Administrative Services Staff Meeting

March 4, 2003


__x_Rocky Bonura __x_Janice Ely __x_Alex Kelley ____Lynnda Nelson

__x_Janet Clarke __x_Pam Fees __x_Donna Manno ____Allene Quarles

__x_Mike D’Amico __x_Bob Gann __x_David Miller __x_Marcy Wade

__x_Maurice Elmore __x_Vic Hanson ____Andy Nasatir ____Satish Warrier

Minutes: The minutes of February 19 were approved.

Casual Employees: The list of 210 casual employees (prepared by SCA) going to the Board this month was circulated for verification that those used by Administrative Services (Campus Police, Cashiers and Bookstore) were included. The issue of who is (or should be) responsible for informing managers when casual employees drop below 6 units was discussed.

Annual Reports – Q Builder: The plan to transition to Q-Builder for the first quarterly report of 2003 (due April 15th ) is still in place. The first goal for first quarter could be mastering Q-Builder.


§  Copies of the February 28 memo re: vacant and frozen positions were shared with the group. The Cabinet will meet tomorrow to discuss budget issues and frozen positions. Notify Vic if there are any omissions in the Administrative Services section.

§  Copies of Exhibit C of the 2002-2003 First Principal Apportionment were shared with the group. It confirmed much of what ECC expected re: the budget cuts. Noted:

Ø  The State funded 18,158 FTES, which is equal to 74% of ECC’s entitlement.

Ø  The funded figure is 2.7% of the growth money the college is entitled to; however, the 2% deficit factor applied to ALL revenue wipes out the growth money.

Ø  The contract provides for salary increases based on funded growth plus adjusted COLA; however, this can be interpreted in different ways.

Ø  ECC is trying to maintain its base FTES; however, the State is taking money away from our base via the deficit factor. It was suggested that the summer school program might be a way to improve the FTES situation.

Ø  The February 28 memo on proposed budget reductions identifies $4.5 million in cuts to the General Funds (Restricted and Unrestricted). ECC is still on target with implementing mid-year cuts even though the governor and legislature continue to drag their heels about providing an exact figure.

§  The possibility of identifying the Hawthorne site as lease space was discussed.

Committee Reports/Division Issues

§  Donna Manno

Ø  They have received just over 100 responses to the Administrative Services survey, mostly from staff and management (no faculty). The online format allows for constant updating of information as it comes in.

Ø  She is working on the Onizuka program and the Women’s History luncheon.

Ø  The “Celebrating What’s Right with the World” video will be shown tomorrow at 1 p.m.

Ø  They will be trying an open lab forum to address “how to” questions.

§  Mike D’Amico: They will be losing a Dispatcher on June 1.

§  Maurice Elmore: They are receiving complaints about lack of custodial services on weekends again since they had to let the temporary weekend custodian go.

§  Marcy Wade

Ø  The Chancellor’s Office will be absorbing the cost for CCC which provides a conferencing function (in a chat room format) via the Internet. Technical assistance is also provided. This is a valuable tool, especially now during the budget crunch.

Ø  It was stressed that Board agenda deadlines must be met because late submissions are more susceptible to errors.

§  Alex Kelley

Ø  He will forward Dave Westberg’s E-mail re: the review committee to Marcy. Representatives need to be determined.

Ø  Due to the budget cuts, they will be reducing day service hours, and night service will no longer be available.

§  Bob Gann

Ø  The bids for the science complex closed. They are on track to award 19 of the packages at the March Board meeting. They other two should be ready for the April Board meeting, and they should be able to start the project by April 1. Thanks to Janet Clarke for her assistance.

Ø  He and Janet attended the Hickman mediation hearing. Vic needs a memo by Friday summarizing the details of the resolution for closed session at the March Board meeting. The resolution is scheduled to go to the April Board meeting.

Ø  The State will probably use the M & O figure to reduce funding re: square footage. This needs to be considered in the planning of bond construction. Influencing the funding mechanism at the state level is also needed.

§  Pam Fees: The Tentative Budget will be presented to the PBC on April 17th.

§  Janice Ely

Ø  They are working on the PeopleSoft conversion.

Ø  A check with the labor board confirmed that ECC is not required to pay an employee on his/her last day. However, the college arranged for those who worked from February 20-28th to get their checks on March 10th rather than April 10.

§  Janet Clarke

Ø  April 1 is the purchasing cutoff for supplies and equipment for ALL FUNDS. There is no cutoff for services or travel (5000 series) etc.

Ø  Torrance Title Co. has been notified of the termination of ECC’s lease of the offices, but no Form 519 has been received.

Ø  She is working with Lynnda Nelson on the termination of the coffee and deli service contracts. Lynnda has another company lined up to take over.

Ø  The Salomen Smith Barney contract still needs to be terminated.

§  Ruth Sanchez

Ø  The Area Council meeting tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in Alondra Room.

Ø  The March Management Forum is canceled.

§  David Miller

Ø  Construction is going well.

Ø  There are still problems with Form 519. This is not a retroactive form. It is supposed to precede the work and be signed off by all areas involved BEFORE any of the work is done. Also, Cabinet is supposed to review it for approval after all the items have been priced out. In the case of the recent Grants Office move, none of this happened. It was suggested that the proper procedure needs to be republished and that this is a possible topic for a future Management Forum.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
