US History – Course Syllabus


Teacher: Dave Salzer

Phone: 612-668-1300 ext. 81314

Course Objectives:

US History is a two semester Social Studies course that uses an integrated approach to better understand the United States and its history. This course will explore the social, economic, geographic, and political factors that have shaped the United States over the past 300 years. The objective of this course is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to understand the modern United States. The time frame from which we will study is pre-colonization to contemporary America.

Course Textbook

The textbook for this course is McGraw Hill “Discovering our Past: A History of the United States”. This is an excellent online textbook that will provide us with the depth and challenge of an appropriate high school history course. The text will act as the skeleton of this course; as it will provide us with structure. However, personal engagement, participation, and effort, as well as activities, case studies, and other supplements will bring life to the skeleton (text). The online text can be found on the US History homepage, as well as specific chapters for each unit.

Course Materials

It is expected that each student has a notebook or a section of a notebook devoted to this course for class notes. A folder or binder will also be required for each student to store returned work, class handouts, and other supplements. It is also expected that each student has a pen or pencil each day.

Class Expectations:


peers, classroom facilities and equipment, guests, and teacher

**Violation will result in a reminder, a verbal reminder, a brief student/teacher meeting before or after class, a call home, an extensive meeting with an administrator. See also, the 10th Grade Classroom Engagement Plan, Tommie Creed, and Learner Profile.


Student assessment will come in the form of:

Formative 20% Summative 80%

Grading Scale

91-100 A

87-90 A-

83-86 B+

79-82 B

75-78 B-

71-74 C+

67-70 C

63-66 C-

59-62 D+

55-58 D

50-54 D-

49 and below F

Course Units:

Trimester One

Unit One Floating Unit/Modern American History

Statements of Inquiry: How has our contemporary country and world been shaped by past events? How can we shape our contemporary lives to better our future country and world?

Unit Two Pre-Colonization through Revolution

Statements of Inquiry: How did different cultures/traditions develop around the world and how did they interact with the Americas? What were the causes and effects of European exploration of the Americas?

Unit Three Expansion and Reform

Statements of Inquiry: How did the English start colonies with distinct qualities in North America? What documents and ideas influenced the Colonial Governments?

Unit Four Industrialism and Immigration

Statements of Inquiry: How did Big Business and the Labor Movement arise in the era of Industrial America?

Trimester Two

Unit Five Great Depression and Cold War

Statements of Inquiry: In what ways did economic crisis lead to totalitarianism and global conflict?

Unit Six Post WWII America

Statement of Inquiry: How have the social movements and changes of the 20th century both succeeded and failed?

Mr. Salzer’s Goals

My ultimate goal in teaching this course is for each of you to have success. Success is a subjective terms that varies between individuals; my hope is that your definition of success is at minimum to pass this state required course. Other goals I have are to help you become a more informative and conscious US citizen. I also hope that this classroom can remain a passionate and respectful learning environment.

Student Goals


**If parents or guardians would like a course syllabus, please see Mr. Salzer for an additional copy.