Hello MNS Families,

The firstfew weeks of classes have been very exciting for both students and teachers. Staff and students have been getting acquainted with each other and familiarizing themselves with routines and practices.

We do send a lot of paperwork home at the start of a year and we have tried to keep from repeating information. There is a need to have certain forms filled out every year (the student information sheet is the best example) because students’ information does change from time to time and we must ensure for safety and accuracy that we have the most up-to-date information available.


As we know, attendance is very important as it allows your child to feel connected, it has a positive impact on all learning as well can make a difference in the classroom. Please ensure your child arrives on time and if you know your child will be missing school or was absent, we ask that you email your child’s teacher to let them know or notify our admin assistant at the office.


Each year, to support extracurricular activities and co-curricular trips we raise money through student fees. The student fee is $20 per child and should be submitted to your child’s homeroom teacher.


Millidgeville North School is proud to once again hostour annual Terry FoxWalk on Thursday, September 28th (with a rain date ofFriday, September 29th). It was 37 years ago that Terry Fox began his inspiring and historical Marathon of Hope. Students will be bringing home pledge sheets on Thursday September 21st, for those families who would like to support our walk. Prior to our walk / run we will hold a brief assembly at 9am in our gymnasium. We welcome all families and friends of MNS to join us in our celebration of Terry Fox's life.


Our SchoolPicture day is scheduledfor Wednesday, October 4th.


Public health is holding an immunization clinic at the school forallGrade 7 students on Friday, Oct 20th.This vaccine protects against Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Whooping cough if they have not received one in the last 5 years. All students will also be offered a vaccine that protects against cervical cancer. This vaccine is a series of 2 which will be given throughout the school year.

Immunization consent brochures were sent home and we ask that all consent forms be completed and returned back as soon as possible.


If you have any questions about how things are going on here at MNS, your first communication should be with your child’s homeroom teacher. They can be reached via email or by leaving a message with our office at 658-5353.

Fairly regularly you will receive voice mails and emails from the school with information on upcoming events and activities or celebrations. Please let us know if you do not wish to receive these. There will be regular updates to the school website as well.

Follow us on Twitter: @MNSInfo


Students must be picked up and dropped off by the middle school playground before and after school. Picking up students in front of the school increases the risk of injury as students may be running between buses to meet parents.

Students getting out of cars in the parking lot increases the chances of injury.

Students should not be dropped off until 8:10 am as there is no supervision provided until that time.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


Several of our students and staff have allergies to different types of nuts. Please refrain from sending nuts or products made from nuts so that our students can enjoy a healthy and safe atmosphere.

No scents make good sense. Many of the perfumes, deodorants and body sprays have chemicals that affect the breathing of students and staff. It is a school policy that we must insist on the use of unscented or very lightly scented products.

Thank you for keeping the entire school community in mind when coming to school. 


The cafeteria is opening on Monday, September18th. This year the cafeteria is CASHLESS, which means that all orders must be placed online for both Middle and Elementary school. Please visit to place your meal orders in advance. Information regarding ordering and menus was sent home with your child.


The MNSRobo Science Program will begin on September 13th from 2:45pm-4:45pm. Registration forms and information went home with students. For additional information, please contact Dr. Andrew Jang at 849-8749 or 65307481 or by e-mail at

Thank you for your patience this year with regards to transportation. If your child is going anywhere other than your home address, such as any after school program (YMCA, Boys and Girls club, Origins, etc.) you are required to fill out an “alternate transportation form”. If you have any question, you can refer to the ASD-S website under “Bussing”. If you create and account on the “parent portal” you can be notified of any bus delays pertaining to your child’s transportation.
Principal Matt BedardVice Principal DennicaEdgett
Administrative Assistant- Shelley Gogan Librarian Temp- Wendy Ricketts
Grade 3
English- Christa Ferguson
FI- Shannon Hey, Anne- Marie Fillion, NessinBarbare,
Grade 4
English- Peter Matthews
FI- Crystal Pye, Courtenay Crosby, Julie Sullivan
Grade 4/5- Tracy Craig
Grade 5
Compacted- Jen Galbraith
FI- Kathryn Bregel, Peter Cavannagh/ Stephanie Wong.
Grade 6
English- Dawn Lamb
FI- Lauren Lawlor
Grade 6/7
FI Rachel Dempster
Grade 7
English- Monica Watson
FI- Terence Sullivan
Grade 7/8
English- Alyssa Stephen
Grade 8
English- Dean Corey
FI- Abby Johnston
PE- Margaret Kirkpatrick, Carol Gatien
Music- Eric Ring
Guidance- Jennifer Chamberlain
EAL- Mark Carpenter
Art- Alyssa Stephen
Sophie Robitaille- Crowley and Deborah Hicks.
Mr. Leek Ms. Dow
Ms. Owens Ms. Babkirk
Ms. Gamblin Ms. Whitaker
Ms. Danells Ms. Grasse
School Intervention Worker
Mrs. Kingston
Ms. LesjakMs. Northrup
Mr. BrookinsMr. Montague
Mr. BabineauMs. Bennett
Mr. Watson Ms. MacKay
Ms. Hewey


The following dates will be half days for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. They will take their afternoon buses home.

September 20th.

October 25th.

January 17th

April 25th.


-Cross Country Jamboree September 14th, 21st, and October 4th.

-Half Day for Students September 20th

-Grade 3 Fire Safety- September 26th

-Terry Fox Walk September 28th

-School Pictures October 4th

-No school October 9th- Thanksgiving

-Grade 7 Vaccinations Oct 20th

- October 25th Half Day for students.


Boys and Girls Soccer teams have been selected and games start next week. Girls play at River Valley on Monday and Boys play at River Valley on Thursday. Schedules will be going home with the students

CHEERLEADINGwill once again be a part of MNS this year. We hope to get up and running by mid-October.


Permission slips for interested Elementary Students were sent home with children last week. Practices will be held at recess on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to attend practices but they are not mandatory. The Cross Country meets will take place at Fisher Lakes on September 14th and 21nd, in Rockwood Park. On October 4th, it will be held at River View Park (Woolastook) across from Bowlarama at Simms Corner. The event starts at 3:45pm sharp (Participants should arrive by 3:30 pm to ensure they locate our school and do not miss their turn. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from each of the venues *** Unless there is a downpour, we are going to run the races on the scheduled dates. ***


Permission slips for interested Middle School were sent home with students on September 13th. Practices will be held on Mondays at the beginning of lunch on September 18th, 25th and October 2nd. Students are encouraged to attend practices but they are not mandatory. The Cross Country meets will take place on September 19th at Woolastock Park, September 26th at Forrest Hills School, and October 11th at River Valley Middle school. Each event starts at 4:00pm sharp, participants should arrive by 3:30 pm. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from each of the venues. *** Unless there is a downpour, we are going to run the races on the scheduled dates. ***


Mrs. Kingston is offering a games club for grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 at Lunch. The grade 5’s will be Thursdays, Grade 6 will be Fridays, Grade 7’s will be Tuesdays, and Grade 8 will be Thursdays.

The MNS Website can be found and our school twitter account can be found @MNSStars

As always, please feel free to contact Mr. Bedardfor further information at 658-5353 or by e-mail


The mission of MNS, a diverse family of learners, is to develop independent and confident community members. By promoting kindness.


MNS’s vision is to:

STRIVE for high expectations & academic excellence

TEACH the whole child

APPRECIATE and celebrate diversity

RESPECT needs, interests and abilities

SHARE within our community

We are looking forward

to a wonderful 2017-2018 school year!!