Terms of reference for International Consultancy Services
forDeveloping Education SectorPlan within
Global Partnership for Education Initiative in Uzbekistan
1. Background:
With over 28 million people, Uzbekistan is the most populous country in Central Asia withchildren representing 40 per cent of the population. The dominant language is Uzbek followed by Russian. Economically, Uzbekistan is considered a lower middle income country. Per person GDP is approximately $1280. Despite the global economic crisis, the country has achieved high economic growth for the last several years.
Major reforms in education took place after Uzbekistan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The public education system is based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” of 1997, and the National Programme on Personnel Training. There is no ongoing process of developing or revising a comprehensive Education Sector Plan.
The system of public education in Uzbekistan consists of 12 years of compulsory education: 4 years primary, 5 years secondary, 3 years special secondary which can be at an academic lyceum or a vocational college. School enrolment is 99% with gender parity realized in the compulsory years of education. The public education system includes 9,763 schools covering 4,500,000 students and 416,000 teachers. Basic education is offered in 7 languages: Uzbek, Kazakh, Karakalpak, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, and Kyrgyz.
At 10-12% of GDP, public education expenditures remain at a high level by international standards. The National Programme on School Education Development for 2004-2009 focused on the improvement of content (state educational standards, curricula and text books), learning environment and provision of resources. Eighty-one percent of schools were renovated and 75% furnished with up-to-date teaching and laboratory equipment, computers, learning aids and teaching materials. The teaching and learning process was improved through an increased motivation scheme and upgrading qualifications of teachers. Per-capita financing is being implemented throughout the country for basic education and preschool education; however, there has been no analysis regarding the effect on regional inequities and rural areas.
The following issues have been identified by the government:
- Low enrolment in pre-primary education. Nationally, enrolment in kindergartens is only 20%, but as low as 11% in regions.
- Professional qualifications of teachers are not at the level of international standards.Monitoring by the Ministry of Public Education found that many teachers do not have adequate knowledge in their subject area. Uzbekistan does not participate in any international assessments of student learning outcomes.
- Job availability does not match vocational college graduates. The system is not able to respond to changes in labour needs, particularly in the regions.
- Children with special needs are not included within the main school system. 19,921 children with special needs are educated in special boarding schools and 14,528 are schooled at home. Schools facilities are not accessible and there is no training for teachers to accommodate special needs students in their mainstream class.
- There is no comprehensive, modern Education Management Information System for data collection to inform decision-making.
- Insufficient supply of textbooks. It is expensive to provide updated textbooks in all subjects in the 7 languages of instruction.
The Government of Uzbekistan has been given an indicative allocation from the Global Partnership for Education (former Fast Track Initiative).
The Government of Uzbekistan has indicated its agreement to join the Global Partnership for Education and develop an Education Sector Plan in line with Uzbekistan’s Welfare Improvement Strategy. With the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers, the First Deputy Prime Minister has appointed the Deputy Minister of Finance to convene a Local Education Group to support the process of developing, endorsing, and implementing an education plan and applying for the implementation grant.
The Global Partnership for Education has identified UNICEF as the Coordinating Agency, responsible for facilitating the work of the Local Education Group and the development and endorsement of the Education Sector Plan.
As Coordinating Agency, UNICEF is entrusted with hiring an international consultancy to conduct an analysis of the education sector and to develop the Education Sector Plan, including a Three Year Action Plan.
2. Purpose of assignment:
The specific purpose of this consultancy will be to provide the technical assistance to the government partners through the process of developing a comprehensive Education Sector Plan, and a 3 Year Action Plan for implementation.
The comprehensive Education Sector Plan will be a key education policy document in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It will set the long-term strategic priorities for the national education system, in line with the country’s national priorities. The Education Sector Plan will also establish the mechanisms required to meet these priorities. The Action Plan will provide a timeframe for implementing these mechanisms along with cost and finance simulation models.
3. Process and Job Description
The international consultancy team will coordinate and manage the process of developing the Education Sector Plan, under the guidance of the Chief of Education, UNICEF. The consultancy will work with a Local Education Group appointed by the Government, which includes government partners and education representatives from multilateral and bilateral donors.
The government partners will include all of the departments of the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Special Secondary Education, Educational Research Institutions, Teacher and Management Training Institutes, as well as other Government Ministries identified by the Local Education Group as necessary.
Major steps along the process and tasks to be accomplished by the International Consultancy Team:
- Provide technical assistance to the Local Education Group to conduct a situational analysis of the current education system.
The scope and focus of the analysis will include:
- Extent to which the right to education is fulfilled in the country throughout the education-cycle.
- Existing policies and implementation within the entire education system (Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, Adult Education), including structure of the system, resources (human and financial), access, quality of teaching and learning, and outcomes.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the pre-school education system in guaranteeing early childhood education including cognitive,language, social and emotional development.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the basic education system in guaranteeing learning outcomes through quality primary and secondary education for all children including those most at risk of not succeeding at school.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the higher education system to provide both vocational training and academic education.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the adult/ life-long learning system to meet the needs of the population.
