OJD Technical Panel Proposal Form | NSW Department of Primary Industries
Use this form to propose a voluntary property disease management plan (PDMP) for Ovine Johnes’ Disease (OJD) to resolve the suspected to be infected or infected status of a property with regard to OJD. The plan must be drafted in accordance with the current National Guidelines and Rules for OJD and meet the approval of the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO).
Applicant details
This is the person responsible for implementing the property disease management plan (PDMP). i.e.property owner or manager
First name / Last nameSalutation / Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other:
Home address
Postal address
Email address
Home telephone / Mobile
LLS veterinarian details
This is the government veterinarian (inspector) who will be monitoring the PDMP.
NamePosition title
LLS region
Office location
Office telephone / Mobile
Property details
This is the land affected by the PDMP.
Property ownerAddress
PIC Property Identification Code / N
Property size (Ha)
Livestock Enterprises / List all species present (eg cattle, sheep goats etc) and detailed herd/flock structure:
Cropping Enterprises / Provide details of how livestock and cropping enterprises relate:
History of OJD exposure on the property
Provide details of how OJD infection was introduced to the property (if known) and the method of diagnosis.
OJD Risk Management Practices currently in place
Provide details of any relevant management practices already implemented after OJD exposure to help minimise the risk of infection establishing or spreading on the property.
Consideration of history and initial risk management actions implemented
Use this section to highlight any technical issues or considerations based on the flock/property history which have impacted on the decisions made in development of the PDMP proposal.
Property Disease Management Plan Proposal
Provide specific details of how the plan will be implemented. You must include dates and time frames as well as audit points.
All inspections/audits must be done by an Inspector. Accurate records must be kept and provided to an Inspector on request.
Details of PDMP
National Guidelines
In accordance with the national Standard Definitions Rules and Guidelines for the Management of Ovine Johne’s Disease in Sheep and Goats to support the National Ovine Johne’s Disease Management Plan 2013-2018,1st Edition May 2013Section 4.1 Resolution of Infected status
Flocks that are infected with OJD are no longer regarded as infected when:
· The whole flock consists of Approved Vaccinates and has undertaken a Faecal 350 Test with negative results, at a minimum of 2 years after the last known detected infected animal has been removed; or
· A destocking /decontamination program approved by the CVO of the jurisdiction has been completed.
Section 4.2 Resolution of Suspected of being an infected flock
Flocks that are suspected to be infected with OJD are no longer suspected when
· Suspicion has been removed to the satisfaction of the Chief Veterinary Officer; or
· The whole flock has been submitted to a Faecal 350 test with negative results, at a minimum of 2 years after the last known suspected of being infected or detected infected animal has been destocked; or
· A destocking /decontamination program approved by the CVO of the jurisdiction has been completed.
Official resolution of Infected or suspected to be infected status
By completing this voluntary OJD PDMP the applicant is seeking to have the flock/property formally recognized as being of no greater risk of being infected with OJD than any other flock/property in the locality.For the property to return to Non Assessed status the PDMP must be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Land Services (LLS) Animal Biosecurity Team Leader, and there must be no evidence of OJD infection in any animals from the property. The Team Leader will then present a report to the OJD Technical Panel who will review the report and make a recommendation to the NSW CVO. If the recommendation is accepted by the CVO the property status will return to Non Assessed and the applicant will be advised in writing.
A property map must be included with all PDMP proposals; include other supporting documents if relevant.
Property map
relevant laboratory test records
other (details)
I declare that I will:
· comply with this property disease management plan (PDMP),
· keep the LLS veterinarian informed of management decisions and disease developments on the property during the period that the plan is in place,
· allow LLS staff to audit compliance with the PDMP as specified in the plan, or as requested by the LLS veterinarian.
NameSignature of applicant / Date
Submitting the form
à Mail to Samantha Allan, Tamworth Agricultural Institute, 4 Marsden Park Road, Calala NSW 2340
à Fax to (02) 6763 1222 marked to the attention of Samantha Allan
à Email to
Privacy notice: Information collected will not be given to any other third party except where required by law. All information provided will be held by the Animal Biosecurity of NSW Trade & Investment and will be managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Office use onlyAssessed by OJD Technical Panel / Date
Recommendation to CVO / Date
Assessment of Property Disease Management Plan
Approved Not approved and reason:
Name / Dr Ian RothPosition title / NSW Chief Veterinary Officer
Signature / Date
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