5/26 Cc: Mayor,BoT,Atty

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Washington North was held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 7:30pm at the Village Hall, 71 Old Shore Road, Port Washington, New York.

Present:Mayor-Robert Weitzner

Trustees-Steven Cohen

-Michael Malatino

-Sherman Scheff

-Michael Schenkler

Clerk-Palma Torrisi

Attorney-Stuart Besen

1. Clerk

On motion of Trustee Schenkler, seconded by Trustee Cohen, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of April 3, 2012 be waived and that they be and hereby are approved as prepared by Clerk Torrisi.

2. Treasurer

A. On motion of Trustee Schenkler, seconded by Trustee Cohen, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the reading of the General Fund Abstract of Vouchers #126, totaling $221,084.43, and the Trust & Agency Abstract of Vouchers #82, totalling $438.00, be waived and that they be and hereby are approved as presented by Treasurer Gribbins.

B. On motion of Trustee Schenkler, seconded by Trustee Cohen, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the Budget Report as of April 30, 2012, showing the General Fund Balance to $1,507,057.53, and the Trust & Agency Balance to be $82,364.53, be and hereby is accepted as prepared by Treasurer Gribbins.

  1. On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Scheff, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that there a budget modification moving $10,000.99 from the Contingency line to Engineering Costs be made for the Pleasant Avenue project.

3. Reports

  1. Building Department

1. On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Scheff, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the Building Department report for May 2012 be and hereby is accepted as prepared by Building Inspector Barbach and Deputy Inspector Lauria.

2. The Board directed the Building Department to request that Delco Plaza reinstall the “No Left Turn” sign at the outbound exit near Burger King and stripe the Stop Line.

  1. Public Works

1. On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Scheff, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the report of the Public Works Department for the month of May 2012 be accepted as presented by Superintendent Novinski.

  1. Tree Removal at 26 Sandy Court

Superintendent Novinski presented to the Board the report from arborist, Dom’s Lawnmaker Inc., recommending the removal of the pin oak, located in front of the home of Katherine Gallo at 26 Sandy Court, because the tree is more than 50% defoliated. The Board directed that the tree be marked with the meeting date of July 10, 2012, at which time its removal will be considered.

  1. Emergency Management & Traffic Safety

1.On motion of Trustee Scheff, seconded by Trustee Malatino, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the May 2012 report of the Emergency Management and Traffic Safety Commissions be accepted as presented by Commissioner Kaplan.

2.On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Malatino, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on July 10, 2012 at 7:45 p.m., at the Village Hall, 71 Old Shore Road, Port Washington, New York, to consider the adoption of parking, standing and stopping regulations on Old Shore Road.

  1. Environmental Commission

Mayor Weitzner reported that the MS-4 Stormwater Management annual report for 2011, prepared on behalf of the Village by H2M engineers, was filed with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on May 31, 2012.

  1. Justice Court

The Board accepted the report of the Clerk to the Village Justice, showing revenues of $395.00 in the month of April 2012.

4. Business

A.Concrete Repair & Replacement Contract

Clerk Torrisi reported that the following is a summary of the bids received by 11:00 a.m. on May 31, 2012 for the Concrete Repair & Replacement contract:

Name of Bidder 2012/132013/142014/15 3 Yr.Total

Castle Industries$46,220.0046,659.0047,047.25 $139,926.25

E. Cook Industries 47,056.2548,405.2552,689.25 148,150.75

Roadwork Ahead 53,842.5059,402.5059,402.50 172,647.50

DeRosa Paving 62,835.0062,835.0062,835.00 188,505.00

Mayor Weitzner recommended Castle Industries as the lowest responsible bidder. On motion of Trustee Scheff, seconded by Trustee Cohen, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the Concrete Repair & Replacement contract for 2012-2013 be and hereby is awarded to Castle Industries Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with its bid, dated May 30, 2012.

B.Conditional Use Permit – Safavieh, 2 Channel Drive

On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Malatino, it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing at the Village Hall, 71 Old Shore Road, Port Washington, NY 11050, on July 10, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., to consider the application of Majid Yaragui for a Conditional Use Permit to permit the conduct of retail sales “to the trade”, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Mondays through Saturdays, in the EDB Zone of the Village at the premises owned by Safavieh Glen Cove LLC at 2 Channel Drive, Port Washington, New York (designated on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 4, Block J, Lot 690 and Section 4, Block 123, Lots 8, 44A & 51).

5. Executive Session

On motion of Trustee Schenkler, seconded by Trustee Cohen, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Board enter into executive session to discuss litigation with counsel.

On motion of Trustee Malatino, seconded by Trustee Scheff, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the executive session be adjourned and the regular meeting reconvened.

Mayor Weitzner stated that no action was taken in executive session.

On motion of Trustee Cohen, seconded by Trustee Malatino, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Palma Torrisi, Village Clerk