Integrated Behavioral Health

Meeting Agenda

Date: 10/13/16 / Time: 7:30am to 9:00am
Location: Washington Room RIQI, 50 Holden St, Providence, RI / Call-in: 571-317-3112 Access Code: 885-548-141
Meeting Information: / Attendees (marked with an *)
Meeting Purpose/Objective: to establish a work group to lead the transformation of primary care in RI in the context of an integrated health care system
·  Meeting Agenda
·  Dr. Reamer Presentation
·  Mr. Landau Presentation
·  Data Schema List / Matt Roman, Co-Chair
Rena Sheehan, Co-Chair
Marilyn Alves
Donna Bagdasarian
Christopher Baker
Tom Bledsoe
Michele Brown
David Brumley
Susan Bruce
Diane Block
Paul Block
Susan Boudreau
Chrystal Boza
Maggie Bublitz
Nelly Burdette
Susanne Campbell
Chris Campanile
Erin Campopiano
Lauren Capizzo
Amy Chirichetti
Matthew Collins
Emily Collier
Chris Camillo
Liz Cantor
Sheila Capece
Jody Cloutier
Kathy Congdon / Lisa Conlan
Emily Cooper
Allison Croke
Charlotte Crist
Robert Crossley
Vanessa Cumplido
Kristin David
Gail Davis
Deidre Denning-Norton
Brenda Dowlatshahi
Kristen Edward
Gina Eubank
Pat Flanagan
Sarah Fluery
Sarah Fessler
Gregory Fritz
Rick Ford
Elizabeth Fortin
Sarah Gambell
Stan Galek
Andrea Galgay
Deidre Gifford
Richard Goldberg
Lynda Greene
Jamie Handy
Emily Harrison
Yamilette Hernandez / Suzanne Herzberg
Scott Hewitt
Kathleen Hittner
Kristen Hull
Debra Hurwitz
Brenda Jenkins
Martin Kerzer
Jill Lamberton
Elizabeth Lange
Rachel Legend
Debra Lobato
Jason Lyon*
Michael Lichtenstein
Elizabeth Lynch
Joanna MacLean
Matthew Malek
Linda Mahoney
Gail Martin
Thomas Martin
Ramona Mello
Adam McHugh
Stephanie McCaffrey
Deb Morales
Mary Moore
Laura Morton
Bill Mueller
Justin Nash / Jessica Nadeau
Luz Ospina
Ann Marie Peters
Heidi Perreault
Putney Pyles
Angela Reda
Nicole Renzulli
Helen Rock
Sarah Roderick
Jan Romagnolo
Renee Rulin
Andrew Saal
Marilyn Saunders
Sheri Sharp
Donna Soares
Kathy Schwab
Michael Spoerri
Gregory Steinmetz
Sue Storti
Lois Teitz
John Todaro
Sarah Thompson
Iris Tong
Paco Trilla
Cindy Wyman
Pano Yeracaris
Sherri Zinno
# / Time / Comments
1.  / Debra Hurwitz
5 minutes / ·  Introductions and Agenda Review
2.  / Frederic Reamer and Bob Landau
60 minutes / ·  Specialty documentation
o  Informed consent around confidentiality
o  Most common IBH ethical questions
o  Specialty Documentation
·  Q&A
3.  / All / ·  Adult IBH Pilot Program Practice Sharing (Cohort 1)
o  Successes
o  Barriers
10  / All / ·  Next Steps
o  2017 Mental Health First Aid Training Opportunity
·  Upcoming Events/Meetings:
o  2016 Meeting Frequency
Ø  November 10, 2016- Regular Committee Meeting
§  BHDDH presentation
§  IBHPC Focus Group
Ø  December 8, 2016- Focus on pediatric topic
§  Attendance at this meeting is required for PCMH-Kids practices participating in the Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative.
o  2017 Meeting Frequency
Added / Action # / Assignee / Action /Status / Due / Closed /

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