South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2013/2014

Recreation Committee– 5th March 2014

In attendance:-

JA Taylor – Deputy Town Mayor and ViceChair of Recreation Committee

TJ Allsopp RRC BSc

Mrs M Burkinshaw - Chair of Local Agenda 21 Committee

Mrs J Cole - Chair of Recreation Committee

Mrs C Cormack (apologies for absence)

Mrs P Evans (apologies for absence)

L Harrison – Leader of the Council and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

HJW Mills (apologies for absence)

DE Mothershaw

A Redfern

Mrs M Wright - Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice Chair of Finance and Resources Committee (apologies for absence)

A minute’s silence was held as a mark of respect for the late Cllr Eric Tunstall who passed away last week.

164Apologies for Absence

Resolved that apologies for absence as detailed above be received

165Successful Grant Applications – Presentations

The acting mayor, Cllr Taylor, presented cheques to the South Kirkby Colliery Cricket Club and the Royal British Legion (South & West Yorkshire branch) respectively to support the various youth cricket teams and to enable the air, sea and army cadets to visit the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.

The Town Clerk reported that the grant application from Outdoor Action for LIDS (OAK) had been withdrawn as they had been successful in obtaining funds elsewhere.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 15th January 2014, as detailed in Minute Book No. 4 (2013/2014) and approved and adopted at the meeting of the Town Council held on19th February 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

167Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests

The Town Clerk reported that no member present has informed him of any interests to declare under the New Code of Conduct adopted in accordance with Minute 38(20th June 2012)

168Grounds Maintenance and Property Issues

The Town Clerk reported on the various grounds maintenance and property issues.


Recreation Committee– 5th March 2014 - continued

Moorthorpe Railway Station

1)That there be no shutter or such like on the main arches within the Mallard Café and that the Clerk to look into putting a shutter on the open entry to the kitchen.

Recreation Ground

2)That the entrance to the Recreation Ground be repaired.

3)That costings be obtained in respect of the renovation of the bowling green.

4)That part of the tennis courts be cordoned off and a costing be obtained for an entire re-surfacing.

Langthwaite House

5)That funding of £2,500 be approved to match the equivalent funds provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to furnish the incubation unit.

169Multi-Use Games Area – Funding Application

In respect of the public consultation meeting held on 4/3/14 the Town Clerk reported the following points raised:

1)There was unanimous support for the MUGA.

2)The preferred location for the MUGA is adjacent to the boundary with the industrial estate.

3)The preferred pathway to the MUGA is either directly from the main gates or across the central car park.

4)The MUGA should not encroach on the football pitch.

5)The MUGA should have effective management.

6)Cameras may be necessary.

Resolved that the location of the MUGA be adjacent to the boundary with the industrial estate to the rear of the caretaker’s bungalow and that the path be directly from the main gates.