Note taker: AngiJolliff

Time keeper: Rochelle Penn

West Middle School

Building Leadership Team

November 16, 2016


TJ Winkler / Joe MacBenn / X
Darnell Collins / X / Angela Miller
Cathy Boedicker / X / Kristy Nelson / X
Tasha Carpenter / Rochelle Penn / X
Deb Dulle / X / Lee Stockhaus / X
TiffiniFlugga SST6 / Karen Young
Angela Joliff / X / Jenny Zickafoose
Kathy Martin / X
1)Silence electronics
2)Be on time
3)Stay engaged with the Agenda Topics
4)All voices are valued, heard and respected



BLT Agenda
  • Math Solutions
  • TBT Share-Out

Strategy / West will Monitor Teacher-Based Teams with the 5-step process to guide core instruction.
Adult Implementation
Indicator / 100% of teaching staff will actively implement and participate in Teacher-Based Teams as embedded professional development.
Set Norms / Mrs. Penn / Time: 2:55 – 2:57
  • Please choose a norm to practice to night.

Math Solutions / Admin & Teachers / Time: 2:57 – 3:05
Item / Teacher / Student
Challenges / Student Work / Talk Moves
  • Still substitutes in the building
  • Students are lacking fundamental math skills
  • Lee will send the DLT criteria for looking at student work
  • Talk Moves used in 2 classrooms.
  • Other classrooms using Wait Time
  • Will do a PD on it again

Step 1 of 5 Step Process: / Mrs. Penn / Time:3:05 – 3:15
100% of teaching staff will actively implement and participate in Teacher Based Teams as embedded professional development
Content / Strategy/ies Used This Month
(What the Adults Do) / Subgroups / # of students who took the assessment / Number of students who are proficient
Proficient = ____% / Number of students who are near proficient
Proficient = ____% / Number of students who are well below proficient
Proficient = ____%
#/stu / % / #/stu / % / #/stu / %
7 Gray / All students / 349 / 181 / 51.8 / 43 / 13.2 / 125 / 35
Students with disabilities / 0
African American / 175 / 90 / 50.8 / 21 / 12.2 / 64 / 37
Multiracial / 68 / 35 / 51.5 / 9 / 13.2 / 24 / 35.3
White / 97 / 50 / 51.4 / 11 / 14.6 / 36 / 34.1
8 Red / All students / 297 / 130 / 44.4 / 55 / 22.9 / 111 / 32.7
Students with disabilities / 21 / 10 / 47.6 / 2 / 9.5 / 9 / 42.9
African American / 176 / 73 / 19.5 / 34 / 19.3 / 69 / 39.2
Multiracial / 30 / 12 / 40 / 6 / 20 / 12 / 40
White / 90 / 42 / 38.9 / 15 / 16.7 / 33 / 36.7
8 Gray / All students / 352 / 214 / 66.5 / 74 / 17.8 / 64 / 15.7
Students with disabilities / 40 / 15 / 37.5 / 13 / 32.5 / 12 / 30
African American / 127 / 70 / 55.1 / 24 / 18.9 / 25 / 19.7
Multiracial / 31 / 11 / 35.5 / 11 / 35.5 / 10 / 32.3
White / 139 / 79 / 56.8 / 35 / 25.2 / 21 / 15.1
7 Red / All Students / 300 / 195 / 65.0 / 41 / 13.7 / 64 / 21.3
Students with disabilities / 65 / 27 / 41.5 / 13 / 20.0 / 25 / 38.5
African American / 129 / 69 / 53.5 / 20 / 15.5 / 40 / 31.0
Multiracial / 38 / 17 / 44.7 / 5 / 13.2 / 16 / 42.1
White / 102 / 30 / 29.4 / 13 / 12.7 / 14 / 13.7
Essentials / All Students / 132 / 99 / 75 / 15 / 11.4 / 18 / 13.6
Students with disabilities / 9 / 2 / 22.2 / 2 / 22.2 / 5 / 55.6
African American / 64 / 49 / 76.6 / 9 / 14.1 / 6 / 9.4
Multiracial / 19 / 15 / 78.9 / 3 / 15.8 / 1 / 53.3
White / 53 / 37 / 69.8 / 6 / 11.3 / 10 / 18.9
Step 2 / Mrs. Penn & BLT members / Time: 3:15 – 3:25
Step 2: Analyze strategy use.
  • What were some issues with the strategy?
  • Did the teachers that had the best results use the strategy differently or more consistently?
/ Step 2: Analyze the effectiveness of the strategy.
  • How many students were in the red after the strategy?
  • Whatsubgroup showed the least growth?

* Felt like students were being spoon-fed
* Student vocab was an issue
* Student time in class
* Lack of consistency with assessment
* Absences and behaviors were a hurdle
Best results:
* Daily lessons were more effective
* Using Modeling along with the strategy / 13.6 Non-linguistic Essentials SWD
21.3 Similarities and differences 7 Red White
32.7 Similarities and differences 8 Red White
35 Reinforcing effort and ach. 7 Gray Multi
15.7 Reinforcing effort and ach. 8 Gray Multi
Step 3 & 4 / Mr. Winkler, Mr. Collins & TBT members / Time: 3:25 – 3:35
Step 3 – Establish shared expectations
for implementing specific and effective changes consistently across all classrooms. What strategies being implemented by the ADULTS will be shared/continued or stopped. / Step 4 – Implement Changes Consistently
  • What will you see in the classroom when the selected strategies are implemented?
How will we know if we implemented with fidelity?
  • Essentials chose to continue with the Non-linguistic
  • 7 Gray will continue with effort charts
  • 8 Gray will discontinue- too time consuming
  • Student work should be up walls
  • Grades should start improving
  • Smart goals should be more kid-friendly to mean more to them

Step 5 – At the next meeting: / 3:25 – 3:50
  • Math Solutions

  • 5-Step Quarterly Assessments

Reflection / Mrs. Penn & Team / Time: 3:50 – 3:55
Communication to the DLT/TBTs and Reflection
Notes for: / Strengths/Successes / Obstacles/Challenges / Supports Needed
DLT / Lots of new strategies and teaching with fidelity / Goal setting PD
TBTs / Are more authentic and working well / Some teachers are not making the strategies meaningful
Is the Team on one accord for student success / Need PD on goal-setting
Yays / Nays / Cures
- Great, kept moving
- BLT focused + on task!
- Saw how this all works
- great discussion
- enjoyed the discussions today
- work accomplished
- excellent snacks
Learned how SMART goals are to be written individually
- breaking into groups to analyze TBT data / - Poor attendance
- Lots of people absent
- low attendance
- Small group discussion
- missing 6 members
- small group discussion / - eat more delicious snacks but exercise after
- improve attendance ratio