Instructions for using the Window-Eyes™ Manual

Welcome to the Window-Eyes manual, the number one place for documentation about all Window-Eyes features and functions.

This version of the Window-Eyes manual is written in the Windows Help format, providing an easy to access table of contents in a navigation pane along the left hand side of the manual window, and the documentation relating to each help topic in a pane on the right hand side of the manual window.

The actual text of the manual is provided in a window that supports Browse Mode, meaning that all Browse Mode navigation keys (such as P and SHIFT-P for next and previous paragraph, L and SHIFT-L for next and previous link, etc.) can be used to make navigating the manual text a painless process.

The most important key to remember when using this version of the Window-Eyes manual is the same key you pressed to read this information: F6. F6 (that’s Function Key 6) toggles between the navigation pane (where the table of contents is located) and the manual content (the information you’re reading right now). When you’re in the navigation pane, press F6 to access the navigation pane.

Selecting a Section to Read

To select a section of the manual to read, arrow down through the items in the table of contents, and press ENTER to load that topic into the content pane. Focus will still be in the navigation pane after you press ENTER, so you will need to then press F6 to focus the content. Once you’re in the content pane, you can read through the section of the manual that you selected. To get back to the table of contents, press F6. Arrow down to the next topic you want to read, press ENTER, then F6 to access the content. Press F6 again to get back to the table of contents.

Other Navigation Options

You may notice links at the beginning of each manual section that say, “Return to the previous page,” “Return to Chapter Overview,” and “Continue to the next page.” These links let you access each section of the manual consecutively, meaning that if you want to read section after section, you can do so without pressing F6 to access the table of contents. Instead, use the Continue link to move forward one section, or the Return link to move backward one section. You can also use the Return link to bring you back to this help information.

Navigation Tabs

Along with the table of contents, the navigation pane offers two additional tabs: Index, and Search.

The Index tab contains an edit box and a list of terms that you can TAB between. Index terms, or keywords, are words that are associated with a specific topic. You can use the edit box to enter a specific term that you’re interested in, and the results will show up in the list. Alternatively, you can use the list by itself to browse through all available terms. Once you have found a term that you are interested in, press ENTER to open that section in the content pane. Since focus is still in the navigation pane, you will need to press F6 to access the content pane. When you’re done reading through the content, you can press F6 to place focus back in the list of Index terms.

The Search tab contains an edit box, an operator button, a list topics button, a display button, a list containing search results, and three check boxes for modifying search options. The simple concept of searching through the Window-Eyes manual goes like this: enter a word or phrase in the search edit box, press ENTER, then tab 4 times to the results list. The results list works just like the index terms list and the table of contents, meaning that you must press ENTER on the search result to open the information in the content tab, and then press F6 to read the content information in Browse Mode. Press F6 again to return to the search results list.

To search for topics that contain a specific word, search for that word alone. For example, to find topics that contain the word verbosity, enter verbosity in the search edit box, and press ENTER.

To search for topics that contain multiple words, enter multiple words separated by spaces. For example, to find topics that contain the words mouse and click, enter mouse space click, and press ENTER.

To search for topics that contain a specific phrase, enter the phrase surrounded by quotes. For example, to find topics that contain the phrase Braille output, enter open quote Braille output close quote, and press ENTER.

Advanced Search Options

If you check the Search previous results check box, you can restrict searches to previous results. For example, if you searched for the phrase Braille output, received a number of results, and then wanted to search through those results for the word activates, you would check the Search previous results check box, enter the word activates in the search edit box, and press ENTER.

If you uncheck the Match similar words check box, the search function will only search for the word you entered, and no other derivatives will be included. For example, with Match similar words unchecked, a search for the word activate will only yield results that contain the word activate. With Match similar words checked, however, a search for the word activate will yield results containing the words activate, activated, activates, etc.

If you checked the Search titles only check box, search results will be restricted to section names; the section content will be searched.

Navigation Hot Keys

The following navigation hot keys can make maneuvering through the Window-Eyes manual quick and easy:

F6 –Moves you between the navigation and content panes

ALT-Period – Navigates to the next page in a section, or if at the end of a section, navigates to the beginning of the next section

ALT-Comma – Navigates to the previous page in a section, or if at the beginning of a section, navigates to the end of the previous section

ALT-C – Selects the Table of Contents tab in the navigation pane

ALT-N – Selects the Index tab in the navigation pane

ALT-S – Selects the Search tab in the navigation pane

For information on all the keys you can use while in Browse Mode, refer to the Working with the Internet section in the Window-Eyes manual.

One final note about the Windows Help version of the Window-Eyes manual is that it remembers. If you close the Window-Eyes manual with the Table of Contents tab selected in the navigation pane, the Table of Contents will be the selected tab in the navigation pane when you next open the Window-Eyes manual. Similarly, if you close the Window-Eyes manual with the Search tab selected in the navigation pane, the next time you open the Window-Eyes manual, the Search tab will be selected in the navigation pane. If you open the Window-Eyes manual and are unable to locate the Table of Contents, chances are the manual was closed with one of the other navigation tabs selected. As mentioned above, pressing ALT-C will select the Table of Contents tab regardless of which tab is selected when the manual is opened.

Not only do you now have the knowledge to navigate the Window-Eyes manual, but also any other application manual that also uses the Windows Help format. The navigation pane (including the table of contents, the index, and the search options) and the content pane are usually always found in most Windows Help documentation, and the keys used to move through content in Browse mode provide a consistent way to read through all of the help text.

