1. Prepare for the 70 Multiple Choice Questions… Practice, Practice, Practice


Guessing Penalty: There are five possible answers for each question. Each correct answer is worth 1 point, and there is a ¼ point guessing penalty for each incorrect answer. If you cannot narrow down the answers at all, DON’T GUESS! However, if you can narrow down the answers by eliminating even one response, then you should guess. If you skip a question, make sure to skip down that line on the answer sheet.

Read the question carefully: Do not rush when you read the question! Don’t skim the question! Reading the questions carefully, then look for what you think the answer is in responses. Carefully read the EXCEPT or NOT questions because, unlike the typical Multipoce Choice, all answers are right EXCEPT one.

Eliminate any answer you know is wrong: You can write on the multiple choice questions in the test book. As you read through the responses, draw a line through the responses that you know are wrong.

Read all of the possible answers, then choose the MOST accurate response: Sometimes more than one answer is correct, you need to figure out which is MOST accurate.

Avoid absolute responses: Stay away from responses that include the words “always” or “never”

Mark and skip tough questions: If you are hung up on a question, mark it in the margin of the question book & skip the question on the answer sheet too. Then, if there is time, go back and try again.

  1. Photography/Illustration Questions

These questions require you to interpret a picture in order to gain information in a different way. Examine the picture BEFORE you read the question and possible response. Ask yourself: What is the photographer/artist trying to convey or show to the viewer? Focus: Message & Point of View!

  1. Chart/Graph Questions

These questions require you to examine the data on a chart or graph. While these questions are not difficult, do not spend to much time figuring the answer out. Read the question first so you know what you are looking for. Before you look at the chart, you may be able to eliminate the incorrect responses.

  1. Political Cartoon Questions

These questions require you to interpret a political cartoon. Every cartoon contains symbolism and point of view. Examine the cartoon before you read the question and responses to determine what each part of the drawing represents. Identify the artist’s point of view and message.

  1. Interpreting a Map

Maps are used to describe more than just geography. Look at the map key first to determine what information is being represented in the map.

2. Prepare for the Free-Response or Essay Questions


In Section II, you will be required to write essays for three free-response questions. Part A is DBQ. You are given 10 minutes to review the documents and to outline, and then 40 minutes to write the essay. Part B is the continuity & change over time essay. Part C is the comparative essay. For B&C, you will be given 5 minutes to outline, and 35 minutes to write.

(See your grading rubric for the essays). Also, remember the DBQ essay needs you to add one extra document you’d like to see. Thesis statements are essential to effective essay writing. Prove your points with evidence!

3. Memorize the MAP OF REGIONS for AP World History

Know the lists of countries in each region. Remember our map quizzes!

  1. Remember Chinese Dynasties: Know your Dynasties in order.

Go to YouTube and search Chinese Dynasties AP World and you’ll see kids doing the song and offering advice.

  1. Review your “AP Tip Cards” daily!
  1. Keep a study notebook including divided sections by AP WH Time Periods
  1. 8000 BCE - 600 CE
  2. 600 CE - 1450 CE
  3. 1450 CE - 1750CE
  4. 1750 CE - 1914 CE
  5. 1914 CE to the Present

Be able trace the continuities and changes over time in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East. Compare and contrast political, social, economic structures of these civilizations.