Andrew A. Poe, Chair

Helen J. Kahn, Vice Chair

David R. Boe, Secretary

Academic Senate Meeting of 8 September 2009

Northern Michigan University

Ontario Room of the University Center

Draft Minutes

Present: Andy Poe (Chair), Helen Kahn (Vice Chair), Larry Pagel (Past Chair), Susan Koch (VPAA), Ron Sundell (AAUP Liaison), David Boe (Secretary), Charles Leith (Member at Large), Deanna Pozega (Member at Large), Mike Andary, John Andrews, Randy Appleton, Dave Donovan, Mary Etchison, Sheri Giordana, Peter Goodrich, Sam Graci, Jeannie Graves, Chris Kirk, Paul Lang, Robert Legg, Joe Lubig, Frankie McCormick, Jane Milkie, Cindy Prosen, Dave Prychitko, Robert Quinn, Charles Rayhorn, Barb Rhyneer, Kristi Robinia, Terry Seethoff, Mark Shevy, Marge Sklar, Katherine Teeter, Rebecca Ulland, Darlene Walch, Harvey Wallace, Ruth Watry, Alan Willis (38)

Absent: Mike Burgmeier, Sarah Jones, Jeanne Lorentzen

Guests: Tawni Ferrarini, Bruce Sargeant (AISAC), Jim Suksi (GPC), Mark Flaherty (ETRPC)

I.  Call to Order (3:05 pm)

II.  Additions to/Adoption of Agenda: Chair Poe called for a motion to move Tawni Ferrarini’s presentation (Item VII. Informal Consideration) to the beginning of the meeting.

Motion to approve the Agenda (C. Leith, second H. Wallace)

Approved by unanimous acclamation.

Tawni Ferrarini discussed the collaborative partnership of the Center of Resouces for Enterprise (CORE). This collaboration is between Northern Michigan University, Northern Initiatives, and the Lake Superior Community Partnship, as well as other regional partners throughout the Upper Peninsula. The goal is to foster economic and community development throughout Marquette County and the upper peninsula. CORE is a centralized point of contact and provides economic information and expertise to entrepreneurs and small businesses by leveraging relationships with multiple stakeholders in the region, including the Univeristy’s faculty and students, to meet the community’s needs. She clarified that there was no commitment of financial resouces by the university. She invited the Senate and all faculty to get more information and act as ambassadors for the CORE project and mission. For more information you may visit their website at: or you may contact them by e-mail at:

Dr. Koch thanked Tawni for her work in community development and for being voted the Sam M. Cohodas Scholar in Economics. She also went on to congratulate Tawni for being awarded the State of Michigan’s Economics Educator over this past summer, which has brought both her and Northern important recognition. The Senate gave her a rousing round of applause. Tawni thanked Dr. Koch and the Senate, but stated she could not have won such a prestigeous award without the support of the “army” of people behind her.

III.  Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 21 April 2009

Motion to accept (R. Appleton, second M. Sklar).

No Discussion.

Approved by acclamation.

IV.  Reports:

A.  Chair (Andy Poe): Welcomed back returning senators and new senators. He reminded members to please sign the attendance sheet and to make sure to bring and display their name tags.

B.  Vice Chair (Helen Kahn): No Report.

C.  Secretary (David Boe): No Report.

D.  Provost (Susan Koch): Addressed the Senate and also welcomed the Senators back. She spoke about the importance of operating in an atmosphere of shared governance and cooperation, and how she really appreciated the work of every individual in putting the students first. She stated that she looked forward to working with the entire faculty.

She reminded everyone that the Olympic Speed Skating trials were going on in town this week. This is a huge event, and Northern will getting world-wide exposure. The opening ceremonies will be tomorrow night, Wednesday, Sept. 9th and should be quite a spectacular event. The theatre department is coordinating all the spectacles and special effects. Closing night, Saturday September 12th, will also be spectacular. She hoped everyone would be able to attend the many events going on through the week, both on and off campus.

She also mentioned that many e-mails have arrived in the VP Office asking questions regarding the H1 N1 Flu Virus and whether we are prepared. Everyone should have received an e-mail from Dr. Schacht as a reminder of what each one of us needs to do to limit exposure to this flu virus. There is anticipation that this will be a bigger outbreak than others in the past. Dr. Schacht, as the medical director for NMU, has been working and planning with the Center of Disease Control for the past six months. We are prepared. There will be a vaccine later this fall that will be offered free to all employees and students. Help this to be an educational moment for students. It is about prevention. What we don’t want are employees or students coming to work or school sick. Students in Residence Halls should let their Residential Directors know if they are ill. We don’t want students to be alone without anyone knowing they are ill. According to the CDC the course of illness is about a week. She continued that she understands our attendance policies, but if students have the flu they may miss more than three days of class. You are all encouraged to remember that we are a part of the community. Please be considerate to your colleagues and students and remember best practices and the need for close monitoring.

Dr. Koch asked Harvey Wallace for his input on the subject: He stated that everyone should follow directions on campus. Keep washing hands several times a day. The CDC is monitoring the spread of the flu and as of right now it is not a dangerous situation for Northern. You can check the CDC website; for updates, and stay alert to all messages on campus.

E.  ASNMU: None present (Senate Representatives have not been chosen yet).

F.  AISAC 2008-2009 Report (FYI): Chair Poe explained that these were year-end reports from the end of the last school year and are for informational purposes only. For the benefit of new senators, he further explained that these types of items were not voted on by the Senate, but that they were open for discussion.

1.  Faculty Survey

2.  Staff Survey

3.  General Observations

i.  No Discussion.

G.  ETRPC 2008-2009 Report (FYI)

i.  No Discussion.

H.  GPC 2008-2009 Report (FYI)

i.  No Discussion.

V.  Unfinished Business: None.

VI.  New Business: Chair Poe announced a vacancy on the Senate Executive Committee for an At-Large Member. Two self-nominations were received from the floor (Ruth Watry, Political Science; and Charles Rayhorn, Business), and further nominations will be accepted during the next two weeks. An election will be held at the next Senate meeting on Tuesday, September 22nd, when a member of the Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC) will preside.

VII.  Informal Consideration

A.  Tawni Ferrarini Guest Speaker: Moved to the beginning of the meeting under item II.

VIII.  Good of the Order: Ruth Watry shared with the Senate that the Political Science Department, in collaboration with Michigan Association for Justice and the Pence and Numinen Law Firm in Marquette, is conducting an eight-week course called “The Peoples Law School” which will focus on various sub-fields of the law as they relate to the Michigan legal system and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. The classes will be held every Thursday night from 7:00-9:00 pm for eight weeks starting on Thursday, September 17th. The cost of materials for all eight weeks is $25.00, or people can just stop in for any session of special interest to them. The courses will be taught by judges as well by numerous lawyers of various specialties. To see the schedule of topics covered and the guest presenters, or to get more information, please visit the Political Science web site at:

IX.  Adjournment (3:30 pm)

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie Wratschko

Secretary to the Academic Senate/AAUP

Minor revisions by:

David Boe, Secretary

Academic Senate, NMU

c. President Wong