Window-Eyes Hot Key Summary:


/ / / * / -


/ Left single click / Right single click / WE/mouse toggle
Insert / Toggle left button / Toggle right button / Sync WE and mouse
7/home / 8/up arrow / 9/pg up / +
Normal / Mouse top left / Mouse prior line / Mouse top right / Cursor to mouse
Insert / Mouse prior clip / Mouse current clip / Mouse next clip / Mouse to Cursor
Control / Current paragraph / Cursor Position
Ctrl-Insert / Mouse position
Ctrl-Shift / Mouse up delta
Alt-Insert / Mouse beg of line / Top to mouse
4/left arrow / 5/center / 6/right arrow
Normal / Mouse prev char / Mouse current line / Mouse next char
Insert / Mouse prior word / Mouse current word / Mouse next word
Control / Current char / Current line / Current word
Ctrl-Insert / Mouse current char
Ctrl-Shift / Mouse left delta / Mouse right delta
Alt / Mouse up down speak
Alt-Insert / Left to mouse / Mouse to right
1/end / 2/down arrow / 3/pg dn / Enter
Normal / Mouse bottom left / Mouse next line / Mouse bottom right
Insert / Mouse prior sent / Mouse current sent / Mouse next sent
Control / Current sentence
Ctrl-Insert / Mouse prior para / Mouse current para / Mouse next para
Ctrl-Shift / Mouse down delta
Alt-Insert / Mouse end of line / Mouse to bottom
0/insert / ./del
Normal / Default Button
Insert / Drag and Drop
Control / CursorANSI/attribute
Ctrl-Insert / Mouse ANSI/attribute

-Miscellaneous Hot Keys

Read To End = CTRL-SHIFT-R

Speak Summary = CTRL-SHIFT-S

Field Data = CTRL-SHIFT-D

Field Name = CTRL-SHIFT-N

Read Active Window = CTRL-SHIFT-W

Read Title/Status of Current Program = CTRL-SHIFT-T

Read Status Line = CTRL-INS-S

Read Highlighted Block = CTRL-SHIFT-M

Read Last Flash And Tooltip = CTRL-INS-T

Read Progress Or Scroll Bar = CTRL-INS-B

Mouse Search = CTRL-SHIFT-F

Continue mouse search = INS-F



Voice Selection Rotor = CONTROL-ALT-RIGHT ARROW

Voice Parameter Rotor = CTRL-ALT-LEFT ARROW

Application Help = CTRL-SHIFT-?

Sys Tray = INS-S

Time/Date = INS-T

Menu = CTRL-\

Bypass = INS-B

Speak All Toggle = INS-A

Redraw = INS-\

Verbosity Dialog = INS-V

Key Describer = INS-1

Battery Level = INS-Q

Window-Eyes Calendar = INS-C

-Browse Mode Hot Keys

Anchor Next/Prior = A/SHIFT-A

Auto Load = INS-A

Block Quote Next/Prior = Q/SHIFT-Q

MSAA Application Mode = CTRL-SHIFT-A

Button Next/Prior = B/SHIFT-B

Check Box Next/Prior = X/SHIFT-X

Combo Box Next/Prior = C/SHIFT-C

Control Next/Prior = F/SHIFT-F

Different Line Next/Prior = D/SHIFT-D

Edit Box Next/Prior = E/SHIFT-E

Element Properties = INS-E

Frame Next/Prior = M/ SHIFT-M

Graphic Next/Prior = G/SHIFT-G

Heading Next/Prior = H/SHIFT-H

Landmark Next/Prior = ;/SHIFT-:

Link Next/Prior = L/SHIFT-L

List Next/Prior = S/SHIFT-S

List Item Next/Prior = I/SHIFT-I

Page Navigation = INS-TAB

Paragraph Next/Prior = P/SHIFT-P

Place Marker Dialog = CTRL-SHIFT-K

Place Marker Next/Prior = K/SHIFT-K

Place Marker, Jump To = J

Previous Position = INS-R

Radio Button Next/Prior = R/SHIFT-R

Refresh Rotor = ALT-SHIFT-M

Specified Control Next/Prior = /-SHIFT-?

Text Next/Prior = N/SHIFT-N

Visited Link Next/Prior = V/SHIFT-V

Table Next/Prior = T/SHIFT-T

Enter Table Mode = CTRL-NUMPAD-PLUS

Exit Table Mode = CTRL-NUMPAD-DASH







Beginning of Row = CTRL-INS-LEFT ARROW

Top of Column = CTRL-INS-UP ARROW

Bottom of Column = CTRL-INS-DOWN ARROW

Header Rotor = CTRL-SHIFT-H

-Microsoft Word Hot Keys

Line Next = ALT-PERIOD

Line Prior = ALT-COMMA

Spelling/Grammar Next = ALT-APOSTROPHE

Spelling/Grammar Prior = ALT-SEMI-COLON


Revision Prior = ALT-LEFT BRACKET





To First Cell of Row = CTRL-INS-LEFT ARROW

To Last Cell of Row = CTRL-INS-RIGHT ARROW

To First Cell of Column = CTRL-INS-UP ARROW

To Last Cell of Column = CTRL-INS-DOWN ARROW

To Top Left Cell = INS-HOME

To Bottom Right Cell = INS-END






From Column Start = ALT-INS-LEFT ARROW


First Column Cell = ALT-INS-UP ARROW


Element Properties = INS-E

Page Navigation = INS-TAB

Format Alert = CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F

Attribute Changes = WINDOWS-A

-Microsoft Excel Hot Keys

Read Comment = ALT-SHIFT-C

Read Formula = ALT-SHIFT-F

Previous Cell = ALT-SHIFT-P

Edit Current Cell = F2

Headers and Totals = ALT-SHIFT-H

Read Total Cell = ALT-SHIFT-T

Monitor Cells = ALT-SHIFT-M

Monitor Cell 1 - 10 = ALT-SHIFT-0 through ALT-SHIFT-9

Any Monitor Cell = ALT-SHIFT-A