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EAUC UK University & College Sustainable ICT Project

Action Plan

Institution: Sheffield Hallam University______

Name and Contact Details of Internal Champion: Aline Hayes, Assistant Director Student & Learning Services, Director of Information Systems and Technology


1.  I confirm that We have completed the JISC Carbon Accounting Tool (initial carbon footprinting) in a way which allows before and after comparison at the end of the project

2.  We have senior management approval for the action programme specified below, and that it is our intention to implement it fully

3.  We will complete an updated JISC Carbon Accounting Tool (final carbon footprinting) at the end of the project, and provide information on accomplishments for the preparation of case studies and other project outputs

1. Please briefly describe the main conclusions reached as a result of undertaking the footprinting tool, and associated activities addressing sustainable ICT :


2. Please complete the table below indicating the actions you are intending to take as part of your participation in the project:

Cyclical replacement of oldest 20% of PCs with newer more efficient PCs and AV systems / Annually / Increased energy efficiency of system unit and monitor, increased processor speed, thus reducing overall energy consumption by the University’s PC fleet.
Stricter/more aggressive power management as part of Windows 7 desktop. This will power down or put on standby PC in staff offices, lecture theatres & meeting rooms after shorter periods of inactivity. / July 2011 / Will reduce energy consumption of University’s PC fleet.
New print strategy reducing printing (but wary about whether a new strategy is deliverable this year) / Early 2011 / Printing undertaken on the most efficient devices, reducing carbon foroot pprint of printing
Reduction in number of printers so reducing energy use and total carbon foot print of printing service
One PC per member of staff policy rolled out as part of cyclical replacement– reducing number of staff PCs / 2010-2011 / Reduction of energy use and materials, cost savings.
Investigating ways of Improving power management of AV systems. Reduce hardware requirements by purchase of integrated systems / Reduce energy consumption and hardware
Information campaign aimed at staff through university's Sustainability working groups and intranet. / 2010 - 2011 / Encourage staff to participate in reducing carbon footprint on both corporate and personal level
Timer switches on printers and other devices where appropriate / Reduced power consumption by printers and other devices
Printers - switch off versus going to sleep. Use new energy tool to gather stats / 2011 / Reduced power consumption by printers and other devices
Continue move to VM ware / ongoing
Compare desktop PC versus laptop & docking station for staff use / 2011 / Potential for reduction in energy consumption
Change of default font to a more eco-friendly one / 2011 / Reduction in use of toner and paper
PC and AV procurement to include energy efficiency and carbon footprint in decision making process for selection of suppliers. / Annually / The University being able to procure energy and carbon efficient hardware.

3. Please indicate the support you would like for the project in the implementation of your action plan: ______

4. Please give any other comments you may have about the project, or how green IT can be implemented more effectively: ______