4 things/ideas fought against a massive Federal Government controlled Mandatory mobilization effort?

Workers in Wartime

42 What is the name of the rule, passed in Congress-1918, that stated that any unemployed male could be ‘drafted?”

43 Of the two (2) specific Unions mentioned here…which one supports the War effort and which one opposes it?

44 What was Big Bill Haywood’s punishment for speaking out against the War?

45 What happens to prices during the War…and how many strikes occur during the War…?

46 What two specific strikes are mentioned?

47 What happens in many Northern cities due to the Great Migration?

Suffering Until Suffrage

48 How did Women demonstrate their patriotism and support for the War effort?

49 What did the War do to the Women’s Movement?

50 What are the two (2) groups mentioned and what position does each specifically take on the War?

51 Who are the two (2) leaders of each of these movements?

52 After the War do most women who did not work before the war stay working?

Forging a War Economy

53 For what two (2) reasons does the Mobilization effort during WWI rely on voluntary rather than mandatory efforts?

54 Who was the leader of the Food Administration?

55 What are two slogans of the FA’s voluntary measures?

56 What are two slogans of other agencies copying the FA’s successful efforts?

57 By what % does Food Production rise? AND by what factor (x) does the Food Exports to the Allies increase?

58 What fraction of the bill for WWI is paid by the “Victory Loan Drives?”

59 What is new…begun in 1913…in the Underwood Tariff Bill, that is also increased to help pay for the War?

60 When the Great Depression begins how does HHoover’s experiences as leader of the Food Administration cause him to act?

Government Mandatory Actions

61 What is a synonym for the word Conscription?

62 How was Conscription different in WWI than the Civil War?

63 What was the growth of the US Army after Conscription?

64 For the first time in American History what group officially is admitted into the Armed Services AND HOW MANY WERE IN THE NAVY AND MARINES?

65 What is the name of the unit of African-American Soldiers who did see combat and fought well mentioned in my notes?

66 How was Europe different for Black men compared to home?

67 How does this influence the future Civil Rights movements during WWII? And in the Modern Era?