Mr. Karns Name ______

Room 205 Box # ______date______

General Information Sheet

Text: Biology (Prentice Hall 2007)

Objective: To provide for students the opportunity of discovery of the living processes and to allow students to develop the skills necessary to better understand and make decisions about life and it’s interrelatedness.

Major Requirements:

A.  Laboratory work- successfully complete the labs assigned during the year.

B.  Take careful notes and maintain a well-organized collection of the year’s work as described in the Notebook organization sheet.

C.  Maintain a running record of the daily work and attendance each day; (Student Assignment Sheet)

D.  Complete and hand in ALL WORK the day and time it is due. All work is to be done individually, unless stated by Mr. Karns.

E.  Display the proper attitude in class/lab at all times and observe the classroom rules (see rules handout).

F.  Have all materials in class every day and be in your seat before the tardy bell rings.

Grades: Grades are based upon the percentage of points possible that you earn. Your grade can be determined at any time by simply adding the points earned and comparing this value to the total points possible.

Breakdown is as follows:

90% - 100% =A 80% - 89% = B 73%- 79% = C

70%- 72% =C- 58% - 69 % = D 57% and below = Fail

Participation Requirement: as biology is a laboratory oriented course which utilizes a variety of methods of relating material; i.e. lecture, discussion, group work, videos segments, tests, oral and written quizzes, it is necessary for you to be in class as much as possible. You will receive credit for every day you are in class and are participating. Participation credit will not be earned for days missed. Even though some written work may be made up, I believe the experience and interaction that takes place while you are gone is of enough significance that written makeup work alone does not completely replace the lost class time. Simply be in class as much as possible!

Make-up: You are responsible for seeing to it that you get all lecture notes and handouts missed from your absence. You can find out what you have missed from your neighbors student assignment sheet, or see me after class before or after school. I also keep a master Code Chart on the wall for work that was missed if it involves points. Tests must be made up the day you return, unless other arrangements have been made previously, or it has been an extended absence of more than a week. Make-up work will not be allowed during class time, as you would again miss the material for that day. Homework is due at the beginning of the period the next day. No late homework is accepted. I encourage you to contact a friend in class if you miss a day, as you may be better able to keep on top of missed work by finding out what was missed early on. There is some lab work you will not be allowed to make up, as there is a great deal of preparation that is necessary, or the live materials are no longer available. In this event see me immediately; I will try to refer you to an alternate or somewhat equivalent assignment or extra credit if appropriate.

School related absences/Athletics/ASB/etc: If you are going to be miss class for a known school –related reason you must check with me ahead of time and get the homework/work due for the next day. In this way you will be able to turn it in on time or beforehand. Assignments due the day of your absence must be turned in before the event, game or field trip. It is not acceptable to see me after the fact. Homework will not be accepted late for these reasons. Know your schedule and be responsible for your planning. Classroom responsibilities come first, before extra curricular activities!

Activities: Lecture (with notes being taken), group work, discussions, laboratory work, video/filmstrip notes, Field Trips, collections and /or semester projects.

Mandatory student equipment:

1.  One 1.5 inch or larger 3 ring binder (loose leaf)

2.  At least 1 black pen, kept in your notebook. All work is to be done in black pen except for lab drawings. (I suggest a pencil holder 3 ring type)

3.  At least one #2 pencil with eraser for drawings and Scan tron tests.

4.  5 loose-leaf dividers which will be labeled on the tabs.

5.  One standard book cover. Currently, we are able to provide a class set of texts, so books may stay at home. In the event this can’t continue, all texts must be covered. The best cover is a brown paper bag, turned inside out and cut and fit properly. I will help with this.

6.  All materials will be brought to class every day. Failure to have any one of the above-required items will result in a tardy and points deducted for written work. The student will then get or borrow the item, after the consequence has been given. You must be prepared to work every day!

Passes: Each student will be given two hall passes. It is your responsibility to utilize these at your discretion. They are for emergence use only. I believe it is you who best knows when these situations come up. Use the hall passes wisely. Once they are gone, they are gone. If you do not use them during the semester, I will give you extra credit for turning them in at the conclusion of the semester. I want to encourage you to be here and never use them!

Extra Credit: extra credit is periodically available, see Nova handout. After school video’s that include notes and a semi-formal write up are also periodically offered. Maintaining active membership in the Science Field Club may also earn you extra credit for participation of field trips. Participation in some school wide events may also appear from time to time (homecoming week etc.)

Web page/Internet: We are living in an information age. I am providing you a page to check for homework and information through the computer. Utilize it daily. I will try to post homework on it daily in addition to assigning the work in class. It also has some excellent links regarding DNA, Biotechnology and current cutting edge science.

The biology site is

For Advanced Placement biology it is

Bookmark your site and check it nightly. I provide computers in my classroom if you need Internet access after school. Libraries have Internet access, as do Internet café’s and such. Don’t take the attitude that you can’t get on, find a way and solve the problem. If you need help- see me after school I will assist in any way I can! Mr. Karns