A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell

when his influence stops” –Henry Adams

Just follow the smells and the crowds to Room 306, and there you will find ME, a bi-lingual, cultural educator mom, who loves her job; adores her colleagues; thoroughly enjoys her students; has every conceivable “Fannie May” chocolate confection, all the latest, freshest sweet treats on the market that fill the infamous ‘third drawer’, and file cabinet drawers, window ledges and desk. There is also the heavenly aroma of mango/papaya-scented oil that permeates throughout the classroom – Room 306 (adds up to ‘9’, my lucky number).

My hats are many, and my rewards overflowing here at SRB. I am primarily a Language Arts teacher in the junior high, a parent of two current and two former students and graduates of SRB, Student Council Advisor, one of the Fundraising Coordinators and a parishioner. St. Robert Bellarmine is my second home. It affords me the opportunity to share my craft and passion for literature and writing with junior high students; network with the best group of talented teaching staff and administration; work with student leaders who represent the student body of our school; fundraise for class trips and funds that go toward school equipment/supplies, and most importantly a venue for my own children to attain a first class education. I am exceedingly proud to be the parent of two honors students who made their education a top priority (all thanks to their exemplary teachers, edicts and school mission) at St. Robert’s, and have gone on to be honors students in high school as a result. My two children currently at SRB are carrying on their older siblings’ legacy of hard work, focus and values practice and modeled at SRB daily.

I love what I do, and can give 110% of myself as a teacher all because of who I work for, and where I work. I am provided the environment, administration, staff and creative license that allow me to be the effective educator I know students can respond to and learn from. My third wing haven permits me to conform my classroom into a comfort zone with an eclectic mix of casual retro, where color patterns never clash, correct grammar is addressed immediately and posted on gigantic polka dot color-forms on the windows, where tea is always brewing and snacks readily available for happy, enthusiastic kids who are excited to come in and discuss the next chapter of a book or discovered the joy of diagramming.

In addition, my 7th grade homeroom students are responsible for activities that promote leadership, values, responsibilities and spirituality. They are in charge of the day to day operation a bank branch in our school; run for office (Student Council and/or BETA – Junior National Honor Society); head the recycling effort; plan and prepare school masses; mentor our first graders, and are officers/members of Safety and Service Squads, not to mention involvement in sports, scouts, quiz bowl, Science Olympiad, essay contests, and much more.

Room 306 is happening!