My reason for selecting the objectives I did for these lessons were because students should be able to reach these goals and they are all attainable goals. They also cover what is required for a fifth grade class to know. The procedures I used for these lessons were chosen because they helped in offering students with a learning process in which they could be active participants. I want to offer students with lessons were they were not only able to learn from me, but also from their peers. The way I designed my lessons to follow certain procedures were done this way so that I could provide students with new knowledge and then transition the students into using that new knowledge in a way that maximizes their understanding. The assessment procedures I used were chosen because they helped me identify whether students were able to meet my objectives. The assessments helped me identify what it is my students already knew and what information they really processed. They also help me assess the type of instruction I chose and whether it is an effective way to teach my students.
E.8.3 Using the science themes during the process of investigation, describe climate, weather, ocean currents, soil movements and changes in the forces acting on the earth.
I will pre-assess students’ knowledge of this subject by asking them to fill out a worksheet where they will write about what they already know about the ocean.
· Students will be able to identify the differences between oceans and sea.
· Students will be able to identify the characteristics of ocean water.
During the activity process I will informally assess students for their abilities to follow directions and fill out their worksheets.
· tap water
· food coloring
· spoon
· plastic cups
· salt
· eggs
Total time needed: ___
• 30-40 minutes
(Include time allotments)
Introduction: 5 minutes
Okay everyone was handed a worksheet and you were asked to write about what you already know about the Ocean and seas.
Can you share what you wrote in your notes?
It looks like some of you know a thing or two about the Ocean and today I want all of you to pay close attention because we’re going to learn about it today. Also, on Thursday I will be giving another lesson and I will be giving you an assessment that will be graded to see what you really learned, this is why I recommend you take notes.
Steps for instruction
Engagement: 10 minutes
Does anyone know what the difference between the oceans and seas is?
The difference is that oceans are much bigger and occupy large regions of the earth’s surface; while seas are smaller and they are in part surrounded by land or they can be separated from the ocean by islands.
Did any of you happen to write in your worksheets how much of earth’s surface is covered by water?
Well 71% of the earth is covered by a large body of salty water. Geographers decided to divide this large body of water into four oceans and many smaller seas. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest, the Indian Ocean is the third largest, and the fourth largest is the Arctic Ocean.
Demonstration/Participation: 5 minutes
What are the characteristics of ocean water? Can anyone name at least one?
The one characteristic that all of you should already know about ocean water is its salinity or saltiness. Both oceans and seas taste salty because of the minerals that are in it, one of them is table salt. Apart from having table salt in it ocean water has other minerals some that come from weathering of rocks on land and gases.
The saltiness of ocean water can be different in different areas, in warm, dry regions the water has high salinity and in cold regions the salinity is lower. The amount of salinity in water also determines the density or heaviness; a high amount of salinity in ocean water is denser while less salinity decreases density.
Okay, so you can see how the salinity in water determines density we are going to do a small activity. Now each of the groups will have two different cups with water. One of those cups is plain water and the other is water with salt.
Which one based on what you already know do you think will make the egg float because the water is heavier? Student answers…okay let’s test it.
Practice: 10 minutes Okay, so now I would like you to finish filling out the second piece of your worksheet.
Questioning (Create 3-5 higher order thinking questions):
Can you predict what will happen with the egg when put into the different waters?
What is happening now?
Why do you think this is happening? (Salty water is denser than the egg)
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
Children who have trouble would be provided with additional help by me as I go over the information with them in a way they would be able to understand and demonstrating if necessary.
Closure: Okay, now everyone turn in your filled out worksheet. Now tomorrow I will be teaching another lesson about the Ocean floor and will be visited by my teacher who will be observing how I teach; I would appreciate it if you all show how well you do your work and listen.
Cooperating Teacher Signature:
E.8.3 Using the science themes during the process of investigation, describe climate, weather, ocean currents, soil movements and changes in the forces acting on the earth
I pre-assessed students’ knowledge of this subject based on the information I received from them on the first lesson of this project. I asked students to share with me what they already knew, and they only have knowledge that fish live under the ocean, that oceans are bigger than seas and they had a pretty good idea of what percent of the world was covered by water.
Students will be able to identify aspects of the ocean floor.
Students will be able to produce a letter that demonstrates their understanding of the Earth’s ocean.
