Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting … 28th January 2015


At the Chesterfield Drive Surgery

Attendees Dr. Peter Bush, Sylvia Chapman, David Griffiths, Ian Finch,

Gill Lewis, Keith Oliver, Chris Pead, Robert Preston,

Margaret Woollard, Tina Yarnton

1. Chair – Tina Yarnton opened meeting at 18.04hrs.

2. Apologies for absence – Julie Piotrowski, Amanda Godbold has resigned

3. Minutes from previous meeting [26/11/2014] - any matters arising?

CP said there was no record of the discussion concerning volunteers being

used in the Practice. TY agreed to this amendment.

4. Accept the minutes from previous meeting [26/11/2014] subject to amendment..

Agreed by CP …………………Seconded by SC ………………………


Break in Meeting to hold Annual General Meeting and elect Officers for 2015

(a) Chairman’s Report on Activities during 2015 (copy attached)

(b)  Election of Chairman and Secretary for 2015 from nominations received.

The only nomination received is from TY for KO to continue as Secretary, seconded by CP.

KO nominated TY to continue as Chair for a further year, seconded by SC.

Both nominees expressed willingness to stand and were elected by unanimous vote.

Members agreed that Chair should serve only a maximum of two years in office.


5. Suffolk Wellbeing

Nothing new to report but JP will be happy to deal with any issues

Members wish to bring to her attention.

6. Practice News/Communications

(a)  Prescribing

(1)  28 Day Prescribing

CCG,as money saving waste preventative measure, want a standard position of 28 day issues rather than longer periods. If

implemented it could have adverse affect on patients who pay for


(2)  Over ordering by Pharmacies

CCG to check that pharmacies order only the amounts of drugs required to fulfil prescriptions. Patients may be contacted to confirm needs.

(b)  Ravenswood PPG

Are content for us to attend one of their PPG meetings and would like to reciprocate. Ravenswood have offered us 4thMarch at 6pm and would probably like to attend our 25th March meeting. Will any members who are interested in going to the Ravenswood meeting let GL or me know so that Gill can advise numbers to their Practice Manager?

(c)  Staffing Update

Shortage of doctors in Practice due to Dr. Shakya going to Australia and Dr.Adefuye going to another Practice as Partner. We are advertising for doctors but there are none in the pool and several practices in Ipswich are running light.

Deirdre Siddaway, Respiratory Nurse, has also left but will not be replaced by a specialist. Becky Godbold will take on respiratory work (COPD) and a new nurse, to be recruited, the asthma work.

We need to reassess our mode of working to deal with the present problems which will mean reassigning duties.

Two of the current Practice Nurses have been supported by the Practice through Nurse Practitioner degree course.

Adrian’s role will be enhanced.

To relieve pressure on doctors, nurse practitioners will take on greater role. We need to recruit properly trained and suitable staff for the Practice.

Other possibilities include:

Senior, experienced paramedic to carry out home visits in lieu of a doctor while keeping in close touch with base.

TY mentioned that NHS commissioners are also looking at an extended role for therapist support with paramedic when called to fallers, to try to support immediate rehabilitation in their homes (avoiding hospital admissions).

Mention was made of the current good work done by The Red Cross which offers a meet and greet service for patients with limited mobility and/or support going home after a spell in hospital.

(d) Appointments - set clinics

With finite resources we must do analysis of demands for various needs and allocate resource accordingly.

7. A.o.B.

(a)  Future Meetings location, times and dates

Dates and locations for 2015 meetings are:-

Chesterfield Drive – March 25th, July 29th, September 30th,

November 25th.

Landseer - May 27th.

Meetings to commence at 18.00 hrs. unless notified otherwise.

(b)  Contact with CRN

TY to invite CRN local rep to a meeting. Action - TY

(c)  Recruitment to PPG

Discussion regarding alienation of PPG members, e.g. no invitation to the Christmas gathering. GL explained that Practice staff had decided not to hold a function.

Had we missed recruitment opportunities at Macmillan and ‘Flu jab mornings’? Patients approached at these had not shown much interest.

We do have 52 virtual members we can canvas for opinions, also a new member, June Alexander, will join next meeting. Agreed to put ‘Recruitment Opportunities for PPG’ as a standing item on future agendas.

(d)  Suffolk Live Well incentives for patients

TY to contact ‘Live Well Suffolk’ to establish what incentives they provide. Action - TY

(e)  Speed of movement of Info. Screen

Waiting Room screen stops are caused by control box being knocked.

Receptionist can reset. Can inaccurate clock be removed from screen?

IF will check, screen is updated regularly. Action - IF

(f)  Performance Stats. % patients seen on time, etc.

Analysis difficult because stats not kept.

DNAs – no correlation between DNAs and time of day. Young people are the worst offenders. Should we show DNAs as a proportion of total appointments. Discussed how to display figures e.g. on screen or wipe clean boards.

Appointment reminders are sent by text and telephone. CP suggested both day and date be included in reminders. GL will see if possible. -

Action - GL

(g) Posters

CP, RP, SC said the posters in the waiting room were untidy, some were out of date and others were irrelevant. Landseer was worse than Chesterfield Drive. GL will check there is a regular review. Posters and screen should complement each other. Action - GL

(h) Wi-fi

CP asked if wi-fi was available to patients in the waiting room. No.

(i) Blood Test.

Re article on dietary needs/blood group.

CP asked if there was a facility for patients to be given their blood group?

Could Practice charge for providing tests on request?

Dr Bush said there was no demand for this and it was not needed for medical purposes in a majority of cases.

(j)  25th. Anniversary

RP asked whether a celebration was planned to celebrate 25 years at Chesterfield Drive. GL to consider. Action - GL

8.  Chair closed the meeting at 19.50 hrs.

9.  Next Meeting on 25/03/15 at Chesterfield Drive Surgery. Assemble in Meeting

Room at 17.45 hrs. for 18.00 hrs. start.