- Relevance of the education system at all levels in meeting the needs of the population and thecountry’s labour market.
The analysis will develop along the following stages:
- Desk-review with compilation and analysis of key documentsrelated to the education sector.
- Inception phase, including:
- Preliminary discussions with the commissioning team and other key informants previously identified, to facilitate an in-depth common understanding of the conceptual framework, identifying information gaps, refining research questions and adjusting methods, tools and sources.
- Inception report, including a Research Design Matrix for each finally agreed research question (specifying data collection methods, tools, additional sources, etc.).
- Technical assistance to local research institutions to supply additional quantitative and qualitative data collection required to complement desk-review findings as necessary based on information gaps.
- Broad-based consultations with all stakeholders conducted with the support of local research and education institutions.Stakeholder groups will include technical and thematic working groups appointed by the Local Education Group,government officials at all levels, donor agencies, NGO's, teachers and pedagogues, parents, students, and community members. Details on the consultations will be discussed between the consultants and the commissioning team during the inception phase, but may include working sessions, roundtables, and focus group discussions.
- Draft report on the situation analysis. Findings will be discussed with the Local Education Group.
- Final report based on feedback, including key recommendations to be used as input for the Education Sector Plan.
- Prepare the written Education Sector Plan and Action Plan to meet the requirements of the Appraisal Guidelines and the recommendations highlighted in the Situation analysis.
The Education Plan will be developed along the following stages:
- Technical assistance to the Local Education Group to hold broad based consultations with stakeholder groups.
- Technical assistance to the Technical and Thematic Working Groups appointed by the Local Education Group to contribute to the development of the Education Sector Plan.
- Develop consensus within the technical and thematic working groups in identifying the strategic priorities to address the recommendations from the analysis, creating the 3 year action plan as well as indicators and the results framework.
- Ensure the Education Sector Plan meets the guidelines set by the Global Partnership for Education, including compilation of documents, long-term strategic direction, 3 year action plan, and consultative process.
- Prepare cost and finance simulation models to be included in the Action Plan.
Throughout this process, the consultant will:
- Provide technical and logistical support to the Local Education Group to develop the Education Sector Plan and a Three-year Action Plan.
- Be primarily responsible for the deliverables (see Section 4) following the above described process and Guidelines.
- Coordinate and facilitate technical and thematic working groups.
- Coordinate and support work on additional analytical documents as required.
- Coordinate and facilitate broad consultation and participation in the process, including government ministries, donor groups, non-governmental organizations, civil society representatives, parents and students.
- Integrate feedback and revise the Education Sector Plan and Action Plan as requested by the supervisor.
4. Deliverables/Products
The following deliverables and products are expected from the international consultancy team:
- Library of relevant documents reviewed
- Inception report
- Draft and final report of the Situation analysis of the education sector
- Data sets produced during the situation analysis (recordings of focus group discussions, interviews, database, as relevant)
- Analytic report of current education policy
- List of key stakeholders consulted and reports from each consultation
- Reports from technical and thematic working groups
- Completed Education Sector Plan
- Three year Action Plan for Education Sector Plan including Cost and Finance Simulation Models
5. Qualifications and Expertise:
The work will be conducted by an international consulting team with expertise in analyzing and writing national education plans and implementation strategies, including policy, finances, human resources, and student learning outcomes.
The competencies required from the international team of consultants will be the following:
- Team members with advanced degrees and international experiences in education policy, finance, teaching and learning.
- Experience in writing Education Sector Plans and Implementation Strategies.
- Experience working with national government ministries.
- Analytical and conceptual thinking and writing ability.
- Ability to facilitate participatory consultative process, including coordination, planning, and monitoring skills.
- Experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.
- Previous experience of working in CEE & CIS countries an asset
- Previous experience of working on EFA/FTI process an asset
- Ability to work in an international environment
- Familiarity and commitment to UNICEF’s mission and mandate
- Fluency in English and Russian within the team.
6. ProgrammeComponent and Intermediate result involved:
PCR 1 - Improvement of quality basic services
IR 1.2 – Pre-school and basic education
7. Estimated duration of the contract:
The contract will last for 3 months, with a proposed start date of April 1, 2012, subject to confirmation.
9. Office travel involved:
The consultancy will be based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and will involve in-country travel as necessary.
10. Payment schedule:
30% of the totalcontract will be paid upon contract signature. The rest of the payment shall be made upon submission of deliverables.
Please note that, in compliance with national Uzbek laws, no cash will be paid in the country.
11. Reservations and remarks:
UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs are incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.
All materials developed will remain the copyright of UNICEF and that UNICEF will be free to adapt and modify them in the future. Researchers are responsible for their performance and their product(s).
Candidates interested in the consultancy should submit an application with approximate methodological proposal, estimated cost, time line, and resume of the researchers
Proposals in PDF format subject to the conditions as per annexure will be received at email address until 18:00 hours on 16 April 2012