September 22, 2010

Lakeview Media Center

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Karen Prusi at 6:05pm followed by introductions.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the August 25 meeting were presented. Motion by BJ Heggaton, seconded by Jess Peterson to approve Secretary’s report.

Treasurer’s Report: BJ Heggaton presented the Treasurer’s report. Motion by Jessica Lake, seconded by Barb Oglesby to approve Treasurer’s report.

Correspondence: None

II. Old Business:

FUN Services Fundraiser Update: Kickoff is October 1 and sale runs until October 11. Forms will be picked up at school on October 14 and delivery of products will be November 10.

Bylaws Update/discussion/Policy manual on disbursements of money: A committee was established to follow through on updating bylaws and policy. Committee members are: Barb Oglesby, Jessica Lake, BJ Heggaton, Julie Peterson, Karen Prusi.

Budget Update/discussion: Committee volunteers agreed to set up a time/place to meet after this meeting was done. LPTP can make payments to the district for the Volunteer Coordinator position donation. The LPTP is committed to pay $8,000 of NON STUDENT DRIVEN funds.

Clothing Resale Update: Volunteers are being solicited. If anyone knows of any group needing service hours please let them know they are welcome to come and help.

Golf Scrimmage fundraiser Update: This fundraiser will occur in the spring of 2011.

III. New Business:

Donation for S.H.I.N.E. Coordinator Position: Discussion took place regarding how this donation would be financially supported. Barb Oglesby made a motion

seconded by BJ Heggaton that a letter composed by the LPTP Board should be

sent to and read at the next board meeting. Additionally this letter could be placed

in the Communicator and the Miners Lamp.

Friendship Festival date for 2011: Barb Oglesby made a motion seconded by Rhonda Gravedoni to hold this year’s festival on February 4, 2011. There was discussion about charging for the festival, in order for the LPTP to buy nicer prizes. This was tabled for a future meeting.

Fundraiser options: Jess Peterson presented some possible fundraising ideas.

1.  Monthly Pretzel/Little Debbie Sales. Stephanie Hintsala made a motion to do both sales, $1.00 for pretzel & cheese and $0.50 for Little Debbie snack, Barb Oglesby seconded. This needs administrative approval regarding the Little Debbie Sale.

2.  Sweatshirt/T-shirt sales- Jess Peterson recommended we look at getting different colors like gray, yellow, blue and have the option of Negaunee Miners or Lakeview for logo. Barb Oglesby recommended having a small inventory and then taking orders as well Julie Peterson will check with other organizations regarding this sale.

3.  GFS, Target, Kohl’s- Discussion was held and updates will be made to the community through the Communicator.

4.  Christmas concert raffle- Jessica Lake made a motion, seconded by BJ Heggaton to have a Christmas Stocking Raffle at both concerts. It was suggested it be filled with gift cards/certificates from local businesses.

5.  NIT- It was suggested we consider working the concession to earn money for LPTP.

Homecoming Tattoos-September 24th: Jess Peterson made a motion, seconded by

Barb Ogelsby that the money earned stay with the LPTP.

Negaunee Community Foundation Grant-deadline October 1: LPTP will apply

for this grant to request funding for bussing for Young Authors.

IV. Comments: Mrs. Baldini thanked the LPTP for the Welcome Back breakfast and vouchers saying they were both very much appreciated. She also let us know that next year will be Lakeview’s 60th birthday.

Safe Routes To School was brought up as well as the walking school bus. Julie Peterson will be working on getting a date for this. The issue of lack of sidewalks, poor identification of the parking lot, and lack of a crossing guard were also discussed.

A date for the Ribbon cutting for the new playground needs to be decided. Julie Peterson was looking into that and will get back to us with a date. We thought it would be best/easiest to do the ribbon cutting in the morning.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jessica Lake, seconded by BJ Heggaton, meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.

Next meeting October 20 at 6:00pm in the Lakeview Media Center (Library).