Overview & Scrutiny Review Scoping Document
Project Title: / Arts Funding in Lancashire
Link with the Corporate Objectives
This review contributes to a number of the council’s corporate aims namely a place where people can:
·  Making Lancashire communities safer and stronger
·  Protecting and improving our environment and culture
·  Promoting health and well being
·  Promoting sustainable economic growth
It also contributes to the following corporate commitments:
Project Background:
Following the announcement of the Arts Council England funding for arts organisations through National Portfolio Funding for the period 2012-15, the Scrutiny Committee received a report as well as presentations from a number of organisations at its meeting on June 10th 2011. This looked at the implications for arts organisations in Lancashire of reduced funding commitments and the wider strategic issues this raised for the County and its support of the arts infrastructure. The Committee agreed that a Task Group would be the best route to explore the role of the County Council in the funding of arts organisations in Lancashire and how best the county and district councils could work with established and emerging arts organisations and Arts Council England to ensure a wide and sustainable range of arts organisations operating within the county.
Project Objectives: / To
·  influence the approach that the County Council's Arts Development Team should take to working with Lancashire based arts organisations over the next 3 years
·  review LCC investment in the arts in Lancashire and its comparison to investment by other regions within the north west, as well as funding this brings into the county
·  review how LCC should target the financial support that it makes available to arts organisations in Lancashire
·  review the arts ecology in Lancashire and its place within the north west region arts offer
·  review how we work with the districts and unitary authorities regarding the arts in Lancashire, to influence the approach LCC should take into the future
·  review how we can ensure greater investment in the arts from external organisations moving forward
·  get a better understanding of the impact the arts brings to the health and well being and economic vibrancy of Lancashire.
Key Documents to Consider:
Please list key documents and flag up any similar reviews which have been completed elsewhere. / ·  Arts Council Englands - Great Art for Everyone
·  Arts Council Englands – Culture, Knowledge and Understanding;Great Museums & Libraries for everyone
·  LCC Cultural & Sport strategy
·  Lancaster Arts Partnership Economic Impact Study
·  LCC Arts Grant process
·  Liverpool City Council Arts & Cultural Investment strategy
·  The value of contemporary visual arts in Lancashire and Cumbria
·  Liverpool Impacts 08 Study
Witnesses / Council Officers
Ian Watson – Head of Cultural Services
Paul Kelly – Arts Development manager
Heather Fox – Arts Development Officer
Russell Tennant – Arts Development Officer
Cabinet Members
Mike Calvert ?
David Smith ?
Council Partners
Carolyn Primett – Head of Arts, Blackpool
Rebecca Johnson – Head of Arts, Blackburn
Richard Hammond – Lancaster CC
Stella Hall – Preston CC
Other Organisations
Joe Sumsion – Director, The Dukes
Nick Hunt – Director – Mid Pennine Arts
Mandy Precious, Director Burnley Youth theatre
Di Cumming , Director, Ludus Dance
Charles Quick – UCLAN
Prof Lubaina Hamid – UCLAN
Matt Fenton – Lancaster University
2 x sessions with wider arts organisations
-  One with some of the new organisations emerging e.g They eat Culture, Bluestreak Arts
-  One with some of the more established organisations
Arts Council England – Sarah Maxfield, Antony Preston,
Jane Beardsworth
Sean Durney – Liverpool Culture Company
LJMU / Liverpool University - Ruth Melville, Dr. Beatriz Garcia
LARC partnership - Gerri Moriarty
LCDL - Martin Kelly
Cllrs Beatrice Fraenekl, Jane Corbett, Liverpool
Service Users
Undertake a public survey after some key artistic events (tbd)
Voluntary Sector
As above
Site Visits / Internal
·  Cumbria to explore arts funding in the county and approaches to the arts
·  Liverpool to explore the economic impact of the arts
·  Lancaster tour with Lancaster Arts partnership
Who are the interested parties? How could the review be publicised? / Arts Council England
District Authorities
Unitary Authorities
Arts Development UK
Lancashire based Arts Organisaitons
Lancashire based artists
Creativity Works
Lancaster Arts Partnership
Training Required
Please identify any training which may be required. / Briefing at the start on the context of the arts, funding for the arts
Lead Officer :