FEBRUARY 25, 2013


Kim Matheny called the regular meeting of the Dublin Scioto Touchdown Club to order at approx. 7:30 pm on February 25, 2013, at Dublin Scioto High School, Room F9.


The following officers and coaches were in attendance: Head Coach- Karl Johnson,

President- Kim Matheny; Vice President- Scott Shadoan, Secretary- Don Hubschman, Treasurer- Jim Vogel


A. President’s Report

Kim highlighted the executive and committee positions filled and available for the 2013 season. The executive committee will be:

President: Don Hubschman

Vice President:Open

Treasurer:Jim Vogel


Class Liaisons

8th grade:Open

Freshman:Cheri Sheminsky (newly filled)

Sophomore:Amber Barr

Junior:Missy Sawicki

Senior:Jennifer Miller

Website:Don Hubschman


Programs:Jen Schafer

Irish After 5:Geri Keeley (newly filled)

Community Tailgate:Sue Stump and Kathy Messick (newly filled)

Away game Tailgate:Renee Conner to coordinate

Spirit Wear:Rosemary Wallace & Friends

Kim also advised that Mr. Messick, who has been handling game day set-up, would like someone to shadow him on this task this year as he is a senior parent and will be moving on.

Geri Keeley gave a quick update on the 2013 IA5. It will be held in Upper Arlington on Friday, August 9th. We’ll be trying a somewhat more casual approach this year. Still deciding on a food theme but it may be Mexican. There will still be a silent auction as well as Reverse Raffle.

Sue Stump gave an update on the Pre-game Tailgate planning. We are considering dialing things back here as well. Perhaps doing the cooking ourselves (burgers, brats, & dogs) and charging less ($5 to 6 range). Activities in order to drive attendance were discussed. These generally are the responsibility of the Student Senate, so we want to make sure we include them and not step on any toes.

B. Coach’s Report

Irish Alum Bradley McDougald turned in a good performance at the recent NFL combine and has been getting some attention.

2013 grad-to-be Tim Shadoan will play football at Ohio Wesleyan University in the fall.

The school entered into a new scoreboard deal. The company installing the scoreboard is responsible for obtaining advertisers. They have filled most advertising slots, but are looking for additional leads. The board will have LED lights but will not have any sort of replay/jumbotron capabilities (that was an additional $100,000). There was some discussion that the board advertising might canabilize sponsors from the IA5.

Freshman football HC position is still open, but we can expect an announcement soon.

Coach Schafer reported that Irish Alum Eric Stamets has gotten called all the way up to the Majors with Anaheim. While he may not stay up there, it is a big accomplishment for someone so young.

Weight room activity has been generally good. Numbers have dropped since spring sports have stated. This is to be expected, but we still want the kids getting their lifts in.

C. Treasurer’s Report

The Budget was discussed in depth at the previous month’s meeting. There were only a few housekeeping items with regard to the Treasurers Report. The reporting of Merchandise Sales was adjusted slightly to carry forward an inventory balance into 2013. This resulted in a reported gain of around $6,000 from 2012 sales. This will give 2013 a starting inventory balance (cost of goods sold) which will need to be deducted from 2013 sales. All things considered, it was a very good year from merchandise sales. For the year in total, the club ran a slight revenue vs. expense deficit, but there were several large expense items (new uniforms, etc.) which were expected and will not be recurring.


Don Hubschman was the only nominee for President and was submitted by the Executive Committee for election as President for 2013. A vote was held with the majority in attendance voting in favor. Rick Gray made a motion to approve. Scott Shadoan seconded the motion and Don will be the TD Club President for 2013. The club is still in need of a Vice President and Secretary for 2013.


Some potential new fundraising opportunities such as t-shirt sales, entrance bricks, and cell phone covers were discussed. Incoming freshman parent Jon Nolan is going to explore the cell phone cover opportunity, as he suggested it and he will report back to the club. Only initial concerns were the minimum required order and thus high B/E sales, as well as the variety of cover styles that may be needed.

The next TD Club meeting will be on March 18th at 7:00.

The meeting was adjourned shortly after 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Don Hubschman, Secretary.