August 19, 2010

The Board of Trustees of the Giddings Independent School District, State of Texas, met in a regular session on Thursday, August 19, 2010at 7:30 p.m. in the Giddings Elementary Library. The meeting was called to order by President Stan DeGerolami and a quorum was established. The invocation was given by Mark Johnson


Board Members Present:Mr. Stan DeGerolami, Mr. Steve Janda,

Mr. Michael Morgan,Mrs. Mary Ellen Whitsel,

Mr. Jason Locke, Mr. Mark Johnson

Board Members Absent:Mr. Don Johnson

School Personnel andAllen Law, Cindy Knight, Don Spivey,

Visitors Present:Texene Placke, Stephanie Jurek, Shane Holman,

Jimmy Simmonds, Andy Masek, Chris Gersch,

Charlotte Penn, Deborah Teinert, Arnold Teinert,

John Simmang, Julie Schatte, Susan Zapalac,

Tracy Reichel, Austin Barnett, Patricia Rivers,

Stephanie Noack, Lilly Winters


1.There was no audience with individuals or committees making a report.

2. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locketo approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 1, 2010, Regular Meeting of July 15, 2010 and Special Meetings of August 3, 2010 and August 5, 2010; Payment of July bills as follows:

Operating$ 1,488,521.86

Special Ed Coop$ 100,563.09

Total$ 1,589,084.95

Approved the following donation:

Donation of 24 bags to the school for use in the High School Band program from the Giddings Band Boosters. The cost of the bags are $24.00 each, for a total of $576.

The motion carried unanimously.

There were no budget amendments or adjustments.

3.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Steve Janda to approve the LCAD Operating Budget for 2010-2011. See Attachment A

The motion carried unanimously.

4.A motion was made by Jason Locke and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve the agreement with Lexington ISD for the Discipline Alternative Education Program.

The motion carried unanimously.

5.A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the agreement with Dime Box ISD for the Discipline Alternative Education Program.

The motion carried unanimously.

6.Went to Item 6.f. A motion was made by Steve Janda and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve continuing GISD’s membership in the Region XIII Legal Services Project for 2010-2011 with Walsh, Anderson, Underwood, Schulze & Aldridge and Gallegos, P.C.

The motion carried unanimously.

7.Went back to Item 6.e. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the following transfer students for the 2010-2011 school year:

Troy Smith

Corey Faire

Ashley Archer

Ty Heath Iselt

The motion carried unanimously.

8.Went to Item 6.g. A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve the following certified appraisers for 2010-2011:

Andy MasekChad RoodShane HolmanSue Zapalac

Greg Shelton Jeff DockCharlotte PennStephanie Jurek

Chris GerschAllen LawGlenn Buscha

The motion carried unanimously.

9.A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the dates of Appraisal Period for teachers to equal the days of each teacher’s contract with the formal observations to occur from September 13, 2010 through May 5, 2011 under the Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS).

The motion carried unanimously.

10.A motion was made by Steve Janda and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve the impact statement for Responsive Education Solutions.

11.Went to Information/Discussion:

a.The Board set the date for a Special meeting on August 26, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

to approve the GISD budget for 2010-2011 and to set the tax rate to fund it.

b.The Board tabled the swim program until a consultant can look at this program and give specifics on what the program will cost.

c.Mr. Law gave an update regarding GES and Buffalo Stadium construction.

d.The Giddings High School received 2nd place for the TASA/TASB award for high school building and construction.

12.The Board went into closed session at 8:28 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 9:20p.m.

13.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the following paraprofessional staff:

Stacey OrmsbyGIS Instructional Aide

Vance BradfordGIS Instructional Aide

The motion carried unanimously.

14.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the following auxiliary staff:

Theresa HayesBus Driver

The motion carried unanimously.

15.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve the following GSSC staff:

Masami FujitaLSSP

The motion carried unanimously.

16.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve the following new substitutes for the 2010-2011 school year:

Victoria Roesch

Jana Riley

The motion carried unanimously.

17.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to employ the following returning substitute teachers for the 2010-2011school year:

Cierra Cortez

Katherine Gentry

Penny Harvey

Caroline Noack

Brittney Rios

Dot Westfall

The motion carried unanimously.

18.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve extended leave to the following staff personnel:

Kira Wilson

Kari Stewart

L’Anna Dock

The motion carried unanimously.

19.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to approve adding

C & I secretary to the P4 salary scale.

Voting for: Michael Morgan, Mary Ellen Whitsel, Steve Janda, Jason Locke, Mark Johnson

Abstaining: Stan DeGerolami

The motion carried.

20.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the salaries of the

P Scale as presented.

Voting for: Michael Morgan, Mary Ellen Whitsel, Steve Janda, Jason Locke, Mark Johnson

Abstaining: Stan DeGerolami

The motion carried.

21.A motion was made by Michael Morgan and seconded by Jason Locke to approve a stipend of $100 each month/$1200 per yearto the person designated to work at thescheduled monthly Board Meetings.

Voting for: Michael Morgan, Mary Ellen Whitsel, Steve Janda, Jason Locke, Mark Johnson

Abstaining: Stan DeGerolami

The motion carried.

22.A motion was made by Steve Janda and seconded by Mary Ellen Whitsel to adjourn at

9:28 p.m.

The motion carried unanimously.


Stan DeGerolami, Board PresidentMichael Morgan, Board Secretary