During the activity process I will informally assess students for their abilities to ask questions that relate to the topic and whether they are taking notes.
Performance Assessment: Student’s will be assessed on their knowledge of the ocean through a letter.
· Dry erase board
· Dry erase markers
· Notebook for record taking of informal assessment
Total time needed: ___
• 30-40 minutes
• Introduction:
(Include time allotments)
Introduction: 3 minutes
Who remembers what we were going to talk about today?
Good you remembered, well today our lesson will continue and were going to learn about the ocean floor.
As you can see I wrote more vocabulary words on the board that you can use in the letter you’re going to write me, but for now I want you to focus on the meaning of these words.
Steps for instruction
Engagement: 10 minutes
Does anyone know what you might find on the ocean floor?
Well those are very good points.
Okay I want you all to picture this, you know that there a parts of the earth’s surface not covered by water. Instead you can find mountains, hills, plains and valleys, if we were able to remove the water from the ocean we will be able to find the similar features. You will be able to see long mountain ranges, volcanoes, plateaus and deep canyons called trenches.
Around the edges of the continents you will find shallow, flat gently sloping land that stretches out from the shoreline to the continental slope called the continental shelf.
Beyond the continental shelf you will find a deep slope that starts where the continental shelf dips and stretches out all the way to the ocean floor called the continental slope. The flattest parts of the ocean floor are also the flattest parts of earth’s surface. These are called the abyssal plains; they are covered with a thick layer of ooze that consists of mud, sand, and decayed organic matter. They cover a large part of the ocean floor, but because the abyssal plains are so deep they are difficult to explore, the deeper you go you will find there is no light and that it is freezing cold. Also in some abyssal you can find huge volcanoes rising from them some which can reach above the ocean’s surface which in turn can create islands. You can also find that the deepest valleys and tallest mountains on earth are found under the ocean. An underwater valley is called a trench.
Demonstration/Participation: 5 minutes
Brief Review:
Okay, as you can see I have some questions up on the board and I will like you to work with a partner, which I will assign you, to review your answers with them. I won’t be giving you the answers to them; this is the time to review what we already learned.
What is the difference between oceans and seas is?
What % of the earth is covered by water?
What are some of the characteristics of oceans?
What is a continental shelf? Continental slope?
What are the abyssal plains?
What’s one thing that you can find rising from them?
Please take some time to work with a partner and review your worksheets.
Practice: 15 minutes Okay, now everyone close your science journals and pass them to right end/ left end of the table. Now I am handing you two pieces of paper one is for writing your ideas and the lined paper is when you are ready to start writing your letter. I hope you remember that I mentioned that you will write me a letter based on what you learned. Well this is your task… .
Questioning (Create 3-5 higher order thinking questions):
Okay, who can tell me what the difference between oceans and seas is?
What % of the earth is covered by water?
What are some of the characteristics of oceans?
What is a continental shelf? Continental slope?
What are the abyssal plains? What’s one thing that you can find rising from them?
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
Children who have trouble would be provided with additional help by me as I go over the information with them in a way they would be able to understand and demonstrating if necessary.
Okay, now I would like to collect what you have and I will return it with some feedback next week. I am excited to read your letters.
Cooperating Teacher Signature:
First Lesson: If you need more space write in the back of the page.
What I know about… / What I learned about…Oceans-
Ocean Characteristics(features that make it recognizable)- / Oceans-
Ocean Characteristics(features that make it recognizable)-
Lesson 2: Written on Board for note taking
Continental shelf-Continental Slope-
Abyssal Plains-
Ridges, Volcanoes and trenches-
Letter Rubric:
Areas that Need Work Criteria for this Task Areas where You Excel
Letter is focused, clear, and specific. It keeps the reader’s attention. Has identified audience.Organized in correct letter form.
Develops and includes details that relate to the focus.
Appropriate conventions are used.
Appropriate choices of 3 vocabulary words that are clear and descriptive are used.
Your task is to write me a letter about an adventure you went on in the Ocean and the things you saw on that adventure. This is a made up adventure, but I do want you to use at least 3 of the vocabulary words in your worksheets.
Dear Student’s,
Yesterday I went on quite an adventure were I was able to explore the ocean. You wouldn’t believe what I saw! I was able to see the ocean floor which was quite dark I had to bring a light.
Ms. Ruiz