Short Term Goals

Please use the chart below to set your short term goals (3). You need to think of your main goal and break them into each section (S.M.A.R.T). Once you have met each criterion we will have a discussion and check that part off.

SHORT TERM GOAL #1- To make it to Regionals for debate

SMART Goal Setting in 5 Easy Steps
Step / Prompt / Description / SMART GOAL / Criteria met?
1 / S / pecific / “which, what, who, where, when, why?” / To make it to regionals for debate. I have never debated before and want to start since it will teach me skills that will aid me in my life. Mr. Cawkell, Ms. Morgan and Jessie will help me achieve this. /
2 / M / easurable / “how much or how many?” / Making it to regionals for debate. /
3 / A / ction oriented / How I will achieve the goal / Attending all of the meetings and collaborating well with my partner, Jessie, as well as spending time outside of school preparing. /
4 / R / ealistic & Relevant / The objective should be challenging but realistic and also relevant to your school success. / It is challenging as I have never debated before but realistic since I have experience in public speaking. It is relevant since debating is an important skill which will be useful in school. /
5 / T / ime based / “By when” / By the time of the competition. /

SHORT TERM GOAL #2 – To be able to overhand serve consistently in volleyball

SMART Goal Setting in 5 Easy Steps
Step / Prompt / Description / SMART GOAL / Criteria met?
1 / S / pecific / “which, what, who, where, when, why?” / To be able to overhand serve consistently by the end of the volleyball season. My coach, Ms. Chiu will aid me in achieving this by giving me tips on serving. I chose this goal since overhand serves usually exhibit more power and travel faster than underhand serves, so are harder to return by the opposing team. /
2 / M / easurable / “how much or how many?” / When serving overhand, I want to get it over 80% of the time and be able aim into open space. /
3 / A / ction oriented / How I will achieve the goal / I need to practicehitting with a faster swing and hitting it higher by putting my best effort into practicing at practice as well as outside of school. /
4 / R / ealistic & Relevant / The objective should be challenging but realistic and also relevant to your school success. / Practices twice a week, volleyball elective once a week and games as well as practicing at home will give me enough practice to serve overhand. /
5 / T / ime based / “By when” / By the end of the volleyball season (end of October) /

SHORT TERM GOAL #3 – To get a 7 in math

SMART Goal Setting in 5 Easy Steps
Step / Prompt / Description / SMART GOAL / Criteria met?
1 / S / pecific / “which, what, who, where, when, why?” / To get a 7 in math by improving my communication (to get a 6/6) and knowledge (to get a 7/8) criterions. I chose this next year I will be doing IB math which is very difficult so I want to be very confident about my abilities in math. Also, I got a 7 when I was in grade 7 but not last year, so I want to get a 7 again. /
2 / M / easurable / “how much or how many?” / Getting a level 7 /
3 / A / ction oriented / How I will achieve the goal / I can improve my communication mark by checking carefully to make sure I have clearly shown how I had reached my answer and use the proper units. I can improve my knowledge by understanding concepts. /
4 / R / ealistic & Relevant / The objective should be challenging but realistic and also relevant to your school success. / This is realistic since I got a 6 last year so its not that much of an improvement to a 7. Its challenging since I’m doing honors math. /
5 / T / ime based / “By when” / By Feburary when report cards come. /