Grade 4: Chapter 1- Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction to One Million
Chapter Essential Question:How can you use place value to compare, add, subtract, and estimate with whole numbers?
Before(Grade 3) / Chapter One Standards
Grade 4 / After
(Grade 5)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.NBT.3) / Number and Operations in Base Ten 1: Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one placerepresents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. Forexample, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place valueand division.
- I can model the 10-to-1 relationship among place-value positions in the base-ten number system.
- I can rename whole numbers by regrouping.
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to the hundredths.
Number and Operations in Base Ten 2: Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
- I can read and write whole numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form.
- I can compare and order whole numbers based on values of the digits in each number.
Number and Operations in Base Ten 3: Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
- I can round a whole number to any place.
Number and Operations in Base Ten 4: Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
- I can add whole numbers and determine whether solutions to addition problems are reasonable.
- I can subtract whole numbers and determine whether solutions to subtraction problems are reasonable.
- I can use the strategy draw a diagram to solve comparison problems with addition and subtraction.
Each day the math block will begin with 15 minutes of Daily Math Review and Mental Math. The focus of DMR should be either prerequisite standard skills or previous chapter concepts that were not mastered. The focus of mental math should be based on the current Chapter’s skills and concepts. Adjust the amount of questions in DMR and MM to fit into the 15 minute time block.
Suggested Chapter Pacing
All lessons are paced for one day, unless otherwise indicated. Teachers may adjust to meet students’ needs.
Launching the Chapter / Pre-Assessment / Review Prerequisite SkillsWrite It!: TEI / Show What You Know Assessment
Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 Groups for Small Group Instruction.
Day before beginning Lesson 1.1 / Vocabulary Activity
Develop vocabulary for number sense.
TE 3H / Vocabulary Builder
Identify students who will need further vocabulary support for Chapter One. / Preview Chapter Centers
Introduce chapter games, activities, and literature students will be using during center time. / School – Home Letter
Read together and send home.
I Can Statement / Essential Question / Implementation Notes
Lesson 1.1
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 1 / I can model the 10-to-1 relationship among place-value positions in the base-ten number system. / How can you describe the value of a digit? /
- Give students Base Ten blocks and time to explore. What do you already know about these? How are they related? Ask students: What do we call this? Show the ‘ones’ cube, and so on. Then, introduce the specific names: cube, long and flat .
- All new center activities will need to be introduced today.
Lesson 1.2
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 2 / I can read and write whole numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form. / How can you read and write numbers through hundred thousands? /
- Place-value periods may be a new concept. Commas are the key to understanding place-value periods.
- Place value chart may be posted in the classroom to help - (include the new vocabulary: period.)
Lesson 1.3
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 2 / I can compare and order whole numbers based on values of the digits in each number. / How can you compare and order numbers? /
- Idea for differentiation: Provide students with a place-value chart, similar to the one found on TE 13A. This will help students remember the names and values of each place.
- Ordering numbers is not part of 4.NBT.2, so you may want to omit problems similar to #11 and #12 in the SE.
Lesson 1.4
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 3 / I can round a whole number to any place. / How can you round numbers? /
- You may want to make Lesson 1.4 a 2 day lesson. In the main lesson, the ‘tool’ for rounding (0-4 stays and 5-9 rounds up) is not explicitly addressed. If you choose to teach this rounding tool, use Blackline Master Reteach 1.4.
- All new center activities will need to be introduced today.
- Mid-Chapter Checkpoint not required.
Lesson 1.5
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 1 / I can rename whole numbers by regrouping. / How can you rename a whole number? /
- Base 10 blocks
Lesson 1.6
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 4 / I can add whole numbers and determine whether solutions to addition problems are reasonable. / How can you add whole numbers? /
- Two new center activities will need to be introduced today.
Lesson 1.7
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 2 / I can subtract whole numbers and determine whether solutions to subtraction problems are reasonable. / How can you subtract whole numbers? /
- One new center activity will need to be introduced today.
- Note: Previous work with renaming numbers helps students understand that 3 tens and 2 ones is the same as 2 tens and 12 ones. Make sure to reinforce this concept with subtraction.
Lesson 1.8
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 4 / I can use the strategy draw a diagram to solve comparison problems with addition and subtraction. / How can you use the strategy draw a diagram to solve comparison problems with addition and subtraction? /
- This is a problem solving lesson. The structure of this lesson may look differently than the other lessons in this chapter. This would be a good opportunity for cooperative learning groups, with or without a whole group component.
- This lesson includes a form of part-part-whole boxes. You could provide students with the regular part-part-whole box when solving these problems, if that’s what they’ve been exposed to.
- Possible 2 day lesson.
Resources and Centers for Chapter 1
Technology / Hands-On Resources / Centers
Digital Lesson: Engage / Base-Ten Blocks / Activity: It’s in the Area
Fastt Math / Math Journal / Activity: Round Up!
Interactive White Board Lesson / MathBoard / Activity: Ask Me About Area
Interactive Student Edition / Other Hands-On Resources may be needed for Small Group Instruction Activities. / Activity: Tile Tabulations
iTools: Base-Ten Blocks / Literature: The World’s Tallest Buildings
Math on the Spot Videos / Literature: Summing Up a Pet’s Needs
Mega Math / Game: Who’s The Closest?
Personal Math Trainer / Game: Tree Climb
Real World Video
Additional Resources for Chapter 1
Number and Operations in Base Ten 1 / Number and Operations in Base Ten 2 / Number and Operations in Base Ten 3 / Number and Operations in Base Ten 4
Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 / Puzzle Party / Kilometers and Miles / Use story problems throughout the unit
(This will link to 3rd grade problems – use larger numbers in these problems in Grade 4)
Quantile: MLC Multiplying by 100 / Reading, Writing + Comparing Numbers / Rounding 2
Khan Video / Using Compatible Numbers
City Populations (Independent Practice) / Decode the Message
Target 5 / Rounding 3
Puzzling Places (Independent Practice)
Metric Measures Large and Small
I Have Who Has
Des Moines Public Schools 2014-2015Math Curriculum Guides Page | 1
Grade 4 – Chapter 1